Every night when we fall asleep, our soul leaves the body. The subconscious controls where the soul goes and what it does after leaving the body. Another time when the soul leaves the body is when you astral project but in this case, you can consciously control your soul’s movement and activities until it returns to the physical body.

The astral realm is the gateway to spiritual growth and self-empowerment. One major barrier that prevents people from experiencing a successful astral projection is the fear of death. Death is inevitable but only the physical body can die. The soul never dies. Other people fear they will be attacked by some type of entity and this prohibits successful astral production.

The truth is all living beings possess an astral body. It is connected to the physical body through the umbilicus (your belly button) along what is known as the silver cord. This is what we have come to know as an out of body experience and it has been happening to people from all over the world for centuries. Typically the spiritual body leaves the physical body during death. But as we all know there is no coming back from death in the physical form so when people do, it is called a “near death experience”. Essentially, it’s as if the process of death was stopped and the spirit returned to the physical body. This is a form of astral projection. But you needn’t come close to death to experience it.

Steve G Jones – Astral Projection

Through astral projection, a man can awaken his consciousness and shine like a beacon into the cosmos. In this realm, fear is destroyed and freedom is attained. Astral projection is also very common in occult and witchcraft circles, however I strongly believe you need to know the basic techniques before you can be effective as an occultist, where you are astral projecting for a purpose of probably spellcasting.

You might be thinking, “What are the benefits of learning astral projection? Why do I need to spend time learning this technique? And why do other witches and occultists focus on learning this technique so heavily?” One who’s courses we highly recommend is Dr Steve G Jones. Dr. Jones met Savannah over 10 years ago in Las Vegas Nevada, and they quicked established a close friendship – sharing many concepts and ideas. Dr. Jones says there are 3 main areas of your life where astral projection will affect you. And once you learn the correct astral projection techniques, you’ll be able to:

1. Live A Life Of Adventure – Travel Anywhere, Anytime And Sense Everything

  • Defy the laws of time as you travel to any point in the past and future. See the pyramids of Giza being built or discover what new technologies exist in the year 3000.
  • Defy the laws of gravity. Experience free falling, zipping straight up Mount Everest, swimming through space, or anything else you desire.
  • Fly through the air faster and higher than Superman himself.
  • Instantly appear anywhere your heart desires, making travel the easiest and most enjoyable experience. No more long lines at the airport and saving up for vacations.
  • Walk through walls, explore ancient buildings, and go against the laws of physics.
  • Visit the astral planes and experience whole new worlds with exquisite animals, magnificent natural structures, and bizarre plants and flowers.
  • Have astral sex and discover new and intense pleasures few in this world will ever experience.


2. Affect Your Current Waking Reality In Order To Live The Life You Want In The 3-Dimensional World

  • Create a higher level of self awareness so that you may come closer to your life purpose and your true being.
  • Visit friends and family that have passed on and enjoy your time with them again knowing that they are well and happy.
  • Overcome fears of death, flying, and any other phobias you may have.
  • Use the powers of creative visualization taught used in astral projection to make achieving your goals easier and faster.
  • Evolve your natural skills of ESP to protect yourself and loved ones.
  • Consult the Akashic Records in the astral planes to predict the future in the 3rd dimension.

Aside from serving as the ultimate experience where limits are non-existent, astral projecting will also help improve your quality of life in the 3rd dimension. You see, it’s a known fact that clearly visualizing yourself achieving a goal or performing a task within your mind increases the chances that you will achieve that goal or perform that task in real life.

Think about what it would be like to overcome fears or reservations that you have about certain aspects of life without actually having to take the plunge. Imagine overcoming your fear of flying without actually getting on a plane.

3. Spiritual Enlightenment And Transcendence

As an astral traveller, you will have seen, felt, and experienced things most other humans will never get to and in doing so your consciousness will be raised, your negative energy will be at a minimum, and you will become aware of something greater than yourself. These experiences will allow you to spiritually transcend different worlds awakening your mind’s true potential and thereby allowing you to see the grand scheme of life, collective consciousness, and the Universe.

Scientists have discovered different techniques used to astral project. In today’s article, I shall consider Monroe’s techniques, as this is a popular technique we learn here at BWC.


This is a step by step guide that is suitable for everyone.

Step One

Relax your body

This is the first step to having an Out of the Body Experience (OBE). Relaxing the body includes both physical and mental relaxation.


Step Two

Enter the hypnagogic state. 

This is a state of consciousness during the onset of sleep. It is also referred to as “hypnagogic hallucinations”. You can deliberately induce hypnagogic hallucinations as you fall asleep to have a Wake Induced Lucid Dream or OBE. The best way is to meditate and listen to brainwave entrainment, allowing your mind and body to relax (as if falling asleep) but staying mentally aware.

Monroe calls this Condition A.

Step Three

Deepen this state

Clear your mind and while your eyes are closed, observe your field of vision. You can look through your closed eyelids at the blackness in front of you.

After some minutes you will notice light patterns forming. When they cease, you would have entered what Monroe calls Condition B.

