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Full Moon Feedback for August 19, 2024

Savannah is High Priestess of Black Witch Coven


The August 19, 2024 Full Moon was such a stunning event. Here in New Orleans, it was a perfect evening. The humidity was not unbearable, and the moon was putting on a show for all!

In the video I created for those who purchased the full moon event, this is to be considered a reference page to some of the topics I was talking about in the video. Not everyone is interested in detailed astrological information, but if you are and it helps you with your own magic, I’m happy to provide it when I have the time.

Remember, I am a “Black Magick Witch” or Luciferian who considers planetary times in my ritual and spell work. You do not need to if you don’t want too. For me, timing my magick with the phases of the Moon is essential for my success, and the success for my clients.

Casting spells according to moonphase:

Hands down the most popular request I have on the full moon right now, is for romance and for enhanced romantic relationships in some way. The full moon favors communication and social interaction. This phase is very favorable to deal with romantic issues, as it can be a true aphrodisiac.

If you have been working on a love spell, this is when you will see the best results. Act on your desires and take chances! So many of you choose the full moon to work on your love life.

Whether you’re married and hoping your spouse treats you a little bit better or becomes a little more (whatever you need them to be),  or, in some cases, you want your spouse to release, perhaps an addiction, so they can be a more loving family member. Whatever it is, the full moon is the greatest time to work on these micro behaviours. Imagine, if on every full moon, the great Gods and Goddesses grant you a small blessing. By the end of the year, you’ll have a new spouse!

A rule of thumb is to remember for white magick, this is best done while the moon is waxing (increasing in light; new to full). The best time is as close to the full moon as possible. Love spells, acquiring a new job, wealth success, and so forth.

When the moon is waning (decreasing in light; full to new), this is the best time for success in black magick and works of destruction, the best time being as close to the new moon as possible. The waning moon is also a good time for ending things, banishing spells and ending personal bad habits, and even…….losing weight.

A Reminder of what you can magically do on the full moon

  • Completion and Culmination: Full Moons often mark the end of a cycle, bringing projects, relationships, or personal goals to a peak or conclusion. It’s a time to assess what has been achieved and what may need to be released or adjusted.
  • Clarity and Illumination: The light of the Full Moon can shine a light on areas that have been hidden or unclear. It’s a good time for gaining insight into situations or emotions that have been obscured.
  • Emotional Release: Full Moons can amplify emotions, making it easier to confront and release pent-up feelings. It’s a potent time for emotional healing and letting go of what no longer serves you.
  • Balance and Integration: Full Moons often highlight the need for balance between opposing forces in your life, such as work and personal life, or self and others. It’s a chance to integrate and harmonize these aspects.
  • Reflection and Realignment: Use this time to reflect on your intentions from the New Moon phase and see how they have manifested. It’s a moment to realign your goals and make adjustments if necessary.

Planetary considerations for August:

August could feel like a whirlwind when it comes to love and finances. The chaotic astro weather is challenging us to re-evaluate what we wholeheartedly desire — particularly the responsibilities and accountability that are required — so we can confront what needs to be addressed and reworked in our relationships, spending habits and money-making abilities.

All in all, this is an opportunity to refine your goals and dreams, and with intention, discernment and the necessary adjustments, your hard work could lead to long-term growth.

Once again, the same as last month, if you are being restricted by some individual, it’s time to cut the cord. This can be really difficult when it comes to setting boundaries with family members and long-term friends. Find a way you can step away from their toxicity, or from toxic conversations that bring you down and limit your personal drive.

Daemonic praise:

As this moon enhances communication with the spiritual world, any kind of ritual that is performed under the Full Moon will experience a boost of Power. Divination rituals are especially strengthened by this moon, like any personal spellwork that could use a major boost, including rituals for abundance, protection, love or wisdom.

Gods, Goddesses, Demons are said to have a specific time of the year where they are more open to connection with human spirits, or they have been known to be more receptive to praise.

I personally have changed my rituals to include a gratitude for specific Demons each month. This is not a Ritual, where I request anything from these Demons, it is just a special section of my moon ritual where we honour and give gratitude to the greatest “demons” who have ever helped us humans..

Spellcasting and Ritual information:

As mentioned above, the full moon was in Aquarius this month. This is the best moon sign for spells of independence and breaking away from restrictive situations. Freedom and coming into your own.

September Moon Tips

Get Ready – Time to work on ENDINGS

Next month, the moon is in Pisces and this is a great month for taking revenge on those who have done you wrong. That’s right. If somebody has been interfering with your life and you have tried to remove yourself from them all the situation it is now time to take a little left-hand path action towards freeing yourself so you can move forward. It truly is a choice. You can stay in the same toxic situation with the same toxic people, or you can try and get out of dealing with them.

Also, if you’re really trying to improve your psychic ability, this might be the right moon phase/full moon to ask for enhanced psychic abilities. Even if you’re getting me to ask for this improvement, I do suggest you spend some time in meditation so you can receive spiritual communication.

If you know somebody who is not feeling the best, or you want to deliver a healing to somebody, the full moon in September is a fantastic time for you to practice your psychic healing abilities. If this is important to, you, make sure you write this down now so you don’t forget to send a healing to someone on the next full moon.

Ask Savannah to Cast Your September Full Moon Intention Now

You can check out which Demons I will be honouring in the September moon ritual on the link above, as I have additional information on the product page for the event.

Final Advice:

In any event, NOW marks a time to stay adaptable and keep an open mind, as our usual human way of doing things could be in flux. Don’t be discouraged, as this is an opportunity to break free from stagnant routines and conventional methods that no longer serve you.

Reflect on any lessons or insights gained over the past lunar cycle and how they can be integrated into your practice. This is a good time to reassess and realign with your spiritual goals and intentions.

My favourite saying is, if you’re not growing, you are dying. It’s so relevant across-the-board be at your relationship, personal growth, or in business. The full moon is such an important Ritual every month to castaway the small challenges you are personally facing during the specific month, and request spiritual assistance towards the goal for the coming month. Anyways, that’s what I aim to do every full moon.

Blessed Beast,



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