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How do I become a witch?

BWC has created this system of defining beginner to advanced Black Magick to assist you in charting your occult journey. We suggest that you build on your skill level, before you attempt the Advanced magic practices and rituals. A common mistake a newcomer would make, for example, would be to try and evoke a Demon or spirit, without having Knowledge of basic rituals, such as protection work, and without being able to strengthen their 6th sense so to connect to the spirit for messages.

If you build on your knowledge, or layer your knowledge , you will find yourself having much success in magick, and in the dark arts. You will only find frustration if you do not dedicate time and energy on learning the basics.

These suggestions are based on the teaching of witchcraft and occultism to Black Witch Coven members. You should chart your own journey, knowing that to become a master in the dark arts will take over 10+ years of dedication.


Beginner Black Magick

Intermediate Black Magick

Advanced Black Magick

Recommended books for your journey

Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft (Llewellyn’s Practical Magick)

One of modern Wicca’s most recommended books, this comprehensive text features a step-by-step course in Witchcraft.


The Complete Book of Demonolatry 

“is part workbook, part textbook, and part reference book. It includes thorough chapters on demonology, history, Demonic Holy Days, offerings, prayers, Enns, sigils, religious rites, and an introduction to Demonolatry Magick”



“The Luciferian Path is one which exercises the sanctification of Self by activating aspects of the Adversary in particular form. This approach, highly at odds with traditional occult assumptions, is difficult to navigate for Practitioners just getting started. These are the questions this manuscript answers. The first part of this book deals with theoretical and methodological foundations of magick. The second part takes a look at previous books through ritual, commentary and suggested practices.”

The Book of Abramelin: A New Translation – Revised and Expanded

The text describes an elaborate ritual whose purpose is to obtain the “knowledge and conversation” of the magician’s “guardian angel.” The preparations are elaborate, difficult, and long. All of the German texts describe a duration for the operation of 18 months before any divine contact is known. In the Mathers translation, the initial phase of working the system lasts only six months.

During the period of the work, the magician must daily pray before sunrise and again at sunset. During this preparatory phase, there are many restrictions: chastity must be observed, alcoholic beverages refused, and the magician must conduct his business with scrupulous fairness.

After the preparatory phase has been successfully completed, the magician’s Holy Guardian Angel will appear and reveal magical secrets.

Once this is accomplished, the magician must evoke the 12 Kings and Dukes of Hell (Lucifer, Satan, Leviathan, Belial, etc.) and bind them. Thereby, the magician gains command of them in his own mental universe and removes their negative influence from his life. Further, these spirits must deliver a number of familiar spirits (four principal familiars, and several more associated with a set of magical word-square talismans provided in the Abramelin’s Book Four).

The magical goals for which the demons can be employed are typical of those found in grimoires: the practitioner is promised the ability to find buried treasure, cast love charms, the ability of magical flight, and the secret of invisibility, to list a small number of examples.

Modern Magick: Twelve Lessons in the High Magickal Arts

Modern Magick will safely guide you―even if you know little or nothing―through a progressive series of practical exercises and rituals, complemented by the knowledge, history, insights, and theory you need to become a successful ceremonial magician. Firmly rooted in the Western magickal tradition yet designed to be fully compatible with your contemporary practice, this book will help you attain full mastery of all core topics in magick.


Kabbalah, Magic & the Great Work of Self Transformation: A Complete Course

“A comprehensive course of self-initiation using Israel Regardie’s seminal Golden Dawn as a key reference point, Kabbalah, Magic and the Great Work of Self-Transformation guides you through the levels of the Golden Dawn system of ritual magic. Each grade in this system corresponds with a sphere in the Kabbalistic Tree of Life and includes daily rituals, required reading, written assignments, projects, and additional exercises.”


Sticks, Stones, Roots & Bones: Hoodoo, Mojo & Conjuring with Herbs

Hoodoo is an eclectic blend of African traditions, Native American herbalism, Judeo-Christian ritual, and magical healing. Tracing Hoodoo’s magical roots back to West Africa, Stephanie Rose Bird provides a fascinating history of this nature-based healing tradition and gives practical advice for applying Hoodoo magic to everyday life.

The Magical Power of the Saints: Evocation and Candle Rituals
Learn how to do powerful, practical magic when you use candles.

1 thoughts on “How do I become a witch?

  1. Xwolf32X says:

    Hey savannah i wants to ask you if one has a terminal illness. how would you go about using magic in a attempted to either help them get better our to at least ease there pain and suffering. im open to all things but im just unsure of where to start. thanks in advanced!

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