The Master Builder, dreams made manifest, ancient wisdom, realization, force of nature, the future, evolution, technology, Universal Love, God, retribution, redemption, love, war, leader, the Universe, personal power, charisma, service, the Divine imagination, idealist, expansive, visionary, government, Universal transformation, philanthropy, common sense, practicality.

Positive Attributes:
Idealistic, pragmatic, creative, ingenius, intuitive, idealistic

Negative Attributes:
Nervousness, anxiety, stubborn, immovable, inflexible, obnoxious, willful.


Number 22 is the number of the Spiritual Master Builder on the Material plane. 22 synthesizes and expands the powers of 11. There is four times the power and energy in this vibration so there is four times the strength to use on the material plane. This is the ‘God’ energy brought to the material plane and put into form, and this vibration holds with it a great deal of responsibility. Because of its great power, the number 22 may result in outstanding ascendancy or disastrous downfall.

The Master Number 22 symbolizes the principle of precision and balance. When it senses its full capacity as a ‘Master Builder’, it can achieve what is hardly imaginable. The 22 can turn the most ambitious of dreams into reality and is potentially the most successful of all numbers.

Master Number 22 carries many of the inspirational insights of the number 11, combined with the practicality and methodical nature of the 4 energy. It is unlimited, yet disciplined. It sees the archetype and brings it down to earth in some material form. It has big ideas, great plans, idealism, leadership and enormous self-confidence.

Number 22 is one of the power and accomplishment. It’s colours are cream and coral and its symbol is the Cross. Its’ keywords are Light, co-operation and harmony, and wherever the vibration is found there is the opportunity to co-operate with God’s plan on earth.

Number 22 offers the opportunity to manifest in a Master way  —
Four times the energy, four times the power, four times the responsibility. A plan that is well worked out in advance is necessary for this energy. Dependable, responsible, honest and structure are all adjectives and attributes describing this Master energy. There is a need to build a firm foundation for whatever is required in the person’s life.

The square or cube is the symbol of 22. It is the number that sees the larger picture and one who can work with the details necessary to complete that picture. The vision of the completed project and the energy to see it through is not everyone’s vision, but it is the responsibility of the 22 to bring it through to fruition.

Master Number 22s succeed best if they learn to control the thoughts that rule their subconscious mind. As they are the ultimate manifesters of dreams into reality, a 22 reaps the greatest rewards by choosing his or her thoughts carefully. Positive thoughts bring a 22 positive things. Negative thoughts often manifest as roadblocks to success or prosperity.

The biggest fear of number 22 is that they will let others down.

Number 22 is the Spiritual Master Builder and Teacher and has chosen to come back to the earth plane to help the human race. To do this, they need to take this energy and help to build a better, firmer foundation for the human race in the Aquarian Age. Master Number 22 will help to establish the foundation for a new consciousness on the planet.

Very family-oriented, the number 22 Day person will often stay in situations rather than move on. They dislike confrontation, but with the right support, can become one of life’s great success stories and accumulate a lot of wealth.

People born on the 22nd love to work with their hands, and as children they love building blocks, LEGO, and any mechanical gadget that can keep them occupied for hours. As adults they enjoy creative endeavours of all kinds.

Those born on the 22nd can be very emotional, so need to work on their self-esteem. Many engineers, inventors and millionaires are born on this day.

Destiny or Life Path 22s are the master builder. Whatever a 22 thinks about is almost sure to manifest so it is very important for them to choose their thoughts carefully. If they are willing to work for what they desire they can achieve enormous prestige, success and fame.

22s are the most capable of the Life Path numbers and are endowed with many powers. They have a unique talent for manifesting ideas into the realm of reality. Sometimes
they display what looks like insensitivity, but actually they are just very focused upon their goals. This is part of a spiritual directive to be detached from objects and the outcome of events. Many of them work for material gain, with the idea that their wealth should be spread among the masses.

22s have the highest soul calling of all of the numbers, as it is the call to transform the world permanently and for the better. Usually 22s are born with all of the tools that they need to accomplish this, including a stable personality, intelligence, courage and charisma. Perhaps the most healing thing for the soul is simply to read out loud the words of ancient texts as these writings resonate very strongly with the noblest aspirations of the higher self.

22 express themselves best through building a better world.

The number 22 is called the Master Builder because they are capable of manifesting great changes on the earthly plane. They usually do this through the construction of some kind of empire, whether it is of a social, financial or religious nature.

22s are masters of manifestation who know how the power of a negative thought or image can destroy potential.

22s fulfil their highest potential by bringing ideals into everyday reality.

Positive Characteristics:
The leader, mastery, power and great accomplishment are keywords associated with the 22 Name.

Negative Characteristics:
Too much of the 22 personality may bring the tendency to be eccentric and unorthodox in their choices. They may be inclined to take on many financial risks with great losses attached, and if they become too focused on material gain or wealth to the point of obsession, this can make them overbearing and often a very dominating person to be around.
Those with the 22 as their Name Number are very proficient and strong leaders and have the potential to do very well and be successful in whatever areas of work or career they choose to undertake, especially if they are inclined towards the world of business. They have the capacity to make decisions and accept great responsibility in seeing large projects through from start to finish.

Those born on the 22nd day of the month are both intuitive and scientific, making them excellent doctors, nurses, carers, counsellors, researchers, designers and architects.

The number 22 person would love to receive as a gift, anything they’ve already circled in the DIY, electronic or sports catalogue  –  22’s know what they want. If unsure, get them a gift voucher or give cash in a funny card.

For men, a new wallet or watch will impress.  For women, handbags and shoes.

Also see the energies and attributes of number 2 and number 4 (2+2=4)



CREDITED: Joanne Walmsley, Sacred Scribes 

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