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The dark magic practice of connecting to a spirit guide or daemon

dark magic

Psychic Openness in Sensing Daemons & Spirits

I have received many personal e-mails and many posts have been made to the BWC sites concerning the summoning of Spirits and Daemons, and the trouble some people have with seeing, hearing and sensing the presence of a Daemon.

People come to dark magic with differing levels of psychic ability. Psychic ability is when one’s soul is sensitive and open enough to sense things that most others cannot. The goal of Spiritual dark magic is spiritually empowering humanity. Human souls have been sealed up, and so little if anything other than the material world can be accessed. The Judeo/Christian churches have always been a tool for removing and corrupting spiritual knowledge, and replacing it with lies and total materialism. The effect has been that through the centuries, humanity has experienced a generational atrophy of the soul and spiritual ability. People who have had psychic experiences are often at a loss to explain or even understand them.

Most of us who have been using dark magic through many lifetimes are more psychically open. This also applies to anyone who worked in any of their past lives to develop their souls and psychic powers. Those who practiced yoga intensely in a past life or past lives, for example will have advanced powers in this lifetime. Not all of these people are practicing dark magic.

There are plenty of people who have not developed their powers in their past lives or in this life and as a result, they are unable to sense the presence of spirits and Daemons when they summon them. Many of these people feel they are being ignored or they may feel disillusioned. There is no need to feel this way as psychic senses and abilities can be developed at any time through power meditation, which is the foundation of Spiritual dark magic.

For those of you who are having problems, please be patient and try working on yourself for a while with a meditation program. Later on, you should try again to summon a Demon. Awareness is also important as well. Look for coincidences or answers to your questions and concerns. Do not limit yourself, as answers can come from many different sources and in some of the most unusual ways one would never expect.

If you tried summoning for several times with no luck, you need to meditate regularly. Every one should meditate on a regular basis, regardless of present ability.

How to open blocked chakras with meditation

In the spiritual warfare book, I talk about the importance of opening the chakras. Very simplily, your chakras alloe energy to follow through your body. When you not feeling good or your having issues in your life, you may have blocked chakras.

How do you know if you have a blocked chakra? A burning sensation or feeling of intense pressure in one of the chakras usually indicates the one above it is blocked. For example, some people experience a burning in the throat, which indicates the 6th chakra is blocked. Energy is trapped and cannot ascend through the next chakra. Though there are several different ways, vibration is the most effective means of activating and opening a chakra.

1. Chakra Breathing.


  • Inhale and breathe either white-gold light or color energy into the blocked chakra. The energy should be the same color as the chakra you are working on. I have found the white-gold light to be very effective. Both can be used simultaneously. 
  • Hold your breath for a count of six and visualize your chakra engulfed in the light or color. 
  • Exhale and brighten and expand the chakra 
  • Inhale through your base chakra brilliant white-gold light and direct it up your spine and through the chakra you are trying to open and direct it out your crown. 
  • Exhale and visualize your chakra bright with the white-gold energy and expand it. You can also vibrate the mantras given below during your exhales.
  • Repeat the above exercise several times. You can do this as many times as you are comfortable with.


2. The most potent way is through vibration.

  • Base Chakra: Laum, vibrated as LLAHHH – UUU – MMM*
  • Sacral Chakra: Vaum, vibrated as VAHHH – UUU – MMM
  • Solar Plexus ‘666’ Chakra: Raum, vibrated as RAHHH – UUU – MMM**
  • Heart Chakra: Yaum, vibrated as YYAHHH – UUU – MMM
  • Throat Chakra: Haum, vibrated as HAHHH – UUU – MMM
  • Sixth Chakra: Aum, vibrated as AHHH – UUU – MMM
  • Seventh Chakra: Maum, vibrated as MMAHHH – UUU – MMM

* The U’s are pronounced as in the English word ‘BLUE’
**Roll the ‘R’

Runes can also be used and/or certain vibrations in Sanskrit will open your chakras very fast. Focus on and vibrate [aloud] into the chakra you wish to open, while visualizing a white-gold powerful energy upon the chakra. The THOR rune is very effective for opening stubborn areas. The working needs to be repeated every night, preferably during a waxing moon- from new to full.

Eventually, the chakra will be strong enough to naturally take up energy on its own. Strong chakras can absorb energy. Weak chakras that are blocked are depleted and unable to attract and absorb energy on their own. Weak and blocked areas create diseases associated with the particular chakra and visa-versa- diseases create the weak chakra.

Choose one of more of the above exercises and do it/them daily until the problem is corrected. Then your ability to connect with your spirit guides will increase, and you will have great success in your dark magic practices.



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