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My lesson: Don’t bring negative issues into psychic connection time

My flat mate, who has been “channelling” since he was young, encouraged me to do some meditations to reach my guides. Originally, I had started to do these meditations to do just this, reach my Spirit Guides, for around a year. At least this was the plan!  About 12 months later the connection broke through, it wasn’t a connection to my guides as hoped for, but to the spirit world.

I was going through some issues at the time about something I had to live around. Within a short space of time I had woken up to a vision of a female spirit slumping herself on a chair, (the place I meet my guide and on my guides chair). The woman sat there appeared incredibly negatively and arrogant, staring back at me. Within a week, I started to  suffer psychic attacks in my home to the point of absolute vomiting, causing falls because of it, (one of which I was knocked out by). Also, being woken up several times a night for weeks on end with nasty, negative comments, including over meditations. It was endless!

I was going through some issues at the time about something I had to live around. Within a short space of time I had woken up to a vision of a female spirit slumping herself on a chair, (the place I meet my guide and on my guides chair). The woman sat there appeared incredibly negatively and arrogant, staring back at me. Within a week, I started to  suffer psychic attacks in my home to the point of absolute vomiting, causing falls because of it, (one of which I was knocked out by). Also, being woken up several times a night for weeks on end with nasty, negative comments, including over meditations. It was endless!

The anger that I had because of all this, made it worse. I asked my guide to remove them and I heard a voice tell me “that wont work. We won’t leave you alone till you are gone”, (I assumed they meant the place where I live), they continued,  “and there are hundreds of us”. Surprisingly, they were right and my guide couldn’t remove them coming through, again and again. They appeared to be very powerful for a guide not to be able to prevent them.
I decided to pray to God in the hope it could be stopped, as it was making me incredibly ill and run down from the lack of sleep., Within days of the prayer, I heard a spirit’s voice tell me “this may take some time”. It actually took about 10 days for it to stop. Even then it still happens occasionally.
I assumed it may be down to anger that brought in spirits from “Hell”, If this isn’t the case, they didn’t behave any better than what we believe and taught is in “Hell”. Whom ever they were, or a combination of both, I started asking about a little more about what is “up ” there, and “below”. Not what is written in books but their opinion due to finding the video’s of BLACK WITCH S on You Tube, and her belief system.
One night in bed I decided to ask Satan if it would be okay to ask for me to ask some questions I have about them. Within about 3 days, I had a vision of a dark looking man with a massive looking body and unusually very, very large face. Not like a vision I have had before, it was like I was looking UP at him . The vision was faded out in about 5 seconds.

For the next I continued to ask who it was in the vision. I heard nothing. Eventually,  I heard a voice say “ask me whatever you wish”. Bit by bit I have had communication back and forth with them.

A week ago, I had a vision of flashing images of them, some almost look like paintings of them. They also talked to me about an issue I have to live around. I didn’t hear parts of some sentences so they sent me visions of the spoken words when I asked for it to be repeated. It hasn’t been particularly negative at the moment, more informative.
Asking the source about Hell, I first felt guilty about, as we are taught never to do that, as they are all evil but I’m being told that isn’t the case so maybe not everything we are told is 100% accurate. All I know is that when I ask a question, they are willing to respond. Whether that is a good or bad thing, I cant say yet.

Psychic connections, on any level are about knowledge and so asking questions from either source isn’t really something for “guilt” to play a part in. More to educate so individuals doing so can aware what is out there in the universe, both “above” and below”. It slowly continues to come through to me, educating me.

They still come through from time to time so I’m being educated bit by bit. Never a bad thing, as given my experiences, I needed and need answers.

The lesson learned if any, was to try not to bring negative issues into psychic connection time. You may not like what comes through in return. Whether it was coming from heaven, hell or a combination, I may never know.

Submitted by Michael

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1 thoughts on “My lesson: Don’t bring negative issues into psychic connection time

  1. Julia says:

    Thank you for sharing this. I particularly appreciated where you said you said psychic connections on any level are about knowledge and educating — no place for guilt. This is so important to remember. And it is something I myself have been working diligently to assist others to see and accept. I always appreciate those who post their life experiences here on this blog!

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