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Q & A: Please help me get my girlfriend back

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my girlfriend & i was living together we’ed planed to get marred She SWEAR ON THE BIBLE ON  HER  KIDS & FAMILY Life that She will never leave me , now we’re apart, she just started acting change , i don’t know much ,but this    the landlord  brother wanted to be with  Her since he got the place for her she told him there just friends but he wants more that that , since he heard we gonna get married all of a sudden things started Changing .

then There is this  X boyfriend she’ed told me about I’M  not  sure what’s going on , but  i have  given  up where i was Living to move in with Her using all the MONEY i saved to pay the RENT / BILLS /FOOD /EVEN GETING THEM KIDS STUFF . HOW COULD SHE CHANGE SO QUICKLY  , &  putting me OUT KNOWING I  got no family here,


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One of the most important missing pieces of knowledge for me to be answering this question with accuracy is:

  1. When did your relationship breakup?
  2. When was the last time you seen her?
  3. When was the last time you had sex?

When it comes to reconciliation work, the length of time between the breakup, and the spell casting is an important factor.

For the sake of an answer here, I will assume it has been LESS than lesson a month since the break up or that you have seen her.


I personally would start working on myself if I was you. Your confidence is extremely low. You cannot let somebody treat you with such disrespect. This girl is hustling, and telling you stories to keep you in the loop as well. Can you see that? You are a part of this “cycle” that she is having with many people.

If you want to strengthen your energy, you have to be a strong person. A woman like you want, Will respect you if you set down strong boundaries, with conditions that is she disrespects you such a she has, then she’s out of your life.

Being a witch is about projecting a strong energy which commands respect. But I digress….

What we are talking about doing falls under the category of

Break-Up Spells

You have a few choices:

My favorite is with the Voodoo (Doll Babies) – as I demonstrate in this video.

Another way to work break-ups is with candle magic.

Use figurative Candles-  figurative candles because figurative candles can be treated as doll-babies, loaded from below with herbs, roots, and personal concerns; dressed with herb-based oils; and “walked” through the scenario of a break-up as they burn.

If the break-up work is to be accompanied by an attempt to bring the straying spouse home, then the love aspect may be backed up with a red vigil candle.

In this way, the two spells are performed at the same time, the first to drive the intruder away from the client’s spouse, and the second to bring the spouse home where he or she belongs.

I hope this has given you enough information to make some decisions on what to do next, or what to research.



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