Hoodoo Style Court Work

Hoodoo candle magic can be a very easy and effective way to handle some challenging situations. By easy, it means your preparation of the tools and materials, plus the technique of conduct in the magic, is not as complex as performing a high magic Ritual, and therefore makes it easy to perform as a spell or Ritual to help you with your situation.

This specific court-style spell was taught to me by a store owner in New Orleans. He was the owner of a Botanica, and was so generous with his time, and plus had a nonjudgemental spirit when it came to sharing spiritual knowledge. Sadly, he passed away a few years ago, but his teachings and techniques have always stayed with me, and has influenced the way I like to practice New Orleans style Hoodoo.

Hoodoo candle magic is a melting pot of a variety of traditions. And how you add flavour to this spell is via taking whatever magical practice you’re doing and substituting an element from your practice with what is offered here. For example, some of the seven-day candles have catholic saints on the jars, and even one of the Psalms to say as you like the candle. This is petitioning the spiritual world, or the spirit of that candle to help you achieve your goal. But if you don’t like to petition, a catholic saint, perhaps you would like to petition the Demon Eligos, who, in our dark magic system, will lend an ear to help you with your court cases.


The other key success point I would like to share here, is that the most important aspect if you are new to casting a spell is not to make sure you’re doing it perfectly, but to make sure that you do it. Even if you have to read the instructions as you’re casting a spell and it takes you what seems to be like for ever, that is totally okay. Everybody has to start somewhere. It is much better that you start a spell and not feel the energy so to speak, but take notes from what you experience and what you need to improve upon, and then cast the spell again and again, until you do feel confident. That is the key to success. And who knows, the spiritual world will still hear what you have to say, so maybe you could get lucky the first time!

What I write below is a general way of doing this type of spell using three candles and some typical ingredients you use in-court-style hoodoo magic. From my perspective, you absolutely need three candles. This is a non-negotiable. You need to keep the flame burning for a period of time to get some real traction when it comes to the influence required to win a court case, or have a court case come more toward your favour. But you probably don’t need to be sprinkling the court style powder around the room or chewing on Galangal and spitting it around the court room as suggested in any style of old school conjure/root work. If you’re caught doing such things, I do not think the court would have empathy. Always be smart when it comes to the practice of magic, and understand the time in which your specific style of magic was written, and how you have to modify that style of magic to be a practitioner in the modern world.


  • *Court 7-Day Jar Candle x 3
  • *Court Oil
  • Court Spray
  • Court Incense
  • Court Document Powder
  • Court Wash
  • Parchment Paper x 1
  • *Mojo Bag
  • Chewing John Root

** means that you need to have these items. This is the minimum you need to have success with this work. If you can’t get the herbs, at least get the oil because the oil is made from herbs. You don’t need both if it’s not available to you. You do need a Mojo bag as I believe this is a physical connection to the magic and a continuation of the candle work. A mojo bag is a spirit bag.

Savannah’s Suggested Court Case Candle Process

I recommend you start at least 14 days out from your case, if not longer. Most candles are for use over 4 to 7 days. Ideally, we want the candles to burn up to the date of the court case and maybe just over it if decisions need to be made.

There are many variations of HOW to do this process, but don’t get caught up in it right now. What is most important, is that the work/spell gets done. Your spiritual “helper” knows what to do.

If you’re using all of the products suggested above, here is a guideline. Once again, if you’re only using candles and oils, just follow where necessary:

Start the candle magic

  • SPRAY – The spray is creating a more influential environment to do the work. So make sure you spray before you begin any of the court work, including before you take a spiritual bath. The sprays available for purchase in the botanicas are relatively a new addition, and most probably you would just use incense as an offering to the spiritual world, and to get you into a magical state of mind.
  • INCENSE – The incense should also be burned before you begin any type of spiritual work around your court case, you should also burn this every day when you attend to your candle.
  • WASH – Begin with a spiritual wash using the court wash. Make sure you save some of the water from the bath, and use to mop your house. This will cleanse you and cleanse your area in preparation for the work. The idea of spiritual baiting or cleansing after a ritual, should eventually become part of your normal magical practices.
    • Next, write down what you want as the outcome of the case, on the petition paper. There’s many ways of writing a petition, but if you’ve never done it before, it’s just as easy to write a petition as the desired outcome.
    • Dress the paper with the powder, and also put a touch of the court oil in each of the four corners,
    • fold the petition paper towards you, and make a neat Square
    • Key – Place a few drops of the Court Case Oil on top of the candle each day around the same time – while you state the petition
    • Dress the candle (if needed) with oils or powders.
    • Place the paper under the candle.
    • Light the candle.
  • PRAY/PETITION SPIRIT – Then you call on your spirit (personal choice) to help you with the spells successful outcome.

