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How to Cast Easy Hoodoo Love Spells

If you’re looking for a way to attract more love into your life, then casting a hoodoo love spell may be just the thing for you. This style of magic is not complicated or time-consuming to perform (compared to other styles of magic spells and rituals), yet, you will need to understand how the magic manifests in order to be successful in your spell casting.

Hoodoo is folk magic and is meant to be easily accessible to everyone, and for you to use the appropriate items you have around you to help manifest the magic. The use of prayer is important, and while your prayers don’t have to come directly from the Psalms of the Bible, your petition is also a prayer. Who you pray to is up to you, but it is common in this style of magic, to pray to either an African Deity or a Saint. You can pray to whoever you want, but the key is to stay at your petition to the spiritual world, in order for the magic to manifest.

Note – if you’re interested in learning more about this style of magic, we have a whole range of courses over on our Hoodoo Witch Course website

Quick & Easy Spell Casting

Gather Your Supplies

The first step in casting your hoodoo love spell is gathering the supplies you’ll need. Depending on what type of spell you are trying to cast, this list can vary greatly, but some common ingredients include herbs such as lavender or rose petals; candles; incense; oils; crystal stones; and pieces of paper with words or symbols written on them. The focus is on having items you already have purchased or laying around your home and use these items to manifest your desires. For example, in the spells below, we are using cinnamon and honey or chocolate. Most people would have these already sitting in the cupboard. So it’s very inexpensive to perform this style of magic.

Additionally, if you are focusing your spell around a particular person, it may help to have something that belonged to them (or a photograph).

Create Your Space

Before you begin casting your spell, create a space dedicated specifically for this ritual. You don’t need anything fancy—a simple altar or circle will do—but make sure it is clean and undisturbed. Your desk or even the kitchen benchtop could be the altar. The misconception is that you have to have a dedicated space in order for the magic to work, but this is not true when it comes to folk magic.

Make sure there are no distractions or interruptions during the casting process so that you don’t lose focus or break concentration. Once everything is set up and ready to go, light some candles and incense and begin your ritual by opening yourself up energetically so that your energy can flow freely into the universe.

Focus on Your Intentions

Now that your space is ready, focus on your intention for the ritual—what outcome do you hope to achieve? Visualize this outcome while simultaneously affirming it out loud. Then use the items gathered earlier in order to further manifest your intentions—for example, if using crystals then place them around the area while visualizing their power radiating outward into the universe; if using herbs then light them on fire while repeating affirmations related to bringing new love into your life; if using oils then apply them to yourself while thinking about how they will attract loving energy towards you.

After doing this for several minutes (you can also chant during this time), thank whatever deities or forces you believe in for listening and helping with this task before extinguishing any burning items and closing off your energy field from outside forces.

Obviously, everybody has a different skill level, and so if you feel like you need more information about how to easily cast this type of spell, please tell me in the comment section below.

3 Easy Hoodoo Love Spells

Below, Miss Melinda (BWC Hoodoo Teacher) has a few EASY folk magic spells that can be easily done using most of the items found around us. Feel free to use the ingredients and the process as a base for you to add your own petitions and ingredients to personalize this spell for you.

Ritual One

Items needed:

  • two magnets,
  • a photo of you and one of the person you want,
  • a pink paper,
  • honey,
  • a pencil,
  • your favorite perfume,
  • a red candle and a white one.


  1. Draw a circle on the pink paper, then write the name of the person you want on top of yours.
  2. Place the two photos on an opposite position then place the two magnets in the middle.

Recite: “Just as the opposite poles are attracted, with the energy of this ritual let the person I want (mention his name) come to me and give me his love. Let him stay and stick with me as these two magnets serve as a representative. So be it. ”

  1. Then leave the pictures on the paper inside the circle and throw the honey over it. While doing this recite:

” Just as honey sweetens these magnets, let the heart and feelings of ………………be sweetened so that he wants to be with me eternally, so be it.”

  1. Then you have to take the photos, the pink paper and the honey and wrap them together with the magnets, making a small package. Spray the perfume and say:

“just like this perfume makes me smell good, may the person I want be nice to me.”

  1. Finally, put the candles on a plate, placing the white candle on the right and red on the left and say: “May this light illuminate the path of the person I want to come to me”
  2. Leave the candles there until they are completely burnt off.

Ritual Two: 

To make a love tie with cinnamon you will need:

  • cinnamon powder,
  • a red candle,
  • a picture of the person you want
  • and a red ribbon.


  1. To start light the red candle and put it close to the photo, look at it for a few minutes and imagine happy moments of the future that you could have with him/her.
  2. Then put the photo up and throw the cinnamon powder on top, while you say:

“With this magical mooring, I will have your heart forever with me, we will love and care for each other until the end of time. I invoke the power of red magic so that my request is met and fulfilled. It’s done”.

  1. Next, roll the photo, tie a red ribbon and bury it where nobody finds it.

Ritual three:

This spell only works if you already have a relationship with the person you want to keep by your side.

Items required:

  • Three leaves of fresh mint,
  • Grated coconut,
  • A small pot,
  • Chocolate,
  • Plastic wrap
  • And a red candle.


  1. Light a red candle and think of that special person.
  2. Next, place the chocolate in the pot and let it melt on a low heat and when that is done, turn off the heat.
  3. Add the three mint leaves one by one to the pot, reciting requests such as:

“I want you…………(mention the name) to always be by my side” or “I want you…… to fall in love with me”.

  1. Finally, add the grated coconut into the mixture and pour the chocolate on the film, let it cool and eat it.
  2. Do not forget to extinguish the candle when you are done.

There are many other love spells that you can perform. During these rituals, ensure to focus your heart on your request. Also, avoid any feelings of doubts because the moment doubt creeps in, then the spell might become ineffective.


Casting a hoodoo love spell is an effective way of calling upon divine energies in order to bring about desired changes in our lives related to matters of romance and relationships. While these rituals involve specific steps which should be followed closely, ultimately what matters most is connecting deeply with our intention and allowing ourselves to be open and receptive so that we can manifest our desires into reality. With an open heart and mind, anyone can successfully cast a hoodoo love spell!

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