Don’t stop at this point. You have to enter a deeper state of relaxation where you will lose awareness of both body and sensory stimulation. Monroe calls this Condition C. In this state, your only source of stimulation would be your thoughts.

If Condition C was induced from a refreshed and rested condition, then it would naturally progress to Condition D; the state where you can leave your physical body.

Step Four:  

Enter the Vibrational state. 

It feels as though the body cells are vibrating, although not physically. It occurs spontaneously and can be perceived as when the astral body leaves the physical body. This can be experienced as mild electric shock or tingling sensation through your body. When you apply the necessary techniques, reaching the Vibrational state is not difficult.

To enter this state, Monroe recommends the following:

  • Wear clothes that are loose fitting; clothes you feel comfortable in.
  • Remove all items including jewelry that might be touching your skin.
  • Ensure that the room is darkened so that no light is seen through your eyelids. However, do not shut out all light.
  • Lie down along a north-south axis and let your head be pointed toward magnetic north.

When everything is set, enter into a state relaxation. Tell yourself that you will remember everything that occurs during the astral projection. Say it five times.

  • Now breathe through your half-open mouth. As you breathe let your concentration be on the void in front of you.
  • Choose a point about a foot away from your forehead and change your point of mental reference to six feet.
  • Turn the point 90 degrees upward. Do that by drawing an imaginary line parallel to your body axis up and above your head.
  • Let your focus be on that point. Reach out for the vibrations and bring them back into your body.
  • When you come in contact with these vibrations, you will understand what they are.

Step Five:  

Control the Vibrational State.

Once the vibrations have been triggered, you will perceive them inside and outside of your body. Its intensity can be anything from a low to higher frequency. You have to learn how to control the vibrational state. According to Monroe, you can mentally push them into your head down to your toes. As they move down, you will experience vibrational waves. As soon as you can control this state, then you are ready to leave the body.


Although the vibrational state is the ideal energetic condition for the astral body to start the take-off process, there are some persons who don’t experience this before leaving the body. There are still accounts of people who experience this state but were not able to leave the physical body.

The ultimate goal is to master the vibrational state in that you can reach this homeostatic energy state in any position of the physical body, in any condition, anywhere, and at any time.

Step Six: 

Leave the body:

To achieve this, let your mind be focused on the idea of leaving the body. Start with a partial separation. Do not let your thoughts wander otherwise you might lose control of this state.

Start exploring the OBE by stretching out a hand or foot of the “second body”. When your limbs come in contact with a familiar object( a wall for example), push it through the object. Now withdraw the astral limb into the physical one and decrease the vibrational rate.

Monroe recommended two methods of leaving the body. They are:

Method one:

Lift yourself out of your body. To do this, visualize that you have become very light. Imagine that you are floating upward and don’t let anything interrupt your visualization.

Method two:

  • After achieving the vibrational state, try to roll over into your second body (do not attempt to roll over physically).
  • Twist your body from the top and virtually roll over into your second body which is beside your physical body.
  • Visualize that you are floating upward above the body. When that is achieved, feel ecstatic because you are now on the other side.

Other methods

Teleport out:

You can pop out of your body into a new location.

Sink through and let your astral body be released from the back of your physical body.



Astral projection is not just an activity that can help you advance materially and spiritually. It can be fun too. As a beginner, the first step is to get rid of all your baseless fears about this art and learn to project. Several techniques have been discovered by different researchers. However, not all techniques work for everyone. If Monroe’s techniques don’t work for you, then I suggest that you try others.

I will circle back here regularly to check if you have any comments or questions about astral projection.



If you’re committing to the journey of learning astral projection and out of body techniques, this is a highly recommended audio CD –  Out-of-Body Techniques by William Buhlman. There is a reason why this guy is an international Guru and best seller.

Learn techniques for out-of-body explorations from leading expert William Buhlman. Based on 40-plus years of experience, Buhlman found that each of us responds differently to various OBE induction methods. Six separate CDs provide different approaches for achieving this state with the assistance of Hemi-Sync frequencies: Body of Light, Balloon, Count Down Globe, Target Technique, The Vortex, and Shamanic Method. 

For over a decade he has conducted an international out-of-body experience survey that includes over 16,000 participants from forty-two countries. The provocative results of this survey are presented in his book, The Secret of the Soul. This cutting edge book explores the unique opportunities for personal growth and profound spiritual awakenings that are experienced during out-of-body states of consciousness.


Other Info on Astral Projection


Demons to help with Astral Projection and Astral Travel

Astral Travel Oil

Hemlock Oil


  • The Body: A Complete Guide to Astral Projection by D. Scott Rogo, prentice Hall Press
  • https:// truthandvibration .com/blogs/paradigm-shift/astral-projection-techniques
  • https:// www .quora.  com/Astral-projection-How-can-I-achieve-vibrational-state-properly-How-does-it-feel-like
  • Astral Projection Mastery by L. Jordan
  • https:// www.   com/spirituality/astral-projection-meaning-techniques-experiences-stories/
  • https:// www.   org/astral-projection-dangers/f76


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