Prepare the Mojo bag

  • MOJO BAG/ROOT – Firstly you will need to chew on the root a little bit, and then place it in your Mojo bag. You can also address this with a little bit of the oil, and carry it around with you and especially into the courtroom on the day. You treat this bag like it is a little spirit in a bag. It’s sole purpose is to help you achieve your goal. And so you reward the spirit of the bag by feeding the bag, at least on a weekly basis typically with either some of the court oil or some whiskey.

Now, the candles are alive, and you have your Mojo bag, I suggest that you just keep the candles burning until each candle finishes! However, some people are concerned about fire safety for various reasons, and if this is you, you would snuff out the candle at the end of your petitioning each day, and then come back the next day and continue with the lighting of the candle and stating of your petition. You let the candle burn for a period of time and then snuff it out. Naturally, this is going to take a lot longer to finish the candles and that isn’t necessarily a bad thing nor does it mean your spell won’t be as effective.

  • Candle-burning vigils – Morning and afternoon is recommended. The main thing is that you light them regularly, steadily, and with faith and confidence as the time for the court appearance approaches.

Questions I’ve had over the years include, do you burn all three of them at once? The answer to that is no. When the end of the first candle is near, prepare the second candle, and transfer the flame of the first candle onto the second candle. Do the same process when it comes to the third candle. If you don’t happen to catch the flame of the candle before you can transfer it to the next candle don’t stress. Just prepare and begin the next candle as soon as you notice it.

If you want to learn how to read what the candles have to say, this section should be extremely helpful for you.

Court Case Candle Series 3 x Court
BWC Image: Court Case Candle Series
The reading of the jars is another level you may desire to achieve in your magical practices. The goal would be to do divination before you begin the series of candles. And after the candles have finished, you then read the jars, so you can determine the next steps.
Whether or not, you read the jars or perform divination, by setting the candle to your intention, will still give you whatever result you are meant to have. So don’t let a fear of not understanding the entire process of folk magic prevent you from getting this far!
Below, I’m going to continue and add some additional options for you to consider. There are so many other techniques and tools you may wish to learn and implement. I will briefly go over some of these, and give you a very brief overview of what it is and how you would use it.
If you wanted to get into this style of magic on a deeper level, I do have a course Hoodoo Witchcraft that can be taken online and at your own pace. I personally come back to answer any questions you have about any lesson in this course, every Thursday on the hoodoo witch website.

candle magic course
candle magic course

Option: Use a magical powder

Sachet Powders (Magical Powders) are a powerful and effective way to directly affect an intended target by affecting their physical body. Powders, by their nature spread easily, fly on the wind and get all over the place – allowing you to get the magical ingredients within all over the person you intend to affect.

Dressing Letters with Magical Sachet Powders

One of the best ways to hit a person with a magical spell, without them knowing it, is to lace a letter or card with magical powders then mail it to them. Once the intended person touches the letter or card, they are directly affected by the magical powder on their hands.

  • Dressing court documents – All paperwork you can dress with court case powder is very helpful. You just lightly sprinkle the powder on the documents, and state your intention as you do so. Especially the documents the judge himself would touch. The idea is that once the powder is touched, people will favor your side of the story.
  • You can also use Magical Powders to dress name papers, amulets, or anything else that needs to be imbued with powerful magical effects.

To dress a letter with magical powders:

  • With the powder in place, run your four fingers across the surface of the letter from top to bottom in wavy lines like serpent trails, biting your intended target and affecting them with your magical power. Then shake the rest of the powder off of the letter and give it a flick with your fingers to snap the excess off.
  • Place the letter in an envelope, seal it and send it off to your intended target. Little to they know what will hit them when they open it up, but you can be assured your magical trick will hit them the moment they touch the paper

Option if you pray-

  • Sprinkle a bit of your selected magical powder on the letter while praying in your own words for the desired effect.

Option: make your own Court Case Oil

Popular Hoodoo Oils for Court Include:
  • Court Case or Just Judge oil, would be a good choice to anoint the candle with. Just Judge oil protects from earthly harm, gives justice to one’s enemies, and is used as a shield from evildoers. Very often Justice Judge Oil is used in unfair court cases and triumphs for the underdog. Use this oil for justice spells, especially in court cases.
  • In criminal cases where one wishes for a defendant to receive a harsh sentence, up to and including the death penalty, powders and oils such as the D.U.M.E. range are added to the candle – or burnt on a charcoal disc.
  • Homemade court case oils! Make your own with our quick recipe below

Make your own court case oil using my special mix, based on Hoodoo Traditions from New Orleans friends.

• Cinnamon Oil
• Calendula Oil
• Piece of Devil’s Shoestring
• Galangal Root (high john root)
  1. Blend the above oils in equal portions, in carrier oil and add a piece of Devil’s Shoestring and a piece of galangal root to the mixture.
  2. Add to the bath for three days before your court date and anoint you arms, chest and throat on court day.
  3. Place a few drops on you hands and rub together briskly before signing important legal documents.

