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How to Perform The Black Mirror Evocation Ritual

The black mirror is a very powerful scrying and divination tool. Over the years, this tool has been used for contacting and communicating with spirits and shades of the dead. These mirrors serve as a gateway from the physical to the spiritual realm. It is also considered as a tool for Atavistic Resurgence.

A common belief amongst the Hebrews is that mirrors serve as a gateway into the caves of Lilith and her Succubus offspring. For this reason, the young women were discouraged from using mirrors so that they wouldn’t get possessed by the Demoness. Such possession would drive them into having sexual acts with different men.

How to Create Your Black Mirror

You can make your black mirror from Obsidian, Onyx, or using a plate of glass painted with a rich black color, and which reflections are still obtainable. Although, there are some chaos sorcerers that have created black mirrors from a piece of glass with black electrical tape on the reverse side.  This method is inexpensive and as potent as other black mirrors. 

The best time to create your Black Mirror is during the cycle of the Full Moon, because the moon rules the third eye and the psyche. You can use any frame of photograph to form the base of your black mirror.

Get the glass of your choice {obsidian preferably) then paint one side of it with black enamel. You might need to add several coats of paint. Oil based enamels are usually long lasting although they don’t dry quickly.

After painting, allow the glass to dry completely before placing it back in the frame.

Other substitutions that can be used include: a dark bowl of black liquid or a shiny black large object. You can also use black crystal balls.

How to Empower Your Black Mirror

On a Full Moon night, go outside and look for a cool and quiet place. After setting up your ritual space, enter into a slight trance. Breathe in the energy of the Moon into your third eye, on the inhale and on the exhale.

Vibrate “Inanna” E-E-E-E-E-N-N-N-N-N-N-A-H-A-H-A-H-A-H-A-H-A-N-N-N-N-N-A-H-A-H-A-H-A-H focusing, so you can feel it in your third eye.

Do this for thirty times then while you are focused on your third eye, condense the energy from the Moon into your third eye and circulate this energy to your solar chakra and back to your third eye. Do this for nine times ending with the energy stored in your solar chakra.

Place a parchment or paper of the Sigil of Astaroth on the top of the face of the mirror then place both on your altar. The reason why you should use Astaroth is because she is a goddess of prophecy.

The next step you should take is to write down the following prayers on a clean piece of paper:

“Hear me Lord Satan, I ask in your name, that your forces bestow the powers of prophecy upon this mirror; that I may use this magickal medium to contact any Demons I may call forth, to scry upon for the revelation of secrets, and knowledge that is unknown to me.

In the name of Satan/Lucifer, I petition Ashtaroth, to bestow the blessing of prophecy and all the powers related, thereof upon this mirror. All of this, I ask in your name, Lord Satan. So it is done.”

Recite this prayer aloud and when you are done, light it in the flame of a black candle on the left-hand side of your altar. You should place the burning paper into a flameproof bowl and allow it to burn.

The next thing to do would be to channel the energy stored in your heart chakra into the mirror by exhaling it. You can chant g- g- g-g-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh eh-eh-eh. This vibration should be done with a hard G as in the English word “Get” without the ’t.’

Allow the base of your tongue to be close to the back of your throat while you vibrate the Gebo rune. This rune is associated with Astaroth and used in workings related to the heart chakra.

With each exhale, vibrate the energy into your mirror then visualize it entering your black mirror. It should be indigo (bluish violet) in color and with each exhale, the intensity grows. Repeat process until when you are sure that the mirror has been fully empowered and the energy has left you.

The General Uses of the Black Mirror

You can use your mirror to summon Spirit into the Evocation Circle. To bind the Spirit to the vessel and sigil. After binding the Spirit, you can still communicate with it through the mirror on a later occasion. Note that the visions that you might get through the black mirror might not always be pleasant so you must be strong enough to handle whatever you encounter. Also, the black mirror is very powerful and if you aren’t careful then you stand a risk of becoming obsessed with its force.

The key component needed to have a successful scrying experience is your ability to focus on the mirror and the use of the triad of Will, Desire and Belief effectively.  Once you have become experienced in scrying then you can use it in conjunction with other ceremonies to evoke the Goetic Spirits and perform other necromantic operations.

During this process, place the circle again in the chamber of the triangle and if you had made a doll or effigy to hold the spirit, you can place that doll in the triangle. This would serve as the meeting spot for the spirits.  Burn an incense and light few candles. Set up this chamber in such a way that the atmosphere would be suitable to accommodate these spirits.

                Black Mirror Ritual Evocation

”Spirit N.  l do rouse thee· from the vessel tomb of darkness

I summon and call unto thee spirit N. to arise from thy vessel and present thyself in the reflection of this mirror.

Present yourself in the form of which that is known, impart upon me thy visions of the world, of shadows; and that which l seek to know.”

After making this recitation, the spirit should appear in the mirror or in the darkened chamber. When you have perceived his presence then you might start seeing different images. At the end of the consultation, you can record down your visions in a journal.





TRIANGLE OF MANIFESTATION SCRYING MIRROR                                                                (SOLOMON STYLE)

Support your scrying mirror with this ornate brass stand



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