Monthly Spiritual Services


Yesterday I was asked if I could provide a monthly set of spells and services, to one of our gifted and passionate clients/students (I’ll call her Dr. S). While she has both the talent and the skill to complete the work herself, she admits that she is

  • A little exhausted
  • A little busy,
  • Lacking Connection

She needs someone else to help her do the spiritual work

If you been following our BWC website and our blog for awhile, you may have learned that magick is more than just one and done spells – in most cases. Many types of spells require ongoing work to really create the energy for manifestation.

For example, if we’re working with deity, we need both the time and the space to give praise and devotion. To many people on The left hand half will find that this can be a real challenge, As we may live with family members who do not appreciate our alternate lifestyle and spiritual practices. A Black Arts Altar does require a little explanation, and we all know that the majority of our family and friends just won’t recover from the shock!

Most of my clients have been working with me for long time now. I know them well. So we could be working on one main issue, and then have other issues in their life that pop-up from time to time. The point is that I already have a spiritual connection, Or a spiritual cord To the client and situation.

Last night I discussed with Blonde Gypsy what we can do for our clients. We both agreed, the majority of our long-term clients need not only monthly consultation and spiritual advice, but consistent monthly energy towards their goals. So we created a monthly program, that can be tailored to assist with these various situations.

I was also asked to make this service, a “subscription service”, however, for now I would rather our clients order it from our website –  For the first month. And then if you want the same service every month, we’re happy to provide you with a PayPal invoice, versus taking money out of your bank account automatically.

Here is a breakdown of what we thought maybe most beneficial For this monthly service:

The Base Monthly Service fee is $247

  1. Consultation with BWS – 30 min
  2. Tarot Reading with Blonde Gypsy – 30 min
  3. A Spell will be cast for the (ongoing) situation discussed in the consultation
  4. Candle work towards a current situation
  5. Energy Cleansing

Additional add-on services can be applied as necessary

Add ons (all reduced fee for existing clients):

  • Candle Offering to Deity $20
  • Charka & Aura Cleanse $50
  • Clear Trauma And Negative Karma – $30
  • Love, Attraction ,& Charisma Attunement – $30
  • Money Attunement – $40
  • Moon Spells (Full Moon/New Moon) – $169 (Normally $399)
  • Open Psychic Abilities – $20
  • Post Tarot Consultation (30 mins) – $30
  • Power to Manifest Attunement – $140
  • Psychic Protection – $70
  • Remove Negative Entities And Negative Energies – $30

I hope this makes sense, and if it doesn’t, please let me know what I can do to make it less confusing. We are hoping by creating a BASE PACKAGE, it will be affordable to those who use our services regularly. Plus with the add-ons at a reduced fee, the ongoing spell and energy work can continue affordably.

Monthly Spiritual Service

Blessed Beast one & all,

Savannah aka BWS

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