My Pickle Jar D.U.M.E. Spell
I did a serious D.U.M.E. spell recently. I had watched a few of BWS’s videos and they really helped encourage me to ‘crack on’ with my practice no matter how eclectic my influences are! Once I know something, how can I not throw it into the mix, like a great spice from a foreign land?
I didn’t stop to do any reading, I had enough knowledge and I wasted no time, the absolute compulsion to get the working working came from my strong conviction that this was justified absolutely. I grabbed an empty pickle jar with some pickle juice still in it and added a glug or two of white vinegar and then pissed in that. There was a few inches left at the top but I felt OK about that and screwed the lid on. Took plain white sticker and wrote DUME on it and stuck it right on the pickle label.
Luckily I had a couple of black taper candles handy and I took one and carved notches so I could burn for nine times in a row (I think it ended up being 13 though), and made it into a figure candle by carving a man on it (head at the top, arms, hands ,body, legs and of course feet at the bottom, naked so there’s a penis too). I attached the candle with a few drips to the jar lid and placed this beside my toilet in a corner.
Thirteen pins were then stuck in him wishing him the pain he caused me and then some. The petition was easy too. Target’s name in red, turn paper counterclockwise once and what I want to happen nine times backwards over that in black. Fold away from self, turn counter clockwise fold again and set under jar. I put a big sign that said “CURSE DO NOT TOUCH” behind it in case a curious person wanted to poke at it.
This is where the fun begins. I put my favourite music that gets me into state every time, cast circle, light the candle in the dark and focus. I asked that any spiritual entities and deities that were benevolent towards me and mine that cared to assist please do, come and go as you will. I wondered who would show up, but it was feeling like a very juicy spell, I had no doubt I’d receive spiritual assistance.
Working the Working
In complete darkness (easy, my bathroom has no windows) apart from candle light I took some time every day to work the candle, getting into state almost immediately every time. I did miss a day but just got right back to it again the following day. Afterwards, every time, even though I ate and moved around my body was so revved up it reminded me of coming home from a busy, busy, shift cocktail waitressing and being up for hours from the stimulation, wide awake into the wee hours if it was evening.


Burying the Mess
When the ‘demon bonfire’ was all over, I couldn’t wait to finish with the spell. I put all the wax, pins, and the petition in the jar. Then I bathed and put on an outfit that I think was perfect, and called a buddy to be my digger, as I needed a decent size hole and wanted someone else to dig while I set the candles and invoked and chanted, etc.
It’s nice when someone will, with no prior warning and no questions, concede to digging me a hole late at night, at either a graveyard or a crossroads. This too was all off the cuff, necessity is the mother of invention.
Before I left my house I grabbed a handful of votives, a cedar smudge, a pocket of baneful and banishing herbs I had in reach and a few things for blessings, I spotted a little candy cane and thought, ‘Papa Legba would love that!’. I had a bag with a personal item that once belonged to the target and brought that too.
We decided NOT to go to the graveyard because it would be more of a ‘heat score’ and went to a four way crossing that is close by. I used a ‘cloaking technique’ so that we wouldn’t be bothered. It’s absolutely amazing that nobody stopped or even slowed their vehicles. Just a guy with a shovel, or just a woman dressed like I was, or just a few candles, would normally be enough for a lot of rubbernecking.
I was working as soon as I stepped out of the car, and didn’t notice a cop car had gone by and didn’t slow down either (found out later), I first smudged us and the shovel, picked a spot (W, btw), asked permission of land spirits first and lay an offering for them, and lay four votives for the directions and elements and one for Spirit (as in the pentagram). I chanted the names of the deities who I knew were helping plus a few more that kinda just popped out of mouth. As soon as I was done with the invocations, the hole was done. I picked up the jar and opened the lid, thinking to stick the target’s personal item in there too and it fit PERFECTLY, even though I didn’t mean to leave the perfect amount of space in it! I was thrilled that it all fit in there.
Buddy asks me “Is this good enough?”, and I held the jar just inside the hole to see if it fit and it got sucked out of my hands, like it was pulled forcefully deep into the hole, and I heard no bottom, oddly. It was startling. Straight to China.
I said my thankyous and left offerings of thanks as the hole was filled in, reminding by buddy that now we must drive away without looking back and not retrace that route on the way home.
I dropped a piece of Frankincense on a votive as I walked to the car and the flame from the tiny candle flared high into the air, I’ve never seen Frankincense do that (several feet high) and we left the candles burning safely (very wet locale), knowing the invisibility cloak would protect the area after we drove away.
I’ve never put so much energy into a spell before, or enjoyed so many signs that the work is accepted by the spirit world. So mote it be. I look very forward to letting you know the results.
P.S. It is possible to put a general shout out to see who wants to work with you if you’ve never practiced Black Magic. You might get a pleasant surprise.
P.P.S. Don’t forget your ritual cleansing bath afterwards!
Oh, and if you do have any success (or failure) with what you’ve done, please come back and share. I want to find out what happens…:)
I don’t know. It’s very involved and thoughtful but to me, it would seem easier to find the person who’ve wronged you and just kick them in their junk. Not to throw shade, sorry if it seems that I have. I’m just sharing my thoughts.
Please see Kick Enemies In Junk, or K.E.I.J. spell for that purpose.