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How to make magick spells manifest faster

witches community support from black witch coven

Why doesn’t my spell manifest faster?

If you have ever done a magick spell about something you are really passionate about, then you want a fast result. Especially if you have put so much effort into following all the magickal instructions to the letter! Then  why do most spells seam to take forever to manifest? Or worse still, not seam to have worked at all? I hear about these challenges everyday from people just starting out in spellcasting – especially for those who do “energy raising” types of magickal spells (without the use of deities/demons etc). The first question I will ask these spell casters is “what have you done post-spell, to facilitate the magick?”

You have to direct the path for the Power to manifest. Never believe that the spell ends with the casting, it must be nurtured and directed after the ritual or else all sorts of good and bad changes can happen. Manifestation is not making something appear out of nothing. Magic itself is an unnatural and subjective process. The goal is to make something happen that would have not naturally occurred. It was not fated to happen. And nothing just shows up without stimulus. Magick spells require a stimulus to motivate a change.

For most spells, it is you who must provide the avenue for your spells to manifest. For example, magic cannot just physically construct the molecules that make up a $100 bill, for the bill to manifest in the air before you. You must be proactive in its development – if you cast a money spell, start looking for a second job, or research methods that you can use to get a raise, etc. The least you can do is buy a lottery ticket, or go place a well thought out bet at the race track. The idea is that now the magick has a pathway to move along.

The magickal energy goes……where the magickal energy flows!

Magick isn’t your servant, its a tool to get things moving. If you cast a love spell, begin studying your subject. Let them know you are alive – be visible without being annoying. Or if you are “ethical” and don’t wish to manipulate others, cast a love drawing spell, and then get out of your house and hang out in places that represent what you’re looking for in a mate. And on that note, make sure that you look the part – meaning if you are looking for a person that is well groomed and stylish, but you can’t be bothered to brush your hair most days, then the magick is not going to be enough to create a loving romantic relationship.The point is that spells tip the balance, they don’t do the laundry.

This proactive approach following the actual casting is known as “the Bridge,” or “Magical Link.” Without it you are practically doomed to failure.

This is where secrecy comes in, as we all know “power shared is power lost.” But why? Thoughts are energy and energy can disrupt the Power – by the way, energy is not the Power, the Power is the Power, not energy, not life force, it is the Power and nothing else. If people know about your Working in progress their thoughts can disrupt the spell if they have something against you or your Craft. It is very common for Witches and Warlocks to use misdirection to throw everyone off the path of the real Working in progress for this very reason.

You should never harp on a spell though, don’t just sit around waiting for it to manifest. Waiting for a spell to just happen will actually negate its Power, but if you help it along, in secrecy, it will have a greater chance of manifestation.

I wish you the best of luck in your own spell casting.

5 thoughts on “How to make magick spells manifest faster

  1. janie says:


    I know. Decades ago, I was instructed that the most viable method for results was, 1. to create a specific intent, 2. work the magic, and then 3. let it go into the universe. “Set it and forget it,” which is hard to do when it requires squelching your desire.
    I have heard spell casters blame clients who don’t get results for not letting the magic work or, what they refer to as, jumping ahead of the work.
    This article seems to advocate the opposite by being proactive, which is good in a sense because the magician wants to see and feel the magic working, but bad also because if taking action is required to move things along, then magic is probably not needed anyway.
    The method described here means the magician is responsible for the outcome, but what if a client hires BWS for a working? Often it’s because there isn’t anything the client CAN do and has exhausted all tangible options.
    This just feels like another disappointing Catch 22!

  2. Ra says:

    Once the spell is cast should tu try to forget that you did it or continue to work it? I an having this dilemma now. Cast a spell 3 months ago, it seemed to start working and now, nothing. How should I approach this?

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