REAL PROOF of psychic energy or “The Force” (Amazing footage)

Pranic energy,

The movie “Star Wars” is famous for its idea of “the Force” which is described as “an energy field created by all living things that surrounds us, penetrates us, and binds the galaxy together.” Though the Force is treated as fiction by Hollywood and most Westerners, in fact the concept has a rich history around the world.

  • In traditional Chinese philosophy and medicine it is called “Chi.”
  • Japanese mystics and martial artists call it “Ki.”
  • Indian yogis and sadhus call it “Prana.”
  • The Ancient Greeks called it “Pneuma.”
  • Jewish Kabbalists call it “Nefish.”
  • Christians call it the “Holy Ghost.”
  • Muslims call it “Baraka.”
  • And the Polynesians call it “Mana.”


“Qi or chi is the source of everything, the building block of all things. Human beings are made of living cells, and when we look into each cell we see a membrane, the nucleus and so on. Then if you look further into that structure you’ll see atoms – electrons, protons, and neutrons. And if you look even further, scientists now tell us that they can see energy there. However, according to the 5,000-year-old Chinese Qigong theory, if you go beyond scientific measurement – this is called the chi level. We can communicate with the chi level using our minds to do different things, such as healing.”


Pranic energy, also known as life energy or “chi”.

This is an un-staged program aired on BBC several years ago, with legitimate researchers and journalists capturing actual footage and experiencing first hand the reality of a healer’s powerful abilities to do many amazing things (including BURNING THINGS) with pranic energy, also known as life energy or “chi”.

 All you have to do is awaken your pineal gland or “third eye”. Like an atrophied muscle, this unused part of your brain can be strengthened through exercise and by eliminating fluoride from your toothpaste and water supply.

Telekinesis is the same mind-over-matter power that the ruling Elite have been using since ancient times to manifest their power over you and over the physical world. How do you think the stone tonnage of Egypt’s Great Pyramids was cut, carved, moved long distances, erected and positioned within fractions of an inch? Some of the stones weighed as much as 50 tons!

Do you believe the media tales about how these Herculean stones were moved without drills, explosives, lasers, forklifts, cranes or steel cables? Like any skill, your psychic powers develop with regular use and they atrophy from lack of use.

In their book, China’s Super Psychics, Paul Dong and Thomas Raffill describe the amazing psychic abilities of gifted children. The American magazine Omni got involved when the children were being tested to make sure there was no cheating. They quickly became convinced that the children’s abilities were entirely real. In one case, a child took a sealed pill bottle off a shelf at random and placed it on a table. After a few moments the pills passed through the glass bottle and settled on the table. The child then placed a coin on the table and it passed back through the glass into the sealed bottle.
In another case, a thousand people sitting in an auditorium were each given a rose bud to hold. A six year old girl came on stage and with a silent wave of her hand, the thousand rosebuds slowly opened into full bloom before the eyes of the astonished audience.
By practicing concentration exercises and telekinesis, you can learn the mechanics of manifestation.
Once you discover that you can move an object with the power of your thoughts, you realize that you can influence matter at a molecular level.

[box type=”info”] You have the power to influence everything in the physical world from a molecule to the entire globe with just the power of your thoughts.[/box]

 Third- Eye Online Course

You have the power to influence matter and the physical world with just the power of your thoughts. It’s called ‘telekinesis’. YOU WERE BORN WITH THAT POWER. All you have to do is awaken your pineal gland or “third eye”. Like an atrophied muscle, this unused part of your brain can be strengthened through exercise and by eliminating fluoride from your toothpaste and water supply.
Telekinesis is the same mind-over-matter power that the ruling Elite have been using since ancient times to manifest their power over you and over the physical world. How do you think the stone tonnage of Egypt’s Great Pyramids was cut, carved, moved long distances, erected and positioned within fractions of an inch? Some of the stones weighed as much as 50 tons! Do you believe the media tales about how these Herculean stones were moved without drills, explosives, lasers, forklifts, cranes or steel cables?


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