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Money Attraction Spell using a Green Figure Candle



In sorcery, another magical system you probably know I practice, there is a complete ritual that we perform for Juno/Jupiter. Still, if we are doing a candle magic spell on the altar, there are a few little shoutouts to Jupiter I like to say. One is a prayer and the other is an incantation. Modify both as you desire will use these as inspiration to begin your own chant or prayer;

“Ancient Juno/Jupiter, Listen to my prayer, I need you, I need your energy to help me create a wealthier life. I am worthy of receiving your blessings. Money will make me appreciate my life more and I will be ready to open myself up to gratitude and positivity…So mote it be”
Chant this at least 3 times with intention, visualizing the runes from the candle spreading a green light and energy, and visualize yourself already having the money and the wealth you are wishing for.

For the prayer, this is very simple but I really like it:
Jupiter Optimus Maximus
Jupiter, best and greatest
From your seat above the sky
Look down to me.
Smell the sweet scent rising to you.
Hear the Holy words reaching to you.
Answer my prayer most Holy One.

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