April 2025 Full Pink Moon Ritual – A Daemonic Coven Event 
On the night of the April Full Pink Moon, our daemonic coven will gather in the hidden depths of darkness, away from the public eye, to perform a ritual of profound transformation. This is a private, closed ritual, where the world’s prying eyes will not witness the power we channel as we invoke the ancient forces of the moon and the daemonic realms to manifest your desires.
From Mundane to the Mystical
The Pink Moon is a symbol of rebirth, renewal, and the breaking of old cycles. Just as the earth begins to awaken in the spring, this is a powerful moment for you to bring your deepest desires to life, cleanse away the old, and plant the seeds of your future. Through the combined energies of the Full Pink Moon and our daemonic invocations, we will shape your petition into a force that is both powerful and unstoppable.
Why a Closed Ritual?
- Veiled in Darkness: This ritual is performed in secrecy, safeguarding your intentions from the outside world.
- Focused Power: The absence of external distractions allows us to harness the full force of lunar and infernal energies without interference.
- Daemonic Mastery: With our deep connection to daemonic forces, we invoke the most potent entities to guide and empower your petition.
What Happens on the Night?
- Your petition is consecrated, infused with the essence of the Pink Moon, and inscribed with sacred sigils.
- Rituals of manifestation, rebirth, and empowerment are performed, invoking the full potential of the moon’s energy to manifest your desires.
- We call upon Astaroth, the great demon of knowledge, wisdom, and transformation, whose influence during this time—connected to the themes of resurrection and renewal—will empower your petition. Astaroth is a powerful force, known for unlocking hidden truths and bringing clarity to your path. His connection to the spiritual rebirth celebrated during Easter aligns perfectly with this time of transformation.
- Other powerful daemonic entities, such as Asmodeus (for love and passion) and Paimon (for wisdom and enlightenment), are also invoked, ensuring your desires are strengthened and amplified by their energies.
- The combined power of these forces will be sealed under the Pink Moon’s light and sent into the universe to manifest with precision and power.
The Power of the April Pink Moon
- Themes: Rebirth, love, transformation, breaking old cycles, and igniting new passions
- Colors: Soft pink, moonlit silver, deep purple
- Crystals: Rose Quartz (love), Garnet (passion), Amethyst (spiritual growth), and Black Obsidian (protection)
- Herbs: Damiana (passion), Rose (love), Jasmine (spirituality), and Lavender (purification)
- Element: Water, a powerful conduit for emotional and spiritual transformation
Entrust your desires to the coven, and watch them take form under the Pink Moon’s radiance. With the guidance of daemonic forces such as Astaroth, Asmodeus, and Paimon, your petitions will be nurtured and transformed into reality, bringing your deepest desires to life.
Why Astaroth?
It’s wonderful that many websites and leading newspapers are being more honest about the truth of why we are celebrating specific times of the year. They are re-educating people on the truth behind the origins of major holidays – and that is all of our holidays are copied from pagan Gods and Goddesses. What feels wonderful especially to myself a practitioner of the dark arts, is that pagans and witches worldwide honour the goddess of the spring equinox – Astaroth.
Astaroth is also known as Sumerian goddess Ashtar, Inanna, or Ishtar. As the goddess of fertility, Spring is the season of renewal and new life, hence why she was associated with rabbits and eggs. Like all of the Christian stories which have been “borrowed” from other civilisations and religious systems, Easter is no different. But rather than being negative, I feel like we can put a spin on the modern practice of Easter and revert back to the truth where we can honour our Dark Goddess during the time of celebration with our Christian family and friends.
Idea – if you have young kids or young kids in the family, when you’re talking about the Easter bunny you could introduce the Easter bunny as the Spring Goddess (add a name of Astaroth if you like). Even people who don’t understand or don’t agree with magic, can tolerate a Goddess. And you could create a story around her coming back to bring light after the dark winter and to fill the forest with new animals etc etc. She shares her gifts of eggs for all to enjoy! etc etc
If you’re in the southern hemisphere, you’re going to have to create a different story as it’s not the spring equinox. But just get creative and start to introduce the truth in a light-hearted way into the Christian marketing narrative.
