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Recommended Black Magick Grimoires and Books of Black Magick

Two common questions I am often asked by students and followers on social media are:

What is the best path to study black magick?

What books should I read to study black magick?

The answers to these questions lie within your own goals. What are YOU trying to achieve by studying magick? If you are completely new to the idea of practicing magick, you may believe that all magick is one and the same. This is not true. For example, the following list of practices are completely different to each other, in both principle and practice. Some of these can overlap, for example you could be a Witch that also is a Pagan or Wiccan, or that practices Chaos Magick. Or you could just practice Chaos Magick and NOT be a witch. If you’re practicing Ceremonial Magick, you may or may not desire to practice any form of witchcraft, spells, or Satanism. Therefore you need to spend alot of time deciding on what you want to PRACTICE and BELIEVE IN.

How do I summon a demon?the book of law

If you want to find out “how do I summon a demon,” your best bet is probably with Thelema or a similar ceremonial magickal practice. Though I can assure you that your studies will not be easy – those well versed in occult lore have at least dabbled in a number of esoteric traditions including Hermeticism, Gnosticism, Kabbalah, Yoga, Zen Buddhism, and the like. There’s no incantation spell you can recite while lighting a few candles and some incense and expect to get real results.

The tradition of commanding demons goes back to legends about King Solomon, which is why many of the modern texts claim to be Solomon’s magick. According to the 2nd C. Testament of Solomon, Solomon used a magickal ring to command demons to build the Jewish Temple.

Magickal practice involves purging yourself of your own personal “demons” – all those underlying issues and misconceptions that have been holding you back from knowing and achieving your Will. You probably don’t even know what they are right now, but they’re there. Pick up some books by Aleister Crowley (like his classic Liber Aba) or The Goetia or a number of other texts in a similar vein for more info.The book of black magic

Recommended black magic books that I used and still use to study Black Magick are Arthur Edward Waite’s books like The Book of Black Magic or The Book of Ceremonial Magic or Richard Cavendish’s The Black Arts.

A good place to start looking is Twilit Grotto — Esoteric Archives for free books on ceremonial magic:

magick ritual methods

How do I learn Ceremonial Magic?

William Gray pulls all the “hows'” and “whys” of ceremonial magic together in one volume called “Magical Ritual Methods” and provides the student with practical means for its proper operation and study. People are drawn toward ritual practice because it fulfills a need on a deep spiritual level that nothing else will fill. Gray shows us how to arrange and direct our own studies, and gives us the basics to make magical ritual work for us. The reader learns about proper grounding and centering, constructing workable psychic shielding, the use of sound in chants and rites, and the proper construction and use of ritual tools. The various parts of a working rite of Magick are explained- even down to the postures of the celebrants. The book is oriented more towards the temple-style of practice, but its methods can be employed in Witchcraft, Paganism, Wicca and other paths, too. This book is not really for beginners, but it needs to be on the shelf of every serious practitioner and magickal teacher.

How do I learn old black magick?

The website lists many links to free black magick books. In the section for black magick books, they have many free links and suggestions – see list below:

Black Magic


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