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Preparations for Sex Magick: Acceptance of your body as the temple

chaos magick

“Spectacular achievement is always preceded by spectacular preparation.”
Robert H. Schuller


Human bodies are beautifully shaped and wondrously working temples of the soul.  In sex magick, the body literally is the temple in which the divine is worshipped. The genital area is the altar.

In this age you’re allowed to think for yourself.

Look into the deepest you and ask yourself what you really find of the vulva of a woman when she in excitement opens up for you like a flower, swelling and more coloring, spreading a musky odor and an inviting moisture? And let your heart speak if a man’s testicles are swelling, his penis is hard and big and his breath is deepening. He is proud of it himself, and why shouldn’t you be? Nature/the Goddess has granted us the gift of being Gods ourselves; through these ‘ugly’ genitals we can create a ‘beautiful’ baby – isn’t this way of thinking completely insane? To me the Indian approach with openly yoni (the vagina) and vajra or lingam (the penis) worship is much healthier.

Western society brings female attraction in connection with big breasts and the value of a man with the length of his penis – let’s pray to God that extra-terrestrials never find out this ridicule.

Another commonly spread idea is that our buttocks should better not be exposed. The truth is however that both men and women get attracted and excited about the butts of their partners, whether they are ideally shaped according to certain standards or not. Numerous periodicals show models size 34 to 36 with a body-fat percentage of 10, while average women have 22 – 26 percent body-fat.third degree wicca

Mother Nature does not agree with the ‘ideal’ image of nowadays – beneath a certain amount of body-fat women simply won’t get pregnant. Many low-weighted ballet dancers and sufferers of anorexia / bulimia don’t menstruate!

In earlier days the idea of beauty was much heavier – if you look at the beautiful Greek goddesses or the women depicted on 17th till 19th century paintings we would nowadays consider them to be rubinesque.

The moral behind this story is that the idea of what is beautiful or not depends very much on the standards of a certain time. So please throw all this social nonsense overboard. Accept your body as a miraculous instrument that does anything you want it to do; secondly accept its unique shapes, unless your overweight is negatively influencing your wellbeing..

In that case go to a gym or sports school and adapt healthy eating habits. Working out regularly not only improves your physical health and appearance, but it also increases your sex-drive and heightens your self-esteem. Once you start it will become a ‘healthy addiction’ and it will help you with the prolonged sexual activity of sex magick.

Sex can be a fantastic way of deep communication between two people and with the inner you. Positive sexual experiences are very healing on psychological and physical level (yes, physical ailments and diseases have been cured by having sex) and they repair lesions in the auric shield. priestess-red

Accepting and enjoying the pure you provides a strong connection with the forces of ever-creative Great Mother Nature, and it reminds us of being gods ourselves. In this way oral sex becomes an intimate way of worshipping the god or goddess in your partner through adoring the genitals, being the physical representation of the male or female deity.

In oral sex the active partner connects the spiritual chakras in the head with the sexual and creative chakra of the receptive partner, another connection between spirituality and sexuality.

Sex makes room to experience both our male and female side, and to alternatively be active and passive, electric and magnetic; thus it enhances inner balance and we cherish the inner lover. Sexuality and spirituality are two sides of the same coin; they both aim at feeling fantastic, being in the present moment (the never-ending now), dissolving barriers with other realms, connecting with the divine, experiencing oneness, timelessness, void and ecstasy. Only their starting point differs: sex starts in the lowest chakras while spirituality is seated in the higher chakras.

Once there is room for acceptance of yourself and your lover, accompanied by trust of and respect for one another, you will experience love, there will be surrender to your partner and the sexual force and the divinity inside can express itself. This kind of sexuality will lift you up beyond genital and physical sensations and lead to inner peace, happiness, strength and spiritual growth.


Although you can perform sex magick using only the strong physical energy of sexuality (on the level of the second or sex chakra) a higher form of sex magick can be achieved once you can honour the divinity inside (up till the 13th chakra of transformation).

It may be clear that sex magick leaves no room for prudery, hidden sexual agendas or conflicts of power between male and female forces.

Remember, there is no right or wrong way to experience sex magick.




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