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Get ready for action in October 2020

October 2020! Buckle up! Get ready for a wild ride folks! This month is bookended by two full moons, with a renegade filling. If your personality type is conflict-avoidant, I think it best if you just lay in bed and put your head under the pillow for the next 30 days. It’s gonna get ugly.

  • Full Moon #1 – Oct 1
  • Full Moon #2 – Oct 31
  • Retrograde – Oct 13 to Nov 3
  • Halloween – Oct 31

But is that a bad thing? Not really.

It just means that you have to take action, and grab hold of life before it takes hold of you!

The way these Christian leaders make their money is by creating a story that your life sucks because you don’t have Jesus in your life, or because of something the devil is doing.

This fear keeps you codependent to the bullshit, and sharing your $$$$ to their (bank account) cause. A month like this helps you be a little more assertive about what needs to change in your world. Maybe it’s setting boundaries, standing up for yourself, your beliefs, or handling your personal insecurities.

Life is not about being popular and saying the RIGHT social media message. YOU KNOW THIS. It is about SELF reflection and ownership of your own challenges.

Releasing your inner dialogue, means that you stop standing behind all the fluff, and speak your peace in a constructive yet assertive manner. If you hide behind memes, excuses, and negative stories about “why life sux for you” then take a cold hard look at yourself and ask yourself, why is my life this way, and what can I do to get myself out of this hole ?

Jesus is not there to save you and nor is Lucifer. YOU are your saviour! Stop putting money into organisations that do not support your journey. Put money into yourself.

The Satanist believes in complete gratification of his ego. Satanism, in fact, is the only religion which advocates the intensification or encouragement of the ego. Only if a person’s own ego is sufficiently fulfilled, can he afford to be kind and complimentary to others, without robbing himself of his self-respect. We generally think of a braggart as a person with a large ego; in reality, his bragging results from a need to satisfy his impoverished ego.

Religionists have kept their followers in line by suppressing their egos. By making their followers feel inferior, the awesomeness of their god is insured. Satanism encourages its members to develop a good strong ego because it gives them the self-respect necessary for a vital existence in this life.

– Satanic Bible, p.50.

Use the energy of this very powerful month to make constructive changes in your life.
Change is never pleasant if it is to be effective.



The Satanic Bible ( Soft Cover)

Halloween – All Hallows’ Eve, or All Saints’ Day – falls on October 31st or November 1st. Originally, All Hallows’ Eve was one of the great fire festivals of Britain at the time of the Druids. In Scotland it was associated with the time when the spirits of the dead, the demons, witches, and sorcerers were unusually active and propitious. Paradoxically, All Hallows’ Eve was also the night when young people performed magical rituals to determine their future marriage partners. The youth of the villages carried on with much merry-making and sensual revelry, but the older people took great care to safeguard their homes from the evil spirits, witches, and demons who had exceptional power that night.

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