The Number 13 is a karmic number and is the number of upheaval so that new ground can be broken. The number 13 has great power. If this power is used for selfish purposes, it will bring destruction of the self, and in turn, this will bring dis-ease and illnesses. Adapting to change gracefully will bring out the strength of the 13 vibration, and decrease any potential for the negative.

13’s are traditionalists, hard workers and organisers.

As the 13 vibration is associated with genius, people under the influence of 13 need to strive to transmute all their vices into virtues. Number 13 people go through many trials, tests and temptations in their search for the spiritual consciousness.  The conscious must always be their guide as number 13 is the number of ‘right judgement’ and their spiritual growth is more often gained through pain rather than pleasure.

13 people are very vulnerable and can be touchy and quick to be offended, but they usually relax whey they are sure of your friendship, love and support. An angry 13 person is a force to be reckoned with as they are guts and defend themselves well –  but they must remember that their words can do irreparable damage.

The 13 energy has chosen a particular set of problems this incarnation and it will take the better part of their lives before they understand and come to terms with their difficulties. This number needs a soul mate and generally has difficulties up until the age of 30 or so. Once secure, they find success.

They are very loyal souls and make good friends and 13’s are usually very talented in many areas and may enjoy positions of authority, although many 13 people lack confidence in themselves.

It is vital that the 13 person steers clear of negative situations and people in their lives.Those born on the 13th worry far too much and often have early struggles.

Those born on the 13th love to work with their hands. As children they may love building blocks, LEGO, any mechanical gadgets and things they can construct, keep them busy for hours. As adults, this energy enjoys fixing, mending and constructing/creating things.

* For Day and Destiny Number, see number 4 (1+3=4). Also see the attributes of number 1 and number 3.

Ideal gifts for the 13 energy include all items that this practical number has already circled in the D.I.Y., sports or electronics catalogue. If in doubt, get them a gift voucher,or cash in a humourous or meaningful card.

For men, a new wallet or watch goes down well, while women prefer bags and shoes – but they must match of course.



CREDITED: Joanne Walmsley, Sacred Scribes 

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