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Occult Tarot Murmur: The Philosopher

occult tarot

Murmur: The Philosopher

“Murmur is a Great Duke and Earl of Hell, and has thirty legions of demons under his command. He teaches Philosophy and can oblige the souls of the deceased to appear before the conjuror to answer every desired question. Before his rebellion against God, Murmur held the name Matthias. Murmur is depicted as a soldier riding a vulture of a griffin, and wearing a ducal crown.” Source: Wikipedia

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occult tarot deck murmur

Direction: North

Rank: Count; Duke; Earl


Occult Tarot says: 6 of Wands

Our thoughts – 10 of Rods; 10 of Disks/Pentacles

Planet: Sun, Venus, Mars

Incense: Sandalwood

Color: Dark Blue; Green

Metal: Gold, Iron, Copper

Demonic Enn: Vefa mena Murmur ayer


In my personal deck of tarot cards, I have allotted Murmur the 10 of Rods or 10 of Pentacles. With regard to Murmur, I hope to gain philosophical knowledge. Hopefully, I can draw from his wisdom and possibly even receive a message from Murmur himself.

His ducal crown and sitting atop a mighty beast such as the griffin or vulture shows his lofty status within the demonic order. There is a desire to traverse the boundaries of human knowledge or the limits of mortality when it comes to dealing with Murmur. The 10 of Rods shows a man trudging forward whilst holding a bundle of sticks and the implication here is responsibility, hard work, or of commitment to a cause.

The crown archetypes rightly depict royalty or an elevated status. Another less examined meaning for the symbol of the crown is resurrection – this is consistent with Murmur’s office that allows him to summon and control the souls of the deceased. Crown archetypes also depict immortality which is another aspect of necromancy that can be considered when dealing with this demon.

The 10 of Rods in a reading indicates resurrection or the possibility for new beginnings. The card shows a person committed towards realizing their goals and gradually trudging to a pre-determined destination. When I see this card, I am immediately given hope of a desirable outcome arising from a difficult situation.


The Demon

The fifty-fourth spirit of the seventy-two Goetia demons is Murmur. Murmur sits astride his vulture or griffin majestically. He has two ministers accompanying him making a noise like trumpets. One can clearly see the purposeful nature in his stride as his ministers announce his coming. He is a great teacher who is capable of teaching the conjuror all manner of philosophy and compel the souls of the dead to appear and answer questions before the conjuror.

As an angel, he belonged to the angelic order of thrones and Angels. Murmur presides over thirty legions of lesser demons showing his dominance within the hierarchy of demons.


Significant symbol – ducal crown

Like several other demons, Murmur has various names within the occult. Among the other names of this demon are Murmas, Mormo, Mermo, Lamia, Murmus, Murmux, Matthias (Angel), or Mormolyttomai.

As an angelic being, he was named Matthias and resided in heaven as a partial member of the angelic order of thrones. His most notable symbol is his crown which depicts his authority in the demonic order. After his fall, Murmur took on the role of a teacher of philosophy who can also be summoned to help in necromancy as he is adept at compelling the souls of the dead to do the conjuror’s bidding.

Murmur is depicted as a soldier riding atop a griffin or a vulture. In some depictions, he is shown as a soaring vulture. Yet in other depictions, he is himself shown to be holding aloft a trumpet and blowing into it earnestly.

Necromancers hold Murmur in high esteem because of his obvious abilities in summoning the souls of the deceased. Similarly, conjurors with an interest in philosophy can also find value in his teachings as he is well versed in all topics relating to the discipline.

Note – there are no clear origins for this demon within ancient Graeco-Roman or Middle Eastern mythology. He is mostly associated with the Judeo-Christian world because of his ties to the angelic order of thrones.


The Message

What does the future hold for me? I need to take stock and examine previous difficulties to determine any desirable outcomes.

I believe Murmur comes as a reminder of the possibility for rising out of hard situations. He is here to resurrect any lost hope and offer promise for the future. He may also be here to teach me something that I was previously unaware of as consistent with his office of teaching philosophy.

If I so wish, Murmur can teach me things that I do not know regarding human nature. His knowledge surpasses that of ordinary mortals and he is able to overcome mortality in summoning the souls of the deceased to do the conjuror’s bidding. When working with Murmur, I would ask him to reveal to me the motives of people within my immediate circle by teaching me to read people’s underpinning philosophies. Within a few weeks, it should be possible to know the motives of other people and the things that drive them to behave in a certain way. If I do not get a message on the same, I assume that everyone within my circle harbors only positivity towards me and should help me to reach my desired destination in life.

There is no malevolence associated with this demon and I believe he can call forth his hordes to help me shoulder my burdens as I journey through life towards my desired destination. He is however able to compel his legions of demons to protect the conjuror. I may also call for his help with astral projection or whenever I suspect the possibility of vampirism. Given his vast knowledge of philosophy, there is also promise for Murmur helping me to understand the workings of divination.

In the worst case scenario, I can compel Murmur to send hordes of infernal spirits to torment the people who do me wrong.

The drawing of tarot cards such as the 10 of Rods is open to interpretation of all kinds. Let me know what you think of the association between Murmur and this card in the comments below. As I mentioned earlier, the occult tarot deck says this card is assigned to the 6 of Wands. But I would love to know your thoughts. Where would you place this card in your Tarot deck?

Image: Murmur photo is the property of BWC


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