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Fun in the Graveyard

Graveyard Dirt


This week has just flooooooooown past! Yesterday it was Monday and today it’s Friday. One of the challenges of doing what you love for work, is where to draw the line between the “work day” and “play time”. For example, a trip down the local cemetery means that I get to spend an hour or two walking around the beautiful grounds admiring the impressive tombs aka “exercise”, and at the same time choosing the graves from which I’ll collect the graveyard dirt and leaving/burying the spell remains from hexing work.

This leads me into talking about the graveyard dirt collected this week, as I feel this is important information should you purchase graveyard dirt from Black Witch Coven. Also, if  you also use dirt in your spells, this maybe a tip you didn’t know and now can use for your breakup or hexing spells.

WARNING – Now if you’re an insect activist or Buddhist, you may want to skip to the next paragraph because I’m going to share some nasty things I do to ants.

This week when I was collecting the dirt, I happened to find a red ants nest on one of the graves. Red Fire Ants are quite helpful actually, pilling up the dirt into a dirt pyramid, for an easy steal! Red ants are NASTY, however, they  offer a bonus to us performed hexing and cursing work with the graveyard dirt, as their poison adds a level of torment to the intended targets. The most part I like to put the graveyard dirt in plastic sandwich bags, in which I take a sharpie and write down where the grave was located, whom the grave belongs to, and any other features that may be important such as a military, baby, catholic, etc gravesite. However, when it comes to collecting these ants, I used a large sealable container so there is no chance for escape.

Once home, I shake the large container of ants every day, to anger the ants and infuse their anger into the graveyard dirt. Once they die, I dry and store Graveyard dirt – perfect for hexing work only. So, if you need graveyard dirt for love magic in the coming months, please let us know at the time of ordering, and we will provide you with some graveyard dirt from previous collections. Our packaging next month will state “with Red Ants” or “without red ants”.

See Graveyard Dirt in the BWC Store

This week, I also asked Mia to share with us her beliefs and practices with the Kabbalah. Obviously I do not work with the Kabbalah, but I totally respect this amazing magical system. You may wish to check the bottom of this newsletter to see some of the new offerings Mia has introduced this week.

Mia says……

Thanks dear Sav.
I’ll try, the problem is that Kabbalah is a super complicated method, which is very hard to explain in a short message, just like heart medicine would be, for example.

So: I’m using Kabbalah, which is the strongest spiritual method on earth.
It has to do with connecting to angels, and causing them to act for you and fulfill your wishes.
This means that once a Kabbalah spell is casted – angels are invoked, and their “job” is to make one’s wish come true. There are different kinds of angels, for example: Angels in charge of one’s financial situation, other ones who are in charge of his/her medical issues etc.

Kabbalah spells take time to have effect, as every spell of any kind does.
This means that once an Abundance spell is casted for example, one doesn’t become wealthy right away, but rather he’ll start feeling the change within a couple of weeks or less, and from there on it’ll grow more and more, until he or she becomes wealthy.

As with every spell – one must make the necessary efforts from his side, and the spell will cause these efforts to be extremely fruitful and successful, even if they weren’t in the past.


Well that’s it for me for this week. Have a magikal weekend.

Blessed Beast!



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