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Overcoming Obstacles in Spell Casting & Life!

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If you have been consistently putting your energies into something that hasn’t manifested, or has manifested in a much different way than you intended, it is important to find out why.

In addition, it is very important to *really* want what you are working towards. Make sure what you are putting your energies into is what you really want. Look to what kinds of changes getting what you desire will create in your life. Make sure you are totally ok with the changes. In some cases, subconscious barriers such as fear of change, or something else that will result from your attaining you desire, can ruin a working, even if you aren’t aware of this consciously. It is important to really know yourself.

Common reasons for failure in magick are:

Not having enough personal spiritual power to obtain the focus of the working.

The more power your soul/spirit has, the more easily you will obtain what you want. This is analogous to the physical self, lifting or moving something. If you are not strong enough, it can be very difficult to impossible. The same applies to working magick.

Due to a lack of awareness, you destroy what you are trying to create.

What I mean by this is repeating certain phrases over and over, that are contrary to what you are trying to achieve. Every cell in our body is a thinking living unit that makes up the part of the whole. This is what is referred to as the “mind-body.” There is a very powerful connection here. You ARE what you think, ESPECIALLY, if you practice power meditation and/or have a more powerful soul.

By phrases, I am referring to:

“My ulcers, my flu, my heart condition…..etc.
DON’T *OWN* THE DISEASE!!!!! How many times a day do you hear people repeating and repeating this negativity?? How can you expect to heal and get well when you OWN the disease???? Instead, say “THE ulcers, “THE flu”……Get it??? Don’t own ANY disease.
Don’t keep saying “I don’t have any money” “I can’t afford it” “I am broke” etc. Even if it is true, don’t keep reinforcing this, especially if you are working towards money coming to you. Instead, say to yourself, “HOW can I afford this?” Meaning, where there is a will, there is a way and solution to affording it. Turn negative statements around and counteract them with “Lots of free and easy money is coming to me easily and effortlessly” for example. As for the above example, instead of saying “I can’t afford it” for something you really want to own, instead, say- “This is mine.” Remember, affirmations should always be said in the present tense.

Don’t use body language.

One man kept saying, “I’d give my right arm if…” Yes, it was a figure of speech, but he lost his arm in a car accident and what he stated ironically came true. Now, most average everyday people can say and think what they please and otherwise as their minds are not powerful and little if anything results from their thoughts. This is not the case with people who have stronger auras, through either power meditation and/or from past lives. Be aware of what you think and what you say.

Detach yourself from the disease/illness.

You have to be 100% that you don’t want it, and you certainly don’t need it. I have read in New Age books where scum of the toilet authors tell readers to “love their disease.” THAT IS THE MOST SUICIDAL ADVICE THERE IS!!

Other obstacles include unconscious hang-ups and barriers. With this sort of thing, you first off, have to know yourself. Reasons and life experiences are individual here and as numerous as the stars. The first step in overcoming the problem here is to ask your mind- why? “Why isn’t this working the way I want it to?” “Why am I not healing”? “Why isn’t money coming to me?” and so forth.

Some people have hang-ups that go way back into early childhood or even previous lifetimes. Finding the underlying cause of your problem and knowing what the problem IS, and you are already half-way to solving it. If the problem involves another person, then you have to work there and dissolve the obstacle(s) before stepping up to the main working.

If you know what the obstacle is, then put your meditations and energies into destroying this obstacle. For example, if you are hung up on punishing yourself from childhood or whatever, you can put your energies into undoing this, for example, going into a trance and filling yourself full of positive energy and affirming, “I am free from punishing myself. I forgive myself” (in cases where you are carrying a lot of guilt).
For those of us who have studied astrology and such in depth, we know most often, fate has a hand in tragedy. Being in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong people…etc., Some people have lived their lives carrying around guilt and punishing themselves for something that wasn’t their fault. This is not always the case, but the deal is, if you want to be successful in healing or any other kind of magick where you attract what you desire, you cannot have self-hatred for obvious reasons!

If there are obstacles, then work your magick to destroy those obstacles before you work on the main goal(s). One all-purpose affirmation is: “Any and all obstacles preventing me from having__________, are being destroyed and completely dissolved.”

In closing, as I mentioned before, the more powerful your aura/soul are, the easier it is to get what you want with lesser effort and time. I speak from experience here, where personal power is concerned. Performing so-called “miracles” only requires a powerful soul/aura and the knowledge to use it.



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