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Full Moon Ritual Feedback from the July 3rd, 2023

VIDEO: Savannah’s feedback to the July 3rd, 2023 Full Moon Ritual

The demons we honored on this full moon were LuciferLeviathanBelialSatan

And yes, we always honour the Goddess during a moon ritual. In our group, the Goddess means something different to mostly everybody and everybody is free to do the honouring in their own way (but not in a way that would fuck up what I’m doing during my side of the ritual) – Joking not joking!

It’s time to actually become the person you want to be.

A full moon in Capricorn carries certain qualities and symbolism. Capricorn is an earth sign associated with ambition, discipline, and practicality. When a full moon occurs in Capricorn, it amplifies these energies, often highlighting themes of career, long-term goals, and responsibility.

During this time, it’s important to pay attention to your professional endeavors and strive for greater achievements. The full moon in Capricorn encourages you to take a structured approach to your goals, emphasizing hard work, perseverance, and dedication.

This lunar phase also prompts introspection about your long-term plans and the steps needed to achieve them. It’s a time to evaluate your ambitions, assess your progress, and make any necessary adjustments to your path. Remember to balance your professional aspirations with self-care and personal well-being.

Overall, a full moon in Capricorn signifies a period of focus, determination, and practicality, urging you to align your actions with your long-term objectives while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

So what is my advice for you as a witch or as a magical person who has been battling out this Capricorn Full moon energy for nearly 6 months?

It always takes me a few days to process my thoughts, and the messages I received from the spiritual world, especially after an event where there are other people involved – both Coven members and you as our virtual “in-spirit” guest. This is really the most important feedback from the entire ritual. So many of you had requested help towards specific goals, especially work-related or money-drawing goals. Many of you have been working diligently towards your goals. Some of you wonder why you haven’t been able to manifest your goals with magic at this point in time. Others have had a great level of success, but you may be facing some other obstacle that just doesn’t seem to pass.

The answer is simple, and yet, like everything, magical, has so many branches and offshoots that we can talk about this subject for a very long time. But let me try and be succinct for a change. When I (we) shared all of the requests you had for us during this full moon, and we were meditating and releasing energy towards these requests, the answer came to me…..(I think from Lucifer)….

“Because sometimes, it’s more the things we need to release than the things we need to do, that can help us reach our goals.”

This could be stating the obvious, but you have to look at what this specific statement means for you. Are you releasing exactly what you need to release in order for you to obtain your specific goal? That specific thing needs to be what is written on your petition and then followed through during the rest of the month during your meditations, or whatever energy you’re putting into overcoming your own negative thoughts (aka the thoughts that either hold you back or create fear of some type).

It’s common, that sometimes we do expect  (STRONGLY DESIRE) for the Gods to give us everything that we can’t achieve on our own, basically for very little in return. We expect that if we give Lucifer $100 (e.g. the cost of a spell), and we ask for $1 million (Petitioned desire), that this should be done! Then, if Lucifer doesn’t deliver, then either he is a fraud, or the spellcaster is a fraud, and many people will revert back to wherever they came from  – I’m saying this with a smile because we all know for newcomers into magic this concept is what is being openly offered by many other spell casters.

Alternatively, some people will ask for a wonderful goal (in the video, I talk about the goal of becoming a famous guitar player), and the Demon actually desires to work alongside the human to help this manifest. But instead of just giving you the final result, the Demon knows that to help a human, he needs to take you along a journey or a path, or you will not be ready to step into having that end goal manifest. The Demon will provide you with the wisdom and various opportunities for you to feel confident, so when the final opportunity presents itself, you’ll be ready, both mentally and physically to grasp that opportunity and make it happen.

The moment that you start to say something, is not possible to achieve, the Demon will not help you achieve it. If you’re not willing to put in the effort, you will be forgotten. It will be interpreted as you saying, “I don’t really want it.”

This month, I want you to try and change your narrative. This will look different to everybody, so you really have to meditate on this or just think about it and how this applies to you and your goals.

And if you’re joining me next month, think about what you truly need to release at this specific time, in order for you to take a step forward.


Even if you reserve your place at the August 1st event, and you don’t know what to write in your petition, don’t stress because we have another few weeks until the next full moon, which will also be a super moon. We will send out reminders to everybody to send in their petitions a few days out from the event.  But if you don’t want to send in a petition, or you’re not sure, just trust in us,

Finally, if you do have a question about what I have said above, it’s always best to write it here in a blog post versus on social media. I’ll have more opportunity to see it if it is asked here on the website.

Blessed beast, and thank you for trusting me with your energy and with your spiritual desires. I am truly honoured.



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