About Court Products

Galangal Root-Chewing John & Mojo bag- Chew on a piece of Chewing John while concentrating on your wish or desire, then spit it out. OR Chew and spit into the mojo bag provided. TIP – Carry some galangal root in your purse into the courtroom. Things will go in your favor!

Tip – Low John is a common name referring to more than one plant. A powerful aid in seeking victory in court cases, Low John Trilliums are also used in spells of money drawing, protection, hex and curse breaking, especially powerful for couples in love and passion enhancing. For Hoodoo and southern Low John see Galangal – Alpinia galanga often called Chewing John.

  • High John Root whole (Ipomoea jalapa)
    High John or Ipomoea Jalapa is a member of the Morning Glory family. In magical practices, it is a powerful component in spell work around luck, prosperity, sex drive, and to help win in court.
  • Galangal Root or Alphinia Species, also known as Little John, Chewing John, or Galingale. Used for centuries because of its warming effect it has on the body. In magical spells it may be used to help with winning in court, doubling money, sex magic and hex breaking.

POWDER – Wear Court Case Powder on your body before you go to court to help influence the proceedings in your favor. John the Conquerer sachet powder is a versatile magical product. Traditionally used to dress important paperwork or petitions, sprinkling on the ground where the target will walk over, as a magical carpet sprinkler, container spells, mojo bags, or simply sprinkle on your altar. Safe to use on skin as a magical scented body powder, add to baths, and can be used to dress candles after oil is added. John the Conquerer is traditionally used to increase confidence, help overcome obstacles, and for court cases.

OIL – Court Case Oil is a magical oil that can be used to turn all judgments in your favor. Our specially formulated Court Case Oil can be worn on the body, used to anoint your legal documents or used to dress a 7 Day Court Case Candle.

INCENSE – Burn Court Case Incense Powder for success in court cases and legal matters.


  • There are many different styles of seven day candles to use when it comes to court or legal matters. The colour of these candles is generally blue or white, but if you’re using a specific type of saint or other demon, you would use their candle colour to respectfully petition them.
  • Blue pyramid Jasmine candle – Famous for Winning court cases or keeping law away, blue pyramid candle can help connect with mystery, emotions, ancestors, or any purpose. Inscribe or place petition under for extra power.

SPRAY – Use the Court Spray to increase your luck i winning the legal situation. Spray the Court spray twice daily in your home to help draw luck and success to you and your home. ALSO, GREAT to use to cleanse the area before you begin court magic work.

WASH – Court Case Bath and Floor Wash to gain an upper hand in any court case or legal situation.

Instructions for use:

    • For Bath Use – Fill your tub with water, add 1/2 of the contents into the water & soak in the tub for 15 minutes while concentrating on your desire. Use for two baths.
    • For Floor Wash Use – Add half of the contents into a gallon of cold water and mop your floors from the front of your home to the back. Use for two floor washes.

Purpose of various court style herbs, and roots:

• Black Poppy seeds – To cause confusion to your enemies, you may add a pinch of black mustard seeds or black poppy seeds
• Calendula (Marigold) Flowers – Promote legal victory, winning in court, and self-respect
Deer’s tongue leaves– For eloquence in your attorney’s speech
Slippery Elm – Against gossip, lies and those trying to slander you in 
• Galangal (Little John) – This is considered “court case” root and 
should be carried or chewed whenever you go to court.
• High John the Conqueror – For personal power and mastery
• Solomon’s Seal – For judge’s wisdom (especially when you are 
wrongly accused)

Other Advice:

Can you do work for a friend?
You can burn the candle on behalf of your friend. Try and get something personal from them. Also grab the lawyer’s Business Card.
Is it guaranteed the spirit will help me win the case?

A huge misconception with court work, is the spell or a Demon can make the case go away, and this just is false. Once the action is in the mundane world, you can only manage the process and influence the outcome with magick. And then, Lucifer can do what he desires, so always ask! If you’re working with the Demons, you may already know that Eligos is the guy you need to reach out to, to help you when performing court style spells.

Should I wear an amulet or talisman to help me win the court case?

Layering your magical work and spells, increases the probability for success. You should consider wearing a Talisman now, which can draw the right type of energy toward you during this time. For example, the talisman below states this benefit

Strengthening your own powers of charisma and your ability to gain sympathy, this amulet is intended to aid in winning court cases.


M-23 Seal of Jupiter
For victory in legal & court cases & for settling disputes of all kinds. This seal is sometimes called the Seal of Mystical Assistance.

You can also use magical seals and prayers – for example the M-23  seal is for victory in legal & court cases & for settling disputes of all kinds.

This seal is sometimes called the Seal of Mystical Assistance. Activate by writing your desire on the back of the seal and wear or carry it with you.


Buy the seal set




If you have any questions or if what I said doesn’t make sense, please write your question or comment in the section below

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