Railroad Spikes have been traditionally used in many magical practices, especially the Hoodoo tradition, for home protection rituals.
- Element: Fire
- Planet: Mars
- Metal: Iron
Uses: Grounding + Protection
The basis of the magical properties of spikes is in their function as anchors, the time they have spent fulfilling this mission, and the fact that they are made of iron.
Cold iron is regarded as repelling negative energy. “And at a grittier level, there is a belief that ghosts or spirits cannot cross iron, so many old cemeteries were built with iron fences around them”. Wrought iron around family burials and mausoleums may have been placed for the same purpose – basically to keep the peace.
Ideas for use:
It is usual to do something that feels right to you to bless or consecrate the spike. Some people recite a psalm from the Bible; it’s also okay to simply say words, along these lines: “I dedicate this spike to spiritual use, for my (and my family’s) protection; may it secure my home by repelling negative energy and unwelcome spirits.”
It is common to rub oil over the spike at this point. (I would use vegetable oil, which is safe to get on your hands and easy to wash off yourself. Coconut oil works well also.) Rub either head to point or point to head, but do all the rubbing in the same direction. As with most magical workings, be aware that by doing this, you are charging the magical object with your own metaphysical energy; so be mindful of your magical intention as you charge the spike.
If you own or rent a home, you can perform a ritual using railroad spikes to anchor yourself on the property – that is, ensure that you will not be foreclosed on or kicked out by a landlord.
The first step is to secure railroad spikes, one for each corner (or if the property is irregular in shape, more such that every change of direction in the property line is spiked.) Old, used spikes are the ones you need, not new ones, because their many years of use under the powerful trains is part of their value.
Before you pound the spikes into the property corners, however, you need several other things, starting with some coins. Traditionally, Indian head pennies were used, or buffalo nickels with the Indian on the reverse; or silver Mercury dimes; but this was when these were what was in peoples’ pockets. I recommend you simply use coins from your pocket, which have your energy, and choose those with symbolism you find spiritually powerful.)
One coin is placed on the head of the spike after you have driven it, with the inspirational side up to invoke the power of the displayed symbol.
Dirt is another thing to obtain. Traditionally, dirt from the grave of a relative or loved one is used to invite their protection, or dirt from a graveyard in general because it is holy ground. This is used to sprinkle over the spike after it has been driven several inches underground so it can stay unnoticed for many years.
It would be acceptable to bless and consecrate dirt from your own yard for this purpose if you cannot safely and reverently obtain soil from holy ground. (Hold it in your hands, visualize yellow energy cleansing it of negative energy until it feels clean, then imagine light blue energy of blessing until it feels blessed; finally, fix the blessing for the long term with purple or amethyst light.)
Finally, you need some of your own urine. Yes, after oiling the spike, driving it, setting the coin on the head, and dropping the graveyard dirt into the hole, you urinate on it.
This important part of the ritual is all about marking your territory, as mammals have been doing for millions of years. It is old magic.
Since it may be inconvenient to urinate in front of the neighbors, the usual approach is to fill a cup with urine in private then pour it into each location as you mark each property corner.
If you live in an apartment or rented house, you may prefer to obtain some square cut nails (not the round ones), pray over them as you would a spike, cover them briefly with the dirt then drop them in a container of urine, and then drive them discretely into the floor at each corner of your dwelling. (You can forego the use of coins in this approach.)
A simpler use of a railroad spike is to place one at, near, or underneath your door, especially if you live in a trailer or RV. The door is the main entry point for energy and one old spike, preferably one prepared as described above, becomes a powerful talisman for protection.
If you sense energy movement from other parts of your dwelling, such as a fireplace, you can charge a spike to place there as well.
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