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Question: What do I think of E.A. Koetting?

lesser key of solomon

Today I was asked a question by one of my students, “what do I think of E.A.Koetting?

“Who?” I asked.

“The guy who teaches people who to contact demons. I want to learn evocation.”

I had no clue who this person was and said to my student I would do some investigation.

So I took some time to investigate his Youtube Channel, courses, and then read some of the negative comments others had written.

So here is my opinion.

While I do not practice magic in the same manner as he practices magic, that does not mean he is unauthentic or a fake. The practice of magic varies significantly from culture to culture, and according to one’s belief system. What is most important is that you the practitioner, gets the desired result using a method in which you feel comfortable.

I believe E.A. Koetting has putting considerable time and effort into his studies of magic. What people may not appreciate is the amount of time, effort and energy it takes to review and study a methodology to determine if it’s right for you. E.A. Koetting has found his niche or method, and has taken on the arduous task of transferring his knowledge into both written and video form.

Yes, he comes across as “salesy” at times while trying to push his product sales, but is that really such a bad thing? If he has put in all this effort to create a product to help his followers, then of course they should pay him for the transferring of knowledge. While I wouldn’t buy some of his services, for example the private spells at over $2500+, I would not bitch about it. I’d find someone else who provides the same service within my price range. Then again, how many spell casters connect with demons and ask the demon to do spell work – NOT MANY.

Those who criticize his work, state he does not visibly summon a demon in his videos. They say he’s fake because the demon never appears. On these comments I will say, that in all my years of attending church or a mosque (begrudgingly), I have never seen Jesus, Mohammed, or God materialize, even after hours of praying and crying from a congregation of believers. However you will hear people say they felt the power of Jesus, or the presence of God. The same can be said with channeling spirit energy. Each person will have a different experience. Some people can hear spirit, others will see spirit, and some who will feel spirit. Some people will never have any experience yet they believe regardless.

E.A. Koetting is not teaching satanism, and says he has followed Satanism previously. His work is basically summoning spiritual energy to perform the requested work. He summons his demons or guides, as a white witch would summon spirits of the elements. Its all the same. So if E.A. Koetting’s method of magick help you focus your energy to conduct spells, and you are comfortable with his beliefs – then his programs are great for you. If not, keep searching until you find a method which suits your beliefs.

As for the comments about drug use,  his full time job as a carpet cleaner, and his “pen-name” being different from his real name, this has no bearing on the quality of his courses or spiritual beliefs. I will be the last person to dish dirt, as I have done some crazy ass things in the past. What is legal one day, is illegal the next. People need to focus on themselves more, and their own personal growth. If you have a better product, service or skill – then put in the effort to make videos and courses and share it will the world. Otherwise shut up.

If you have taken an E.A. Koetting course or read his books, let me know what you think of the content. Did it help you in your practice? What didn’t you like? I’ll then decide if I will support his courses.


(Not my real name haha)



VIDEO: “The basics of evocation” – discussion on what tools are really necessary to summon a spirit into visible materialization, how to get into the theta/gamma sync, types of incense plus problems in evocation,

Seminar presented at Dixie State College’s “Spiritual Studies Club”

Video Length: 1:28

Complete Works of E.A. Koetting
All 7 of my “cult classic” grimoires

Mastering Divination: Omniscience
Rituals to awaken clairvoyance

Mastering Evocation: Omnipotence
Learn to evoke spirits to physical appearance

Read more on EA KoettingClick here

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