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Experiences With Demons: Lilith

Hey Black Witch Coven,

Hope things are going awesome. Just wanted to share a recent story with you regarding Lilith. I’ve shared one before on how she’s effected my life with a halloween contest. But this one I thought I must share with you.

Recently I had come into some health issues. I ended up with a diabetic foot infection over the Holidays and nearly lost my foot. One of my friends had did a ritual to Lilith for me being of her and I’s connection to each other. She saved my foot from being amputated and it’s almost healed. boxing day, I was discharged from the hospital, they called me back in for surgery to drain the rest of the fluid out and discharged me 2 days later.

I asked Lilith if she was still with me and she left her mark on my arm letting me know she’s still healing my foot. It’s almost healed. After I’ve been home for a few days, I almost die from a bit of congestive heart failure and an pneumonia. They drained 4 laters of fluid out of me in the ICU. Pretty sure she saved me from dying.


Blessed Beast.

Your loyal Follower

P.S. Thought I’d include a pic of what Lilith gave a sign to on my arm. It burnt like hell but was awesome she let me know she’s still here with me.

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