Just an observation (since I am living in the south – or Southern USA right now.) The racism issue is real and it is a part of the story of this country/land. Perhaps you have your own issues of this kind, in the country/community where you are right now?
But we are taking about MAGIK now……and your path to ascension. So let me make my own statement – as an international woman/witch/occultist.
Your RACE does not matter! Sorry – but the USA seams to focus on black and white -however….. there are also SO MANY OTHER flavors in this world!
This issue is also exasperated by the social media need for acceptance aka “likes” – <sigh>
I know, I know…..we can’t talk about it right? It’s uncomfortable? We only bitch about this stuff behind closed doors?
I’m not passive aggressive and I can say what I think and feel, as I do not wish to live in a George Orwell’s “1984” dystopian world of following the beliefs of the masses in fear consequence! Nope! (FYI – BWC encourages EVERYONE to follow their voice – even if the opinion differs from our own.)
Let’s keep our heads straight and NOT be swept away with mundane matters. So here is my point……MAGICK has MALE & FEMALE energy…..period. Not a color.
Limiting beliefs in this area are responsible in the failure of MANY people’s magic work. I see these people everywhere…all over social media projecting this image of success that their tradition or color brings to their lives (and I am NOT targeting a specific group)…..but the reality is that they are still eating 2-minute noodles while sitting on a milk crate. The need to project success, does not equal magick success.
We are all coming out of the IRON AGE…a dark 2000 year period in human history. A patriarchal society, driven by a selective few. The divine feminine and the divine masculine was squashed by…..Well you know what and who!
Over 40,000 years ago, humans worked together – Male and female. It was commonly understood, and just a fact of life, that each sex had its purpose. Magic was achieved by tuning in to the spiritual world – not of this earth – knowing our place as male/female.

If you’re following a magical system that wants you to believe In segregation, then you are following the wrong system.
Remember that the world, and all the continents, are in a constant state of movement. Remember that we are all sitting on plates, deep inside the earth, that move every day – and that over the hundreds and thousands of years – the continents separate and form their own land mass.
I’m not here to give you a geology lesson, but this is something that you need to look up for yourself if you believe your ancestors give you special abilities – that they are not giving anybody else!
Races from all over the globe have similar ancients and beliefs – who are all the same deity – we just call the deity a different name depending on where we live! Still, this is a topic for another day perhaps….
Facts are that we HUMANS – all are the SAME – we are born into a “ying or yang” energy.
FYI – Your ancestors can only give you what they had here on this earth plain.
FYI #2
In demonoloatry – You are connecting to the Ancients who have lived amongst us since the beginning of time. They do not care about your color. They can be seen on the sides of the pyramids in Egypt – Half human half animal. You’ll start to see where the great knowledge came from…..enough said.
Savannah aka BWS
Learn more!
I am a Luciferian – which means I am in a constant state of learning and growth. I recommend you check out the truth behind mankinds path to the present day.
- http://www.pyramidcode.com/
- http://eparanormal.net/extraterrestrial/2016/meet-the-anunnaki-our-ancient-ancestors
- http://blogs.bu.edu/pbokulic/2013/10/17/when-continental-drift-was-pseudoscience/
Thank you for this post. I once read in a witchcraft book – it might have been one by Margot Adler or Sybil Leek, I’m not sure which – that mentioned only Europeans could benefit from & practice Wicca, others had to practice the magickal belief systems of their own races/colors. It kind of ticked me off even then, as a young teenager, and for years I stayed away from reading about any type of magick that wasn’t Voodoo/Hoodoo, etc. Then I decided, the heck with it. I would do whatever I wanted, and that included working with all types of magickal systems no matter their origin. I still feel that way today. By the way, I love your YouTube videos and spells! I used the fecal spell on someone who had wronged me and yes, it worked!
Saying it doesn’t matter is a privilege that POC don’t get. Their races DO matter, it’s what rules our daily lives and our lens of the world. It has a deep root of importance, especially since it has been something tied so deeply to abuse, violence, and the very real possibility of death. It’s not segregation to realize the importance of people’s races and cultures after hudrends, if not THOUSANDS of years of colonization and bloodshed. It really does matter and saying It doesn’t dismisses POC and their voices in favor of apathetic privilege.
Hi John
I hear and understand what you are saying – as in the mundane world, this is an ongoing issue (and a contentious one in the USA). In the world of MAGIC we do not have RACE issues. Race does not matter in the spiritual planes. That is the point.
As a Solitary my first instinct is why would this even be a concern? When we fail to bat for our team we are soon taught what it mean’s to become a pet without purpose as the praise end’s, and the nose thumping begins. Have we overcome so much persecution only heap it upon ourselves again through pseudo-Christian fantasies about equality willingly handing over our position through political support to feed the masses loaves, and fishes? And… world peace.