Worried about psychological side effects? The truth is that the majority of kids hit their teenage years and don’t appreciate the religious dogma as it just doesn’t make sense. The next gen, who are educated and savvy, will not be told to live to the letter of a book such as the BIBLE ( full of hatred and damnation unless you live some fantastical humanly impossible lifestyle) as it is seen as what it is – a book of control for those in the past who had no choice but to comply. The new generation does not want to be controlled and enjoys the truth!
The reason why I write about this topic is that many of us have family and friends practising a religion that is completely against our own values and beliefs. Plus our values and beliefs are not accepted by mainstream society. It can feel like we are always compromising or dishonouring our Dark Gods. Some people feel like they can’t join in with family and friends’ who celebrate holiday events, and this can be quite lonely. By researching and learning the Pagan and historical truth about why you’re celebrating that specific holiday, you can begin to honour the Dark Gods & Goddesses while enjoying time with unenlightened family and friends!
Anyway, with all of that said, the entire full moon ritual will be dedicated to the fabulous Goddess Astaroth. And don’t sweat it if you celebrate Astaroth as a God – the God is just as involved with creation
Hail Astaroth!
Why does the full moon play with your emotions?
The Full Moon is intimately tied to a person’s emotions – and may have more control over you than you think. This year, the April Full Moon or “Pink Moon” falls in the sign of Scorpio and it’s going to be an emotional one for all of us. The Moon is notorious for making us moody and emotional, and with it positioned so close to the Earth, its pull will feel more intense than usual.
When a Full Moon occurs, the Moon is located directly opposite the Sun. That means that your Sun Sign, which controls the mind, and your Moon Sign, which controls the heart, are in conflict with each other.
That is one reason why rituals during a full moon can be fabulous and dramatic all at the same time. Even at our Black Witch Coven moon events, all of us who attend acknowledge that our emotions may cause us to do or sound say somethings that could be seen as offensive to “outsiders.” The raising of the energy and the releasing of the energy is just as important to us here at the Coven, as well as for our clients who we are also serving during the full moon event. Some even say that the full moon is a time to release all of the human behaviours we aren’t able to deal with or to show to the outside world on a daily basis. Once we release the toxins, we reset and re-focus on who we need to be and what we need to do for the coming month.
If you’ve been doing this with us for a while you probably feel these emotions too. You might feel a little edgy during the full moon as we are raising the concern you have for the month, creating perhaps some anxiety for you. However, most clients will report that they feel better the next morning, as some of this emotion should be gone as it was released. Of course, the effect Will be different for every person and also it will depend on what you’re releasing.
Here is a quick tip for those of you at home, and not participating in a witchcraft ritual at all, but you feel the effects of what we’re doing on your behalf…..
CRY – let’s just call it “controlled crying”. For some people, depending on what is going on in your life, or what type of evening you had leading up to the full moon, the extra pressure of this April full moon could be just too much to bear. It’s important that you don’t start internalising your emotional state as you are a failure of some type, or that the world is just too overwhelming. It’s better just to be honest and say you’re having an emotional moment and deal with the emotional moment appropriately versus stuffing down the feelings. Give yourself a good 5 to 15 minutes and release all of that energy. Have a good ol’ cry. Give yourself permission to be human! You will feel so much better afterwards.
DANCE/SING/MUSIC – there’s nothing like music to change your emotional state. I’m sure you have a song that you know will Flip your mood in a heartbeat. The same advice as above, where you just put that song on and blast it for a good 5 to 15 minutes so you don’t get stuck in the emotional energy of the full moon. Even if you’re sitting there with your family, just get up put on a song belted it out for five minutes and then go back to normal. Nobody else needs to know what you’re doing, but what you have done is repelled emotional energy from settling into your body, and potentially making you feel shitty for many days.
The key is to take action versus sitting and thinking about it. In this case, thinking and journaling is not your friend.
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