Protection sent by Hecate

black dog

Author: The ScotsWitch

Last year around New Year, I was faced with eviction with my 2 Son’s who have special needs and learning disabilities. My ex husband arranged a meeting at the schools to take my children away while I was being evicted by a rogue landlord.

My kids not being around killed me inside, it’s all I’ve known is being a Mother. By March I was evicted with no place to go and with high payments going up at the storage unit with our belongings….I couldn’t pay and lost everything I’ve ever owned.

My partner and I were working on our relationship at the time so he offered me to move in to his tiny flat. Too small for the kids to move in which broke my heart.

I hadn’t been casting in months by this point, I was too stressed out. But one day I woke up feeling calm and happy so I decided to cast for help with a house and protection from anything or anyone wishing harm unto me.

I set up my Alter, mirror, talismans, statues, candles, incense, the works. I dressed a brown candle in herbs and oils, and my own blood, I inscribed sigils for foundations, for a new home and my spell. I dressed my white Alter candles with oils and inscribed Alter Blessings and protection for my Ritual. And I used a Black candle with a purple chime candle for protection from anyone who wished me and my kids harm. These were all dressed in blood, oils and rolled in my own herbs.

I got into state and started my ritual, it was going well from the start after maybe around 30 mins I got a fright! I had felt a hand on my shoulder and a weight on my left leg. I looked into my mirror and what looked like a big black dog sitting on my leg staring back at me! I jumped up at that point, I’d never seen anything so clear before or felt the full weight aswell.

I calmed down and carried on and finished my ritual. It felt very powerful and all that was in my head was Hecate and her hounds for the rest of the Ritual. when I fell asleep that night I dreamt of a very tall woman with 3 faces not moving but looking at me, she motioned to her right and the same black dog came forward at her Will and stood beside me. When I woke up I felt a weight on my feet like someone was sitting there, I wasn’t scared I actually felt comfortable and calmer. This went on for around a week or so.

After that week I found a house I could afford that was also disabled proof including a separate wet room for my sons. It looked perfect……I now live in that house!, it’s my home and I know I was given help, my life drastically changed from homeless,broke and depressed not being able to be with my kids to now, I have a home, my sons have a home, we’re in a beautiful area and life is a lot easier and happier. I will never ever forget what happened that night, my whole life changed and turned around. I feel Blessed and Honoured to have received help and see and having a protector sent to me. I will never forget what changed my life, I’m still stunned to this day it happened. Simply amazing.

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