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Halloween 2018: The Dark and the Dead

It’s Shadow Season

It’s the time of year when anyone from anywhere can their occult freak on!

When the veil between worlds is the thinnest, when it’s easiest to connect with spirits, when the departed are closer than ever, it’s the BEST time to celebrate and contact the Dark and the Dead.

We want to hear your stories of contact with the other side; visions, dreams, seances, real ghost stories. Tell us how you experience Halloween, All Hallows Eve, Samhain, Dia De Muertos or whatever you celebrate at this time of year. Tell us what this times means for your practice and for you.

AND there’s 2 HUGE prizes to be won. One for the creepiest tale and another for the most haunted picture. For details scroll down.

You can win this Talk to the Dead Kit with VERY special gifts from Black Witch Savannah and Blonde Gypsy.

Your kit includes:

Plus 2 spiritual services exclusively done on 31 October 2018

  • Candle burning by BWS on Halloween night 2018
  • Pendulum Reading by Blonde Gypsy on Halloween night 2018


Can you imagine lighting your Black Skull Candle, to represent ancestors and spirits from the other side, then invoking the spirits further with the Black Cat Incense Powder and burning your offering of Wormwood, all of which invite the departed to come forth and speak with you through your own Spirit Board? And, all of this can be done on the ONE night of the year when the veil between living and dead is the thinnest, can you?

PLUS BWS’s Candle Burning and BG’s Pendulum Reading are being done just FOR YOU on this amazing night too. I’m ecstatic for the winners of this prize. This is beyond special. We aren’t offering these Halloween services to anyone else. That’s right, you CAN”T buy it. But you CAN win it!


How To  Enter

For the Tale:

Write to us at

Subject: Dark and Dead

Tell us about a REAL experiences with contact from the other side.

Tips for winning

Your tale doesn’t have to look written professionally, but you do have to read over your submission and ask yourself, “Does my story make sense to a stranger?”

Use sentences and punctuation. We will not edit your submission. It must be ready to “cut and paste” into our BWC Blog.


For the Photo:

Post a picture capturing spirit/s. You can find them in smoke, mirrors, water. On altars or shrines, all sorts of places. We’re looking for apparitions, faces, shadows, halos, anything that you think is a spirit.

Tag and follow @blondegypsymagic & @blackwitchsavannah on Instagram #darkndead

Tips for winning

Tell us where to see the spirit when you post the pic.


Entries close Oct 26 2018 so we can get your prize shipped in time for Halloween – 31 October 2018!


Recommending Reading

4 thoughts on “Halloween 2018: The Dark and the Dead

  1. Demon pact says:

    When you make a pact with a demon, how do you know what they will want in return for the goal you stated in your pact? Like if i say “i want to make 3000 dollars a month”, how do you know what the demon will want in return? How do they inform you of their desires?

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