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Lucifer and his relations with the demon Lucifuge Rocale

The nature of Lucifer

Lucifer is a spirit who is commonly associated with the Judeo-Christian religion. His identity has since been rendered interchangeable with that of Satan or other all-powerful demons. In addition, Christianity mentions that he was also gifted with musical abilities and is often depicted holding a musical instrument (usually a harp). Before his fall from grace as in the case with Christianity, Lucifer was seen as one of the highest ranking angels in heaven serving in direct communion with the holy trinity.

Today, Lucifer is widely acknowledged to be the leader of the fallen angels – he is thus referred to in terms such as the Prince of Darkness. In Christianity, it was he who initiated the rebellion in heaven which caused an all-out war. In this war, all the angels who chose Lucifer’s side were kicked out of heaven and sent plummeting to the earth. According to biblical accounts, Lucifer himself was cast into the underworld and bound to hell where he rules over the other demons and the souls of sinners.

It is not advisable to attempt summoning Lucifer if one has a limited experience with the spirits of the hellish realm. Much of modern religion and the occult acknowledge that he is the de facto leader of all the fallen angels. Lucifer is a very potent entity who only works to manipulate human beings using emotions such as envy and jealousy according to Christian accounts. In so doing, he continues to rebel against the divine while drawing the souls of sinful human beings to his side.

Lucifer is commonly thought to be the outright leader of the demons in Hell. However, it is worth acknowledging that Lucifer rules the hellish realm together with Astaroth and Beelzebub. These three demons form the unholy trinity which stands in direct contrast to the holy trinity of Christian heaven. The unholy trinity are regarded as the most powerful demons within the demonic world and have dominion over all the other residents of hell.

Today, Lucifer remains one of the most enigmatic of demonic spirits. Mortal humans, like you and me, are incapable of discerning the true nature of this entity. He is however thought to be quite capable of tempting human beings into doing deviant acts. However, much of demonology concedes that Lucifer has a malevolent outlook towards human beings despite appearing as a sweet Cherubic infant. He will at least try to deceive the conjuror at some point within their exchanges.


Lucifuge Rofocale,
Lucifuge Rofocale, Prime Minister Of Hell
Based upon a seventieth-century illustration in the original Grand Grimoire.

Lucifer and Lucifuge Rocale

One of the demons who are commonly associated with Lucifer within the occult is Lucifuge Rocale (Lucifuge Rofocale). This is a fallen angel who chose Lucifer’s side when the war broke out in heaven eons ago. Nevertheless, not much is known regarding this demon who is said to be a close aide of Lucifer – this is however a running theme consistent with the mysterious nature of the demons in Hell and other otherworldly realms.

Lucifuge Rocale, despite being inferior to Lucifer, still has a vast array of potent abilities. He is in control of all the wealth hoarded in the vaults of hell as the treasurer of the realm. He is also able to control all manner of worldly treasures and enriching one to an unimaginable level. He is however very obstinate and capable of deceiving the inexperienced conjuror if they are not careful. Like Lucifer, he is also very manipulative to the inexperienced mind.

To highlight Lucifuge Rocale’s lofty positioning in the demonic world, there are certain accounts that claim he is the ruler of the qlipoth Satariel. Satariel is the qlipoth which mirrors the Sephirah Binah on the Kabbalistic tree of life. It is noteworthy that Aleister Crowley had associated Moloch and Satan with ruling over Satariel – it is perhaps from this qlipoth that the association between Lucifer and Lucifuge Rofocale originates.

Still, not much is known regarding the true nature of the relationship between Lucifuge Rocale and Lucifer. These are demons that are more different than alike – perhaps this is consistent with the erratic nature of the overlying hierarchy of Hell. On one hand, we have the most powerful demonic spirit while on the other hand we have an obscure entity that is hardly mentioned within major grimoires. This makes for a relatively confusing relationship even for the most casual of audiences.


What is known of the rapport between these spirits?

Lucifuge Rocale is said to carry favor with Lucifer – this translated into him being made the Prime Minister of Hell. It is stated that Lucifer himself gave Lucifuge Rocale the position of Prime Minister of Hell. Being the Prime Minister of Hell obviously means that Lucifuge Rofocale is answerable to Lucifer with whom he must consult frequently. Therefore, it is not unimaginable that they make joint decisions together.

As the Prime Minister, Lucifuge Rocale has control over the government in Hell. It is he who acts on behalf of Lucifer albeit under directions. It is worth acknowledging that the power structures in Hell are at best a disjointed hierarchy – this is consistent with the lack of order which Hell undoubtedly has. Still, Lucifuge Rocale is at the top of the hierarchy just below the demons who form the unholy trinity.

Lucifuge Rofocale is associated with the order of Sheireil. It is here that he resides while consorting with Lucifer. The Grimoire of Pope Honorius acknowledges that all the positions given to Lucifuge Rofocale were carried out by the order of Lucifer. It was he who gave Lucifuge Rofocale the power over all of the world’s treasures allowing him to extend these desirables to any human mortal of his liking.

As the Prime Minister of Hell, Lucifuge Rocale has more authority compared to the ordinary demon. Seeing as it is impossible to directly commune with the members of the unholy trinity, using lieutenants such as Lucifuge Rofocale who have a great rapport with them can be crucial.  It is only through forging such a relationship with him that human beings are able to interact with the most powerful demons highlighting his favor with Lucifer.


Guest Author: Marx


Lucifuge Rofocale

Making a Pact through Lucifuge Rofocale

Pact: The Ritual Of Lucifuge Rofocale


Lucifuge Rofocale

Band: Lucifuge Rofocale
Album: Demonic Transfixion (2012)

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