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Hang Over Spell

It’s party time in New Orleans. Each weekend for over a month, we have 3 to 4 days of parades, starting early and ending early (in the morning). So how can you survive week after week of liver abuse? Sure the mundane answer is “Don’t drink!” but that is not fun for some of us.

Today I offer a magical solution. Lerajie is a demon who can assist in health and healing work. I suggest you work with either Lerajie or Verrine for this health spell. The idea is you petition the demon to help you overcome your hangover, and to be able to psychologically control your binge drinking over this time.

You will need:

  • Purple candle/s (for Mardi Gras flavor).
    • Ideas:
      • You could use red candles, as these are favorable to Lerajie.
      • Use glass jar candles if you would like to leave the candle burning over 5 to 7 days (per candle). For long events such as the New Orleans Mardi Gras, you may need 3 to 5 candles!
  • Incense (I used Frankincense)
  • Beads or other decorations (for Mardi Gras flavor)
  • Offering: Wine or the spirit you are drinking

The Ritual:

I began this spell during daylight hours. I had a hangover and consequently, did not feel up to casting this spell. Still, this is the time to begin such a spell!

Gather the purple candle, and some of the trinkets from the celebrations-beads, a mask, feathers, toys thrown from the Mardi Gras floats. Arrange these items on an altar, around your purple candle.

Light the incense, light the candle, and begin to call upon the demon:

“Caymen vefa Leraje”

When you feel ready, petition your request. Something like:

” Leraje , Leraje hear my request,

The fun has stopped, I need to rest,

Bring healing swift to liver and soul,

Banish this hangover, maintain control.”

BWS Hangover spell
BWS: Maintaining good health during New Orleans Mardi Gras Season 2019

If you are using glass candles:

  • Keep the candles going continuously during the time of partying – so the demon can assist you in maintaining control and helping you recover
  • Spend at least 5 minutes a day at the altar petitioning your result to the demon
  • You can change your offerings daily or weekly

If you are using taper candles:

  • Each day, light a chime or taper candle. Chime candles can be better to use as they will consume within 15 to 30 minutes.
  • Repeat the spell three times.
  • Allow the candle to burn out while you mediate on your desire from the demon.


I will have to come back and update the results of this spell/ritual during this 2019 Mardi Gras season. The result from day one was very successful. Within 30 minutes of beginning the ritual, I had “forgotten” I had a hangover and was able to get on with my day. Only when I was walking past the altar, did I recall the active ritual underway, and subsequently offered thanks and gave gratitude.

I will add that I did not feel like running a marathon after the ritual. I just didn’t feel the need to rest and recover due to feeling “hungover”. No rest for the wicked they say!

A readers tip for hangovers, was to take “… Tauroursodeoxycholic acid + N-acetylcysteine + Choline and myo-inositol + Milk Thistle” to help the liver. I will also be supplementing with the Tauroursodeoxycholic acid vitamins as it makes sense to maintain a healthy liver if you drink alcohol anyways. The Choline tablets also would be helpful to assist with brain fog! Thanks for that tip “Kingsolomon David Yhwh”.

Other Tips:

Your Ideas?

If you have tips for surviving a hangover or a great hangover spell, please share it with us. You never know who you will be helping!

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