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Herbal magic for depression and low mood

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In witchcraft, it’s not all about spell casting to help you relieve your depression. Witchcraft is also about using the gifts of nature to improve the quality of our life. To quote Scott Cunningham, “To practice herb magic you must know the powers of the plants. To fulfill a need, just manipulate the herbs to give their powers direction. It is that simple.”

If you are reading this blog post, I will assume that either you or someone you care for, is suffering from a low mood, or has depression. For many people, even walking to the letter box and bringing back the mail sounds exhausting, and will be put off for another time. If you have depression you will understand this example. Maybe you haven’t been to your mail box for a month, or you have mail unopened in a pile somewhere? You are not alone.

What I will share with you is not an instant fix. Recovery from depression happens over time. One day you will wake up and not even think about feeling down – you will think about something you have to do, and just get on with it. I could talk about appropriate therapies and support groups to assist you, but these can be easily googled.  Also, many people do not have health plan coverage to treat this issue, therefore,  I want to focus on the magic available to us in herbs.

If you are looking for a spell to relieve your depression, we have depression spells listed in the BOS , and anyone can perform them easily. These spells are based on helping you CONNECT again – with yourself, with nature, with deity, and so on. If you’re up for it – please try these spells. However, when you have depression or a low mood, the idea of preparing for a spell is just too much for most. Plus realistically, you may not be able to raise enough energy yourself to cast an effective spell.

Herb magic for depression is easy because the powers (i.e., vibrations) lie in the herbs themselves. No outside forces need be called into play, for the power is resident within the organic matter itself.

My “Professional” Recommendation

As a clinical psychologist who prefers to lean my clients towards natural medicine, there are four main types of tablets your body/brain needs right now to function effectively during this time.  I will not continue therapy with people who do not take a step towards their own self-improvement. If this is not possible,  I recommend my clients to a Psychiatrist for assessment and professional mental health care.

Clinical depression requires intervention. If you can’t afford help or these tablets, please join an online HELP/SUPPORT group, NOT an online group with other depressed people.

As most of you have access to Amazon, I will add links to the products there for you to research. If you like a specific brand, please share in the comments below, and I will consider revising my recommended brands.

Must Have Vitamins:

Take the maximum amt possible (recommended on the directions) for at least 1 month, then adjust as needed

If you can afford it, also take a good multivitamin. I like the Dr. Vita brand who suggest 6 a day – but 6 maybe too many tablets for you, on top of the 3 must have vitamins above.

My Professional Recommendation – as a Witch

If you don’t like tea, well, what can I say – suck it up! Make this tea and drink daily.

Buy these herbs listed below, mix together, and keep in an airtight container. I will recommend small 1oz or 2 oz bags of these herbs for now, but if you like the tea and it helps you, then buy the 1 pound bags of herbs as it is cheaper.

Savannah’s 8 Herb Mood Enhancing Tea

  1. scullcap
  2. vervain
  3. Chamomile
  4. Passion flower
  5. Lemon grass
  6. Lemon balm
  7. Peppermint
  8. St. John’s wort.

While I recommend you mix all 8 herbs together, I know they can be expensive if you are on a budget right now, try these three

  1. scullcap
  2. vervain
  3. St. John’s wort.

If you squeezed me to just pick one, the king of them all is St John’s Wort.

Yes, you can buy St John’s Wort tea bags, but if you do, you don’t have the chance of enchanting the herbs before use. I explain below.

Preparing the Herbs for Magic

If you wanted to be mundane, there is no harm in just steeping these herbs, and drinking the tea. However, I will give you the short cut method to enchanting the herbs first, before you pour the water!

To enchant the herbs

Optional – you can light two candles for depression/healing (i say a color that makes YOU feel happy), and place a bowl in the centre (for the herbs.)

  1. Pour the dried herbs into the bowl.
  2. Sit or stand calmly and gaze into the herb. Sense its vibrations awaiting within the leaves and flowers and stems; see them emerging from the plant or lying in wait. Idea: look up the properties of each herb so you know why you are using them and what they can magically do for you.
  3. Run your fingers through the herbs, strongly visualizing your need.  Feel your fingertips charging the herb with energy.
  4. Chant something like “St John’s Wort, I call to you tonight, to release me of my depressed mood, and make me a happier person…”. Make this chant your own. Chant this endlessly under your breath. As you run your fingers through the herb feel them infusing the plant with your need.
  5. When the herb is tingling with power (or when you sense that the enchantment is complete) remove your hand. The plant has been enchanted.

If there are other plants to be used in a mixture, add them one at a time, re enchanting the mixture with each addition


To quote Scott Cunningham, “Of course enchantment isn’t absolutely necessary, but it is a method of obtaining better results. The wise herbalist will never omit enchantments.”

Savannah’s Mood Enhancing Magical Tea for Depression

Tea Preparation

It is said, you should not boil your herbs in a metal pot or use a metal based tea pot. I use a glass tea pot, and I make enough tea to slip on it all day! I love tea.

You may wish to place a teaspoon of the herbs in a tea ball strainer, and let it steep for at least 5 minutes.

  • Boil your kettle/jug
  • Add 1 teaspoon of loose leaf tea for everyone 1 cup of water into your teapot. You may need to use less herb if your first time drinking herbal tea.
  • Pour the water onto the herbs in your teapot
  • Let steep for 10 to 20 minutes
  • Drink every single day till your mood enhancers.

You may not like the taste of herbal tea at first, but do give yourself a chance to change your palate from desiring sweet drinks, and tea with milk and sugar. In the photo of my tea pot (to the right), you can see the color is quite dark. I like a strong tea – but this is not for everyone.

 It goes without saying that if you’re pregnant, there’s many things that you shouldn’t be doing and taking herbal medicine such as this could be dangerous for your unborn child.

Obviously I am passionate about mental health and helping everyone be as happy as can be! If you have a herbal blend or depression lifting spell which you would like to share, I would love to read about it. Please share your gifts or comments below!




Healing Depression Magically


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