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Easter is the Celebrating of Chocolate Eggs

Here we go! It’s coming onto Easter and I am starting to receive the emails on “Save yourself with Jesus.” Let me share with you SOME of the long the email I received today:

Wicca is Satanic, the doctrine of devils!!! God says to those involved in Wicca, “Ye are of your father THE DEVIL, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He wasA MURDERER from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is A LIAR, and the father of it” (John 8:44). Lucifer is a bold-faced liar—the devil—that old deceitful serpent. He is a murderer. Jesus said, The thief (Lucifer) cometh not, but for to STEAL, and to KILL, and to DESTROY: I am come that they might have life” (John 10:10). There are many differences between the dozens of groups of Wiccans; however, the following common elements can be found:

A polytheistic world-view (there are many gods, usually a pair).
A belief in reincarnation (animals come back as humans)
A belief that ALL objects have life and souls.
Most are militantly feminist and politically left-wing, even anarchistic; although there are exceptions.

A “do your own thing” morality, as long as it doesn’t “hurt anybody.” This often includes free sexual activity (at least within the group).

The belief that persons can evolve spiritually through their own efforts and ultimately attain either enlightenment or even godhood (similar to what Mormon’s believe).

There is no headquarter organization with a stated creed or dogma. In fact, it is precisely this lack of structure that draws many to these groups. These pagan faiths attract very bright people who feel different or special, those who have had bad experiences with mainstream religions, those who feel abandoned by God, free spirits who dislike structure, the rejected (by family or society), rebels, and those attracted to occult or mystical experiences. Some witches do not call themselves witches, but refer to themselves as Wiccans, white witches, or neo-pagans. “Neo-paganism” is simply a cover for witchcraft.  In Wicca, Everyone has his or her own spiritual path to follow.

Rituals and celebrations are linked to the seasons and moon phases.  Meditation, visualization, invocation (calling on forces or gods/goddesses), chanting, burning candles and special rituals trigger a sense of the mystical, thus reinforcing the core belief system.  Witches and Neo-pagans claim they practice white magic, using their power and abilities to bring about good.  They revere nature, support peace, & believe society cannot be at peace if we are out of harmony with nature or are mistreating our mother, Earth.

I believe most Wiccans are sincere people, many tired of organized religion. I think God is also disgusted with most religion.  I always remind folks that salvation is NOT found in a religion, it is found in a person—Jesus Christ. Religion is man’s manipulation of the truth, we must follow God’s Word—the King James Bible.  Wicca is evil and should be avoided and condemned.  Their is no merit in anything that leaves out Jesus Christ. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH IN HIM should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). Say yes to Jesus!!!

Jesus Christ am I sick of people shoveling their shit down our throats. I am a witch. I am proud to be a witch. I belong to a community who loves our earth and connects to the energy of the universe. I am not a Wiccan, as Wicca is a religion. I do feel empathy for Wiccans, as they really do get lumped with the entire spectrum of witchcraft and occult activities. Many Wiccan’s are NOT even witches, and many do NOT practice spell crafting. I guess it is easier for Xians to “cast a stone” rather than read a book. However, it is by being a “blind follower” that their entire religion exists. Remember that if you challenege the rules of the church, you are SINNING! Or back in the day, you would be killed. Damn! Xians talk about witches casting spells is bad for the karma, but what accountability do they have for 2000 years of murder for non-believers. Ooops…I forgot: “Jesus Forgives – so carry on hating and praying cause I got your back!”

I gave up my belief in man made stories when I had the ability to think outside of my parents Anglican (yet non-practicing) alignment. Jesus, Santa, and the Easter Bunny – along with stories of The Ark, The Whale, Virgins having babies, and a “God” who spends his time punishing people V feeding the hungry. To quote CC Music Factory,  Things That Make You Go Hmmmm…”


It always amuses me when Xians talk about the sin of sex. Do they know why their religions started to prohibit sex, even between married couples? Stay tuned, I’ll prove you historic facts in a coming blog. Meantime, watch this video to understand what happens when sexual urges are suppressed!


You ARE on the right path if you are following the oldest tradition on the earth. Modern religions are exactly that…MODERN. They are MAN MADE STORIES created by a group of men looking to control the masses by invoking fear into the hearts of man. Religion does have a positive side too (love each other), but can we all agree man-controlled religions incite more hate and war, than love and peace?


In the coming week I will be posting videos and blogs on this topic, as Xians use this time to F(*^*K with your mind, and use guilt infused with “you’ll rot in hell” slogans. STAY strong during this time.

So enjoy Easter for what it is…a day of chocolate, friends, family, and perhaps a few spells.



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