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March 2022: Witchcraft & Occult Q & A Session

Perhaps I should turn my Ask Savannah videos into podcasts. Would you believe that by the time I finish shooting the video it’s around two hours long, and I need to edit it so at least it’s under the one hour mark. When I am doing these videos, it feels like I’m talking to family and friends so I do tend to ramble on a little more than what I normally would if I was shooting an instructional video.

So to help I thought I would create a little table of contents so you can FastTrack to the section you could potentially be interested in. Enjoy!


2:02 NYE 2022 & prophecies

7:02 Fake Savannah Social Media Accounts

9:00 Bitch Session against witches who charge for the disposing of a spirit they removed

13:00 Savannah Down Under – Meet my Grandbabies + weird animals + wild mushrooms + burrito spider webs + Aussie Coven Rituals

16:44 Couple rituals + the Full Moon

23:18 Selling My Soul + Success

30:42 Banishing Rituals  for unwanted spirits

35:00 Can I turn back time or travel back in time?

36:16 Seeing me in your dreams or on the astral

40:55 What can I do to cure Grandad of his cancer?

46:44 Servitors






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