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Divination with Gremory: Should I anticipate stumbling blocks?


“Gemory is described in demonological works such as the Munich Manual of Demonic Magic, the Liber Officiorum Spirituum, the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, the lesser Key of Solomon, the Dictionnaire Infernal as appearing in the form of a beautiful woman (though as with all Goetic demons referred to using the masculine pronouns “he” and “his”) wearing a duchess’s crown and riding a camel, ascribed with the power of revealing hidden treasures and answering questions about the past, present, and future. The Munich Manual, Pseudomonarchia, Lesser Key, and Dictionnaire further give Gemory the power of procuring love from women (although the Liber Officiorum Spirituum describes him as “a companion of the love of women, and especially of maidens”), while the Pseudomonarchia and the Lesser Key note that the duchess’s crown is (somehow) worn on Gemory’s waist. Stephen Skinner and David Rankine, in their edition of The Goetia of Dr. Rudd, suggest that this was a mistranslation of the Latin cingitur which should have been translated “encircling her head”. Gemory is mentioned in a manuscript labelled Fasciculus Rerum Geomanticarum.”


  • Source: Wikipedia


In my own deck of cards, I have given Gremory the Ace of Cups tarot card for its association with intimacy. However, I will stay true to the Occult Tarot deck and give him the Empress tarot card. The card is associated with the ability to find love from women of all ages (although some accounts emphasize maidens) or other affectionate sentiments. As always, the hope for this thread is to choose one card to provide inspiration and guidance daily while holding the hope that one of our beloved demons will reach out.


The Empress tarot card is one that can be found in the Major Arcana deck. This card is associated with various things such as intimacy, the ability to reveal hidden items, or even being capable of divinity. When it appears upright in a reading, it is interpreted as feminity, fertility, beauty, nature, or even abundance. When it is reversed however, it usually means a creative obstacle or even reliance on other people. In essence, this card shows the productive capabilities of the individual or their lack thereof (when it is reversed).


This card usually shows the empress as a beautiful lady with a crown of 12 stars on top of her head. Her beauty obviously harks back to the interpretations of feminity and beauty. The 12 stars are indicative of the cyclic months of the year as well as the twelve planets recognized by the occult. These 12 stars also align with the interpretation of nature given they are indicative of natural cycles such as the year. The adornments on her robe are of pomegranates thus showing the interpretation of abundance.


Upon broader observation of the Empress tarot card, it can be seen that the backdrop is a lush green setting. There is also a clear stream flowing by in close proximity. These go to show her connection with nature and Mother Earth herself. This serene environment also adds emphasis to the interpretation of feminity which is associated with a calm aura and a sense of peace. The last item of note on the card is a field of wheat in the foreground that further implies abundance by virtue of a bountiful harvest.


The Demon


Gremory is a demon who is listed among the 72 spirits that were summoned and bound to a brass vessel by King Solomon in the days of antiquity. He is by default a fallen angel because of having rebelled against heaven. In the Ars Goetia, he is listed as the 56th demon among the selected 72. He ranks as a Great Duke of Hell with command over at least 26 legions of lesser demons that carry out his commands. Not much else is known about this demon as consistent with the mysterious nature of these beings.


Gremory is usually depicted as a beautiful woman. He however goes by male pronouns perhaps indicating that the demon is androgynous. The woman is shown wearing duchess attire and has a crown at the top of her head – some accounts mistakenly state that her crown is worn around the waist. The demon also usually appears riding atop a great camel. Despite there being no mentions of anything monstrous in her appearance, there is no way of knowing whether Gremory assumes any other shape besides this comely one.


Gremory has many offices although his most important one is procuring the love of women from all ages. He is able to make the conjuror gain the favors of mostly maidens although he is equally capable of manipulating older women. His other major office is the ability to tell of all things past, present, and future – he can therefore be summoned to provide accurate answers on different things throughout history. The demon is also able to reveal the locations of hidden treasures to the conjuror if they so wish.


Note – there are no mentions of whether the demon is malevolent, benevolent, or indifferent towards human beings. Caution should therefore be exercised when dealing with him.


The Message


Should I look forward to new beginnings? Should I anticipate stumbling blocks?


I believe that Gremory can be a useful ally of the conjuror. Besides being capable of drawing the favors of multiple women, he can also show you where treasures are hidden. The latter office is particularly important for anyone who is looking to get ahead in life. Alternatively, his ability to tell of things past, present, and future can also be useful in making predictions – this office would perhaps mostly be useful to gamblers, stock traders, and the like. Likewise, you can find great value in forming a friendship with this demon.

If a reading turned up upright for me, I would immediately begin to feel optimistic. This is because the implication here is that I may meet someone new or engage in some productive activities. Both these instances would show one taking forward steps in life. Alternatively, if the reading was reversed then I would exercise more caution. I would try to establish the things that are making me unproductive or reliant on other people. In this way, I can begin a process that will either remove the obstacle or allow me to work independently.


Helpful Resources on The Occult Tarot Series

Divination and Summoning of Demons with Tarot Cards


Occult Tarot by Travis McHenry

Drawing on daemons, symbols, and sigils from ancient magickal grimoires including Archidoxis Magica and the Key of Solomon, Occult Tarot presents a fully realized divination tool to finally embrace and behold the mysteries of the night.

The first tarot deck to faithfully adhere to the Solomonic principles of demon conjuration, Occult Tarot allows practitioners to discover the power of ancient demons and learn to tame the beasts that wander between the physical and spiritual worlds.

Should we be sold out, if you are in the USA you can grab this deck from Amazon.



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