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Malphas: the Builder

occult tarot


“Malphas is a mighty Great President of Hell, having 40 legions of demon under his command. He builds houses, high towers, and strongholds, throws down the buildings of the enemies, can destroy the enemies’ desires or thoughts (and / or make them known to the conjuror). He is depicted as a crow that after a while or under request changes shape into a man, and speaks with a hoarse voice.”

Source: Wikipedia


Malphas, the deceitful demon


Demons who Provide Familiars


In my own deck of cards, I have accorded Malphas the Ten of Swords. When working with Malphas, it is necessary to consider his office of destroying enemies’ thoughts and any plans they conceive of or the provision of familiars. He can also destroy any armaments that the enemy constructs. However, he is also able to construct armored towers and fill them with fortifications for the conjuror.

The Ten of Swords shows a man lying face down on the ground with ten swords sticking out of his back. A red drape is drawn over the lower half of his body perhaps reminiscent of everlasting dignity as a result of his humanity. The sun rises from the horizon in a rather ominous background of a bleak sky. However, the bottom part of the background is made of a serene sea and appears peaceful in the back of such a gory foreground. This contrast may be taken to mean a sense of hope even in the face of insurmountable challenges.

The Ten of Swords, when it appears upright is representative of betrayal, loss, deep wounds, or even undesirable outcomes. When it appears reversed however it indicates regeneration or recovery while resisting an unfavorable outcome. This card is representative of hope even in the face of adversity seeing as the rising sun highlights new beginnings after the man in the foreground passes on. This explains the direct contrasts in the depictions shown in this tarot card.


The Demon

Malphas is a powerful demon in Hell whom some historical accounts state is second to Satan. He is mentioned in multiple grimories such as the Ars Goetia and the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum. The demon appears as a raven in some accounts or a hawk in others. At the request of the conjuror, he is capable of assuming a human shape but retains a raspy voice. Malphas has 40 legions of lesser demons serving under his command is able to send them out into war at the behest of the conjuror.

Given the demon’s abilities in scuttling enemies’ plans and developments of making them known to the conjuror, he is a useful ally in times of conflict. He is able to bring one from the brink of disaster to relative safety or even restore order in a life spiraling out of control. He can then provide one with the fortitude required to prevent further damages if he is properly handled – this is consistent with his office as an armorer. It is the possibility for recovery from absolute loss that makes this demon suited towards the Ten of Swords.


Significant Symbol – Sword

The sword is a commonly acknowledged symbol of war or bravery. Given this demon’s office which involves warfare and destructive activities, this shows he is suited to the alignment with the Ten of Swords. He is capable of simultaneously protecting the conjuror and the things they hold dear while attacking their foes. Malphas can even provide familiars to fight on behalf of the conjuror. He is also able to reveal foes’ secrets to the conjuror and can therefore give them an advantage in times of conflict or strife.

This demon’s involvement with warfare or conflict helps to see his alignment with the Ten of Swords. Countless people have risen from adversity that they had thought would drag them down forever. Therefore, the representation of a force which can both protect you while preventing your enemies from hatching evil plans shows his potency. Indeed, path working with Malphas appears as a sure way of overcoming several ordinary problems.

Note – there are no mentions of whether this demon is indifferent, malevolent, or benign towards human beings


The Message

What am I missing? Who is doing this to me?

If the Ten of Swords comes up during a reading, I would immediately be drawn towards being on guard. The implication here is that someone is working towards my downfall. In addition to taking care henceforth, I must also keep a lookout for any unusual changes in the people around me. These can be people from work, school, or even the neighborhood. Malphas should therefore help one to start preparing to counter any adversity.

With a few days or weeks, I should notice differences in the patterns of behavior of the culprit(s). This will be the cue sent to me by Malphas and begin to take precautions against the person. There may be no need to take aggressive steps towards them however besides limiting contact. If I do not see any unusual behaviors in the people around me then I assume the threat has passed. I will however stay on guard for the near future in case it has not yet passed.

Malphas can be a very useful ally in facing conflict or strife. He is capable of both protecting the conjuror while fighting on their behalf. He will also keep them aware of what the enemies are planning or have already done prior. Therefore, he should help to overcome any challenges as far as the involvements between human beings go. However, it is not known how this demon regards human beings and whether he may attempt deceit.

You can consult with this demon if you suspect someone is attempting to sabotage you. He can help you to overcome their efforts and even stage a fightback. If you want, he will make you aware of any steps that your enemies take against you.

These interpretations are subjective and open to your interpretation. Let us know what you think of Malphas and this tarot reading in the comment section down below. We would love to know what you think!


Image:  photo is the property of BWC

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