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Manifestation Tips for the New Year

2023 turned out to be a bad year for many people. I’ve heard many of my clients talk about the struggle they endured in 2023 and are hoping that 2024 is better. And it can be! Anyone can learn to manifest a great year whether financially, career or relationship wise, romantically, or spiritually. No matter why you’re searching for a better year, you can make it happen.

Here are some quick and easy tips to manifesting a great or at least better year than you had in 2023.

  • There is a new moon on January 11, so you can start there.
  • Set your intentions on 1/11 which just so happens to be a spiritual (aka angel number) of abundance and success). Use this to your full advantage and on the night of the new moon, set your intentions for the year!
  • The wording is everything! Don’t talk about what you don’t want but talk about what you do want!

Here are some examples to show the difference and the shift of energy that this will create.

  1. Stop placing your blessings into the future! Don’t say things like “In 2024 I will get a raise” or “When I get my raise” instead say something like “In 2024 I receive a 5% wage increase” See the difference! If you consistently say I will, then you never will because you are placing that into the future. It is always I receive or if that doesn’t feel right to you then say I am open and ready to receive. Keep your words in the present tense.

  2. What I mean by don’t talk of the things you don’t want. Instead of saying things like, “I don’t want a partner that cheats on me” instead say “My partner is loyal and faithful to me” or “I have a loyal and faithful partner”. Keep your words and thoughts positive.

  3. Stop talking negatively about yourself and others! Sometimes, we unintentionally talk negatively about our lives and don’t even realize it. Don’t say things like, “I hope 2024 isn’t as bad as 2023” or “I have nothing but bad luck”. I could go on and on about the negative talk we give ourselves everyday. You know what you say about yourself, now stop! Speak blessings and positivity over your life. Say things like “I am the luckiest person in the world and everything works out in my favor”, “I always have good luck”, “My bills are paid early every single month”, “My services/products are consistently in high demand”, “I receive $5000 each  and every month”. Say these affirmations every day and see how your life changes.

  4. Take inspired action. Stop sitting on the couch spouting affirmations, complaining that they aren’t working and take action. That perfect job won’t find you if you don’t apply to positions. You won’t find that loyal partner sitting in your house all day avoiding people. You won’t get that raise or promotion at work by doing the bare minimum, showing up late, or calling off all the time. Be that person that gets the promotion, the best partner, more money, the better house, the new car etc.

  5. If you want your outside environment to change you have to change your inside environment. You have to change your limiting beliefs and thoughts that are preventing you from getting all you want. You are worth it! Stop believing the nonsense you’ve been told that miracles don’t happen, that you’re not worthy, or that manifestation is a joke. It is not! Be grateful for even the smallest of things and see a shift! Prove everyone wrong and set your goal for an amazing year!


Manifest it! Ask and you shall receive. 


Understand that you will get out of manifesting what you put in it. If you haphazardly say a couple of affirmations once a week and put no real effort into taking inspired action then you will receive back what you are putting into it. very little. However, if you say your affirmations every day, connect with your spirit guides and ask them for the opportunities to achieve all you want, you make those vision boards and lists, and do your best to remain positive and speak blessings over your life and others, are grateful for the smallest of things you receive then you will see a huge difference! I’ve been practicing manifestation since 2018 and I have received 2 new cars, a booming business, and just recently moved into my own office.

I was able to quit my 9 to 5 job in a call center to have a growing and thriving spiritually-based company with a private office in which I am able to set my own hours.

You can too! Take the steps and have the belief that your goals are a reality and you are worth it!

2024 is an amazing year for us all!


Consultation with Lily (&; her Spirit Guides)

Psychic Reading w Lily

Psychic Medium Reading(Connect to Your Deceased Loved Ones)

Psychic readings with Lily

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