Dear Modern Witches,
Today I am going to share something with you, that you may not like. You won’t like it, because over the past century wonderful writers in Wicca & Pagansism, has McDonaldized witchcraft. They have watered down our spells and ingredients into candles and crystals.
How do I know this? I have written over 34 books on witchcraft myself, and the coursework for our own BWC School of Witchcraft – Year 1 in the Craft, is based on Wicca principles. Wicca is a beautiful religion, filled with positive rituals and celebrations. Traditional Witchcraft has elements of wicca, but does not follow the same values or principles.
Remember that witches were burnt at the stake only a few centuries back. The founders of Wicca took the unsavory elements out of practicing witchcraft to create a more palatable “religion” – accepted by the mainstream, and help change the perception of “what is a witch”. Still, I am sure that you will agree we have along way to go in terms of being “accepted” as witches, even in the year 2015.
I’m not criticizing the practices of the modern “witch” – but as far as witchcraft goes, lighting a candle, and saying a prayer, will only go so far. If you are serious about creating a magickal lifestyle with spells and rituals, then wicca is a great base to learn the craft. Then take your “core elective” or master level subjects or lessons, in the path you choose to venture.
I’m here in Sydney Australia right now, and have spent the week checking out what is happening on the #sydneywitch scene. There seams to be the two extremes – from my perspective – Witchcraft “light” or “Hide in the Blue Mountains & sacrifice things.” I do hope I am wrong.
When I walk into a shop selling ingredients for a witch, and I see dragons & Harry Potter products – I know I am not going to smile. Think of it this way – could you take Chinese herbal medicine seriously, if you walked into a Chinese herbal medicine store, and the herbs were stored in “Hello Kitty” jars, and the store owner or assistant had no clue about the herbs sold. I know I would think “this store knows nothing bout witchcraft, and therefore, does not care where these products are made or how they are harvested.”

If you have never walked into a Chinese Medicine store, then I encourage you to do so. They have products and herbs for sale that you would’ve never seen or overheard off before. If your looking for that “weird” animal product, such as deer penis – then you could be in luck at the Chinese herbalist. But don’t dare ask your local witch craft supply store. You will be showered in witch hazel, incense sticks, and a dragon – but nothing a traditional witch needs.

Our traditional sisters and brothers, really got down to business. Traditional witchcraft, involves ingredients and rituals which are not always acceptable to perform by today’s society’s standards. For example: A magical recipe intended to alter one’s state of consciousness, and may lead to out-of-body experiences, may include: blood, bodily excretions, brain matter mixed with copious amounts of hashish, opium, and psychoactive plants.
For example, the spell for “Generating Enmity and Discord” reads:
“Take four ounces of the blood of a black dog, two ounces each of pig blood and brains, and one ounce of donkey brains. Mix all this together until well blended. When you give this medicine to someone in food or drink, he will hate you.”

Are you ok with this? I am. Because I am a witch.
As a witch, you use your skills in anyway possible, to make YOUR LIFE BETTER. Stop worrying about “Do no harm.” Do no harm is perfect for practicing monks – living with other monks. Not you my friend.
It’s time to think about what side of the fence you REALLY sit on….
I disagree. There are many wonderful Pagan & Wiccan writers that have not “Mcdonaldized” witchcraft over the years. The whole point of Paganism or Wicca is to follow your own path, not some set path that you can’t deter from. Diversity of the Craft is what makes us even more accepting.
By becoming fundamentalists, we kick those out that dislike such distinct ideas that have no waver in them. Why do you think people leave organized religion? We don’t need to be saying there’s only one true path of Wicca or Paganism, and by saying that writers have watered down our craft, well, that just seems wrong to me.
Not all Pagans are Witches, and not all Witches and Pagans are Wiccans. Not all Pagans & Witches go by the Wiccan Rede, nor should they have to if they aren’t Wiccan. To say Wiccans have watered it down, well I’m not going to disagree, but I’m also not afraid to say that Pagans as a whole should be supporting each other, not separating our groups further.