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Glamor spell: Fuck the others & love yourself first

savannah black witch coven

The Glamor spell

In many ways this is a spell about loving yourself, hence the use of pink candles and love oil.

In the use of incantation you are making a link with the principle of beauty and with the Goddess of Beauty in one of her many forms.

You will need



Dress the candle(s) with the love oil, working towards you since you want to feel differently about yourself.

Have in mind your ideal qualities of beauty as you do so.

Light the candles and stare deeply into the mirror. See first the person you are now. Visualize the change you want.

Then ‘see’ the person you would like to be.

Recite this incantation out loud:

Sacred flame as you dance

Call upon my sacred glance.

Call upon my better self,

Give me [your request]

Blessed flame shining brightly,

Bring about the changes nightly Give me now my second chance

My beauty and glamor please enhance

Power of three, let them see, let them see, let them see.

You can now snuff out the candle and relight it the next night, burning it for at least an hour.

Repeat the incantation at least three times.

The power of visualization is a very strong tool. Each of us has an

inner beauty which if we work with it is a tremendous help in daily life.

Once we are prepared to recognize it for ourselves it becomes evident to other people.

This spell accomplishes that recognition.

If you are ready to take this to the next level I am ready to take you guys there. Stepping beyond the visualizations and onto contacting your spell helper on the other side is where we need to go next.

Let me know if you are listening.

4 thoughts on “Glamor spell: Fuck the others & love yourself first

  1. ladydarling says:

    My ears are open. At this moment, I am gleefully the cosmic fool. I suppose I am finally coming out of the broom closet after nearly three decades. Very much appreciate finding a resource where my interests are openly discussed. It’s very validating on a human level, as opposed to just gleaning things from the ether, haha.

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