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Is the spirit Eshu trying to communicate with me?


Reader Question:

happy new year blessings for you too, my name is Rodolfo and i’m from Costa Rica, i don’t speak English very well but i’m trying to learn. I want to tell you that I recently came across with your website and find it very interesting and helpful, besides I think you’re really cool and I find you a very bright person who knows a lot about many things
if you don’t mind I wanted to ask you a question about the Orishas and the spirit called Eshu and if it’s possible that this spirit is trying to communicate with me.
Thanks for your time and attention. Cheers


Hey Rodolfo,
Thank you for your question, and happy new year to you in Costa Rica! Gorgeous place. And you write in the English language very well.
To answer your question, the orishas are “saints” – now spirits. Orishas are NOT the God or Jesus figure to the followers.
Yoruba Christianity
 Olodumare God
 Olofi Jesus
 Orishas The Saints
 Eguns The Dead
There are LOTS of orishas to contact for specific reasons.Here is a list of the most commonly worshipped Orishas is an interesting perspective as well,
As Africans were taught the Roman Catholic traditions and beliefs, they began drawing parallels between their own religion.  They made connections between the hierarchical structures of each.  Figures with equal power and importance became associated with one another.  As time passed, they actually became fused into  one being.  The names became interchangeable and worship practices were neither completely Christian nor African. 
I do not practice either one of these religions. Personally, I can’t stand organized religions, and choose to practice traditional witchcraft and magic. Witchcraft that was previously done by women known as “wise women” who held high positions with royalty and the community.
I will also refer you on to a great post about the Eshu question “What’s the Difference Between Legba, Eleggua, Eshu and Exu?” (external link This post will provide you with more information than what I would write here, and I think it answers part of your question.
To answer the second part of your question (To find out if that spirit is contacting you) would require a 1 on 1 session (for me to do anyways). What makes you think it is Eshu speaking with you? It depends on what you are doing for spirit to contact you or did you contact him? Sometimes, if you are new to communicating with spirits, they will play tricks with you and not actually be the spirit you think they are. Like us, they like games too.
As Rev Dr E says in the blog post, What’s the Difference Between Legba, Eleggua, Eshu and Exu? “Eshus are wild and uncontrollable by nature. Messing with one without the proper respect will get you in big trouble quickly as it is the nature of Eshu to cause problems, test humanity and upset the balance of things. Babalawos are experts at working with an controlling Eshu for the betterment of humanity. They have the spiritual technology to tame Eshu.”
I wish you love, happiness & success

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