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My relationship with Zepar started around 3 months ago with BWS creating the pact on my behalf and the aim of my pact was for me to receive the romantic love from this girl I know. Prior to the start of my pact I had read many articles, forum posts and watched many videos from people on their experience with Zepar, which gave me a basic understanding of how others had worked with him although I learnt very quickly that each pact and relationship becomes unique the longer you work with him.

With Zepar’s instructions I gave my offerings and praise once a month on the New Moon, alternating what I offered which was mostly blood or sexual fluid, but by asking him if he is happy with my devotion and if he prefers one offering over the other I continue to learn how to better show my devotion and appreciation for our pact together.
Through these conversations I have learnt that he wants me to give offering and praise twice a month as well as a praise candle or two in between sessions. And that he prefers a blood offering from me over anything else.

Throughout the month I will also hold small meditative sessions as an opportunity to continue to strengthen our energy/connection and for me to ask Zepar questions through pendulum about our relationship, the status of the pacts aim, and about Zepar himself.

These sessions are more simple than offerings and consist of meditating on his sigil with candles and incense until I feel his energy and presence in the room, which is when I know I can ask him if he is willing to answer some of my questions.

I know when Zepar is present because his energy is so powerful. I begin to feel shortness of breath, slight lightheadedness and a sort of vibration or sexual feeling in my groin.

At the start of pact the girl who the pact is aimed towards was starting to enter a relationship but with Zepar’s help he was able to slowly put a stop to this relationship and remove this obstacle from the ultimate aim of the pact and gave me updates along the way. He now tells me that the romantic feelings I seek have been implanted in her and she is started to show them by flirting, and very slowly but surely I am starting to see it.

Although my relationship with Zepar is still new, I have learnt more than I would ever have imagined in these 3 or so months. I have read in many places that Zepar has no love for humans but I can say through experience that If one shows him the respect and the devotion he deserves than he will show you his willingness to share his wisdom and answer all the questions you seek from him.

If one treats the pact and relationship with the upmost respect and shows Zepar how devoted they are then they will see how rewarding and amazing their experience can be.

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