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Luciferian Witchcraft: The Path to Self Excellence & Mastery

male witch

I decided to make a video to address a question that I receive several times a week.  “How can a person that is new to  Luciferianism apply some practises that can assist   towards self mastery”.

Most want to know if I have any tips that  they can apply to their lives right away. Often times people share with me how they have made commitments to change certain things but all too often things happen and they aren’t able to follow through on all the changes they are trying to make. This is not all that surprising. This type of inner work  is a work that must be approached and applied for a good amount of time before solid results can occur. Often Luciferian‘s find that these application are continuous journey in various forms .The important thing to remember here  is that your  habits, thoughts, and beliefs  were not formed overnight. Therefore it is not realistic to expect them to be resolved in a matter of days. However, with the gradual implementation of the new practices , which may or may not involve applying the 11 Luciferian Points of Power to one’s life ( if one finds them appealing), over a course of time can yield  great results . It is up to the individual to interpret how these points of power apply to them personally and how they wish to utilize them. Ideally  one would apply these principles one at a time and avoid trying to apply them all at once .Otherwise this can potentially overwhelm the individual and decrease the chances of success and lasting change. Perhaps try to apply one or two a week or whatever suits  you . Journal every day ,include your insights and application of these processes. Additionally meditation, yoga and/or  martial arts  can be extremely beneficial to the practitioner in establishing discipline and control over one’s mind body and spirit. Through the control of the mind, and of the breath, the practitioner can begin to control the physical.Self mastery is the key to everything if you wish to be a successful magical practitioner as well as a success  in your every day life.  Thoughts create energy. This is basic science and a concept that also  supports magic by the way. The Luciferian  practitioner must realize and except the fact that they are the God/dess of their own lives. Through their thoughts, beliefs, and actions they are creating  and manifesting for them selves the life that  they are living. Once one learns control of the mind, they can start to mindfully manifest the life that they desire that is within their control.

The Luciferian Witch is one who seeks knowledge that will assist them to become more evolved as a spiritual being, powerful witch  and to be the best version of themselves in all aspects of their being . The beginning work of the Luciferian is to firstly cleanse and free themselves from the limiting thoughts , beliefs and  behavioural patterns that are limiting their growth . Many need to heal from past traumas , limited ways of thinking, or toxic environments in which they grew up. This is the beginning great work . To come to the realization and understanding that many of the things that they  have been taught are not only wrong but so very toxic to the human psyche. Through the struggle of  freeing oneself of these barriers the Luciferian is  in turn transformed into a stronger healthier and more balanced person. There are four main thoughts or  yoga’s that can be of a great benefit especially to the beginner.

The yoga of consuming

The Luciferian must be mindful that they are the living temple of their own personal deity. Their  inner divine godself. With this knowledge  they should always be mindful to never harm their body temple in anyway.

The Yoga of washing

Yes of course washing your body temple and keeping it clean is very important. However, this concept extends beyond this. One must be mindful of keeping their energy centres clean, be psychologically balanced, and this even includes the state of one’s body temple. Within the yoga of washing we also work to rid ourselves of any limiting behaviours or patterns that are barriers to our growth. This includes any bad habits, if one smokes, or drinks too much, eats  too much, or whatever it may be that one must rid themselves of. It is very important to work toward freeing yourself from these things within whatever means that you have to do so. Some challenges can be easier than others. Some very big- especially if one has to overcome a serious  addiction. In these cases whenever possible one should seek out professional help. The same applies to overcoming past traumas. One must always remember there is no weakness in getting professional  help If it is within your means! This is actually strength-t decided to tackle the issue and take the necessary steps to overcome them. Weakness would be allowing the behaviour to limit you for the rest of your life  from achieving your great potential!

The yoga of rising

The initial thoughts that you have when you  first wake up are so very important! Try to have empowering thoughts and set yourself up for success in every way that you can.

The yoga of resting

This does apply to getting enough rest and sleep. It also is a great opportunity for your subconscious mind and your conscious mind to communicate and assimilate information and to be more on the same wavelength. Sometimes rest can also apply to creating boundaries for yourself and not always feeling the need to do everything that everyone asks of you!  It is OK to take care of yourself and put your important  needs first . This is not being selfish – this is taking care of yourself.This may also apply to taking breaks from magical practises by taking a day off here or there. You know what is  best you , and what you need.  Don’t take too long off and get to the point of inertia however. But do  rest when needed.

For more information see Ahrimanic  Yoga  on Michael W Ford’s Youtube Channel .

Whether you choose to engage in all of the practices of Meditation, Yoga, and Martial Arts that are  recommended above or if you only choose to do one, or two that is totally fine. Meditation is so very important. As well as controlling the mind and the breath to affect the physical. While engaging in your practice it is also  important to gain an understanding of the chakra system. While you are in a meditative state focus on the different energetic centres and their associations with the physical body and rejuvenate yourself with each and every breath in areas that you may intuitively or physically feel need special attention.

And there you now have some very easy and practical ways that you can get started in your personal evolution right away! Below is my video discussion on the subject if you are interested.

Until next time,

I wish you Dark and Wild Blessings🤘

Maggie Moon 🌙🌹

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