This is a time for peace. There is no need to battle.
During my discussion of this series, I’m going to 1st take into consideration the drawing of the card as an Demon Oracle message. Meaning that the Demon drawn will be reviewed and meditated upon for personal guidance and personal messages. Secondly, I may consider the tarot card number its self, and the suit. I’m not considering the angelic correspondence at all.

Demon: Cimeies
Demon # 66
Occult Tarot Card: 4 Swords
Rank: Marquis
Legions: 20
Jupiter in Libra
Golden Dawn Message: Rest from Strife
Demonic Enn: Ayer avage secore Cimejes
Read more about Cimeries in our previous post
The Demon
“Hello Handsome!”
That’s my automatic outburst as the Demon Cimeies rides into my temple of darkness. Like Lucifer, Cimeies is a very handsome Demon, who appears to share assistance, especially around the concept of being bold and courageous. It is said, “He makes the witch successful in writing, communication, and networking.”
When we think of courageousness in the modern world, especially in the day and age of social networking, couldn’t we all do with somebody who assists us with our networking and communication style? This is your guy! Cimeies can assist the witch to become or be seen, as socially successful.
Personally, I know that my communication style and my writing style is definitely more relaxed than in previous decades. Speaking plainly has been a mantra of mine for a long time, and as a result, fewer people tilt their head to the right and say “pardon.” But look at me….defending my communication style to Cimeies. Like most of the Demons, they will sit in silence while you try and overcome your ego and defensiveness. During an oracle meditation, part of my process is to honour my automatic thoughts, put some of them that are important onto a shelf to pull down later for further analysis, and then, step deeper into the demons message.
My networking skills, especially my social networking skills have been criticised over the years, with the main judgement against me is my lack of communication to those who seek my knowledge. As a strong woman, and one who has endured an abundance of opportunities for growth, I place very little effort into concerning myself with the judgement of others. Still, we all have room to grow, evolve, stay curious – and as my sun sign is Aquarius, I am always ready to learn something new.
Settling deeper into my meditation, I felt the love and compassion of Cimeies. Here I was trying to dig deeper into thoughts such as how I can better myself, improve my communication, should I engage more social media etc…..and His energy was like a big brother placing a loving hand on my shoulder and saying, “Stop….You have been through the battle, peace has been reinstated, and you need a sanctuary from the confusion and the mental breakdown……”
This is a time for peace. There is no need to battle.
For you, consider the battle you may have been going through within the area of networking, communication, and having yourself heard. Have you been in the battle? Perhaps it’s time for you to rest as well.
The Number & The Suit
The Four of Swords is always a great card to receive, especially if you are worried about taking action and don’t know what to do. If this sounds like you, then know that this card is telling you to stop and relax, and rest. Things are going to be figured out, and you really need a time out so you can get some clarity around your thoughts.
It is hard for some of us to take a break. We think that if we do, we are going to be missing out on something, or are not utilizing our time correctly, or that we are unproductive.
Rest is productive because rest is what in the long run helps you accomplish what you want to accomplish. But when approaching rest and relaxation, it should be approached with the presence of mind.
Usually, without fail, when we are really fatigued are the times we want to most change our whole world, to figure out what our life purpose is, to figure out a situation’s solution. Love yourself enough to say “this is not the time,” and to rest, so you can tackle the big questions another time. Make it a mandatory part of the process. Odds are after you take a rest, things will not bother you as much as they do right now.
This doesn’t mean you literally need to just sleep, though that helps, just allow for time when you are going to set your concerns aside.
Oft times it takes being calm to get to the right solution. Sometimes we have to make snap decisions, but this card is saying that this is not one of those times, so “chill out,” rest. Take your time. You are allowed, and right now it is necessary for you to move forward with ease.
Oracle cards in general, are open to the witches’ interpretation. It’s important to note the author of the Occult Tarot has placed his own interpretation of the demons to the tarot deck numbers.
I asked Travis Mc Henry, author of the Occult Tarot, about his correspondences and he said,
“Previous authors (really, starting with Crowley) have tried to link the Goetic demons to specific Tarot cards based solely on their astrological connection. I found this system to be somewhat lacking, mostly because the astrological correspondence for each demon is based on the ruling dates of the Kabbalistic angel that rules over each demon. For example: Bael (demon #1) astrological dates are March 21 – 25 while Vehuiah (angel #1) rules over March 20 – 24.
Other than an Oracle Card Deck, the author has provided a ritual to summon the demon/s. The book accompanying the deck, gives a step-by-step breakdown of how to summon a Demon for obtaining your desire. If you are using this deck for that purpose, then pulling a daily Oracle style message may not be relevant. If you have the deck, I would love to hear your feedback and suggestions as well!
Learn more:
Demon Cimeries : The Courageous Ruler in Africa
Understand the Golden Dawnn meaning of the tarot cards – Recommended Book
The New Golden Dawn Ritual Tarot: Keys to the Rituals, Symbolism, Magic and Divination
Get a free tarot reading from Lotus Tarot
I needed to see this. Thank you for your insights and knowledge.
66. CIMERIES Cimeries can be pronounced as KIM-AIR-EASE or KIM-AHR-EE-ESS. The Powers of Cimeries To appear strong and charming, to command the respect of all who encounter you. To illuminate and remove subconscious fears that weaken you. To find lost objects.
Winterfield, Gordon. Demons of Magick: Three Practical Rituals for Working with The 72 Demons (p. 217). Kindle Edition.
Thank you, BWS! Perfect message for me, even though I feel like I need to continue rebelling as I have done my whole life. This message is so important and a lesson I have been trying to learn for the past year or so and I have made progress. Several months ago, a woman came up to me and started cussing at me. It was dark and apparently she felt I should have held the door. Then, an amazing breakthrough, I stood silent and simply looked at her and since I did not get in the mud with her, she quickly ran out of steam and walked away. Sorry to ramble…Much love to you, dark mother! E