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Oriens, Infernal King of the East


Oriens is a demon classified as one of the four demons tasked with overseeing the four cardinal points. Together with Egyn, Paimon, and Amaymon, they are referred to as the Cardinal Demon Kings. More specifically, Oriens is associated with the direction of east from where he reigns. He is thus referred to as the Infernal King of the East and associated with this direction during invocation.

There are reports that equate this demon to the Fallen Angel Samael although these are unequivocal. There are also reports that equate him to the 59th Goetia demon Orias but these are similarly inconclusive. These reports also posit that he is the fifth of 8 sub-princes of hell. The true identity of this demon is shrouded in mystery due to conflicting information offered in lesser grimories.

This demon is able to tell of things past, present, and future in addition to providing excellent familiars. Oriens can also impart the ability to have visions or bestow wealth in the form of precious metals. He can also teach the conjuror all manner of earth sciences and liberal arts. The demon can also give one the ability to fly if they so wish. The demon can also assist in necromancy having the ability to communicate with the dead.

There are specific lesser demons that serve under the dominion of this demon such as Gasarons, Agab, Sarisel, Mafalac, Turitel, Acharos, Bael, Sorosma, Balaken, Teltrion, Igilon, and Gasarons. Despite this, Oriens is stated to have innumerable numbers of lesser demons serving under him. The most notable mentions of this demon are the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage, the Book of Oberon, and the Book of the Office of Spirits.


The term “Oriens” loosely translates to rising or eastern in the traditional Latin language. His name can also be written as Uriens with “Uro” being the root word. Uro translates to consume with flame or to burn in Latin. It also has connections to Graeco-Roman nomenclature further shrouding this demon in mystery.

In Mathers’ translation of Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage, the name Oriens has been translated as either “ornament” or “tree of god” and this is indicative of the demon’s possible angelic past. The first mentions of this demon are however in the 1563 publication of the Book of the Office of Spirits. The Book of Oberon states the following about him:

“The first king raigneth in the east and is called Oriens, and he cometh in the likeness of an horse with an 100 heads or as some wright with 5 heads, but if thou call him with his company he appeareth with a fair favor and as a woman, riding upon an Elephant & all manner of minstrels before him, he can tell all things past, present and to come, and can prophecy truly of things to come, he cane give any science earthly and earthly treasure, and he hath under him spirits innumerable of which of the best and most principal are these.”


Rank: Demon King of the East

Direction: East

Incense: Frankincense

Plant: Olive

Planet: Sun

Color: Orange


This demon is said to manifest in a variety of ways. There are accounts of him appearing as a horse with either one hundred or five heads. Other accounts posit that he appears as a fair woman riding atop an elephant. It is plausible that the former is his demonic form while the latter is his angelic form.

The Cardinal Demon Kings

The “Demonic Enns” of Oriens

Liftoach Pandemonum, et germinet Oriens

Veni, veni, o comitis Oriens

The sigil of Oriens

Similar demons to Oriens

  • Paimon (West)
  • Egyn / Ariton (North)
  • Amaymon (South)
  • Sogan
  • Lucifer
  • Femmel
  • Boab
  • Gamigin
  • Beelzebub
  • Geyll

Attributes of Oriens

  • This demon is able to tell of things past, present, or future. He can also answer questions on such matters of divination perfectly.
  • He is able to teach all kinds of earth sciences or liberal arts to the conjuror if they so wish.
  • He is said to serve under Astaroth and Asmodeus although these reports are unequivocal.
  • Oriens can also be summoned in order to bestow wealth in the form of silver and gold on the conjuror.
  • He can also be summoned for necromancy purposes in addition to bestowing the abilities to have visions or fly as per the requirements of the conjuror.

When to summon Oriens: There is no specific time for summoning this demon although it is optimal to attempt during sunrise.

Items Required:

  • Franckincense
  • Olive fruits
  • The sigil of the demon
  • Black / Orange candle

Ritual Time: Sunrise is optimal


  • The demon must be treated with the necessary respect in order to minimize the likelihood of malevolence and increase the chances for a desirable outcome.
  • The conjuror must protect themselves from otherworldly energies by envisioning a protection circle, opening, and entering.


  • The conjuror should find a quiet place and lay the demon’s sigil conspicuously in the center of the altar.
  • The olive is sprinkled liberally on the altar while the candle is lit and placed in an eastern orientation.
  • The incense offering is made while chanting the enns of the demon until he manifests in the smoke and flames.
  • He should be treated with the utmost respect as this is a rather potent entity given his lofty ranking.
  • After he has listened to the wishes of the conjuror, he should be dismissed respectfully before the candle is snuffed out.


2 thoughts on “Oriens, Infernal King of the East

  1. Stormcrow says:

    Oriens was deposed from his/her rule, some time ago.
    His/her grace was transferred to a fated mortal, whom she slayed in the 12th sphere.
    A new divine king of the east roams the earth.
    Elijah(elias) a.k.a. nostrodamus, predicted the rise of the new divine crown in the east in 2020.
    At the behest of the new king, a biblical flood will occur in the quintessential year of his reign(2025).
    the evil in this world is about to be washed away.

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