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Seeing the results of your Demonic Pact


Ask BWC:

A question to Lily the Psychic Medium about the potential results of a demonic pact created the year prior

Authors: Lily & Savannah

Question: I made a demonic pact to better my financial position. So far I cannot see huge improvements. Why do you think this is, and what can you see?

Discussing the potential results of daemonic pacts is fascinating. We were inspired to write this post after one of our clients asked Lily (our psychic medium) about his own demonic pact created exactly a year ago this month, “What do you see as the result of this pact, as I have not seen huge results so far.”

We will hide the client’s personal information and change the exact details to respect his privacy. We will call the client “Ted”. We hope this information helps other clients and the readers of this post to have more successful results from demonic services.


Ted’s goal was to win the lotto and become very rich. Sounds easy? Ted had not worked with demons prior to the creation of the pact. This was his first entry into the supernatural world.

At BWC we tell people demons do not want your soul as the offering. Still, I believe that because Hollywood tells people this is what demons need from humans before giving results, people still offer their souls to the demons. Ted offered his soul.

Ted wanted to make this daemonic agreement with Lucifer himself. Many people desire to work directly with Lucifer under the assumption Lucifer is the strongest in the daemonic kingdom. I would argue (and share this information freely in all the materials we share about the creation of daemonic pacts), that while Lucifer may be the “chief”, the chief may not be the best person for you to work with at this time.

Working with the chief means you need to work at a superior level, as a chief expects your personal best, and will not pay you attention should you become lazy. Demons, like any supernatural beings, are not social workers and will not listen to your excuses as to why you haven’t been able to xyz. If you don’t do your “homework” you fail.

Personally, I recommend people find the appropriate Demon for their specific goal, rather than a pact with Lucifer. For money goals, one should make a pact with a demon known to assist with money matters. At BWC, either Lucifer or Satan is the first Gateway spirit that is summoned before any other demon, so any pact will be “touched” by the chief anyway.

Feedback from BWC Post Pact Creation:

The exact feedback will not be shared. But we will share some important tips to help you understand some of the nuances of the daemonic spiritual relationship.

When Vald or I perform the demonic pact ritual, we receive feedback from the demon. In most cases, this feedback is limited to a sentence, and at most a few sentences. Demons are not conversational in most circumstances. And when we receive a lot of the demonic feedback, it is meaningless to us personally. But we will share it directly with the client as it is, as the Demon sees directly inside our conscious and unconscious minds and knows our weaknesses. The client will understand what the Demon means.

In Ted’s case, Lucifer said, “………. I agreed to send you power to overcome your ailments…..”

We could write a whole essay on analysing this sentence. Quite simply the daemonic request was to win the lottery and be rich. In order to become rich Ted needs to overcome his personal challenges, challenges from his subconscious mind which are preventing him from success in life. Lucifer is agreeing to work alongside Ted and provide him with the strength to work through these challenges so Ted can build the life of his dreams.

Lucifer indicated to us the reason Ted needs to be conversational is that so Lucifer can guide him through his problems and his achievements. Lucifer does not talk about Ted’s problems to us or why Ted could be having challenges at this time. Vald & I suggested to Ted that he needs to begin a weekly devotion and praise ritual and to bring Lucifer into his life conversationally so Lucifer can guide him. We suggested ways he could build up his skills so to increase his ability to communicate with the spiritual world.

Many people believe that communication with the spiritual world will be like hearing a voice from the sky or seeing the spirit in full manifestation. Both of these skills required development and it will be very difficult for somebody completely new to be able to see, hear, smell, or connect with the other side.

Remember that Teds’ daemonic offering for this Pact was his soul. This Hollywood style offering is meaningless because the collection of a soul requires your death. Demons have no purpose for you when you’re dead. We are more fun when we are alive with blood pulsing through our veins! It’s very rare that a Demon will agree to the offering of a soul and I have personally found that if a Demon does say “…yes I will take the soul…”, it is more of a humorous style dismissing the request.

In my interpretation after working with Lucifer for a long time, Lucifer was having some fun with me by saying “…yes I will take Teds’ soul…” but then shared what Ted will need to do to begin on the daemonic journey. Lucifer isn’t going to give instant wealth in the here and now, and come back in 50 to 80 years’ time to collect your soul. Lucifer requires your dedication and personal commitment to change. And if you do not take this advice then you risk becoming ignored.

Finally, I will share with you that the daemonic journey is exactly that…… It is a journey.

My own experiences have been extremely dramatic, and I should create another video talking about my personal ups and downs after creating my daemonic pact. (The last video I created was perhaps 10 or more years ago and sometimes we have a new generation of people watching my content and they have missed out on these videos where I’m talking about my spiritual story.) When I required massive change in my life, and requested Lucifer help me make that change, he basically said “…..buckle up!”

From that point I was stripped of the person I was at the time, lost millions of dollars by unwinding the business dealings I had going on at that time, I was dragged through many spiritual processes where I felt completely vulnerable and uncomfortable, only to be rebuilt from the ground up to where I stand today. During all those years not once did I falter in my belief and trust in Lucifer.

Psychic Medium Review: Answer From Lily

NOTE: Lily does not know the pact service was created in-house. Lily has not read Ted’s Pact Report and has no knowledge of what Ted has asked for from Lucifer. Lily does the reading with Teds’ question, name, DOB, & Photo.

I am seeing that the Pact will work but it will be short-lived. You will have some great financial success, but I am seeing that something keeps happening to take it a way in a sense. It is as if every time you get money, then it is short lived and you are right back where you started and sometimes even worse.

The issue isn’t that the Pact, etc. is not working. It is that the intentions behind it wane and the belief that it will work stops.

Whether this pact is done by you or someone else, holding on to the thoughts and beliefs that it is going to work is the biggest catapult into it working. Along with doing the Pact you must carry with you that emotion of it working. It is a little-known secret in manifestations that it is the emotions behind those desires for the things we want. It takes more than lighting a few candles or reciting a few lines to help push the Pact into working.

Get your thoughts and mind out of living in scarcity and living without and begin to see yourself with the abundance of money. Put positive thoughts and feelings toward money into the air instead of the negative thoughts and feelings about needing the money and living without. It is part of bringing success and abundance.

Without changing your mindset, then you will continually be doing spellwork with small gains and never quite able to get over that hill so that you have financial success always. Unless you are happy with the small successes then by all means continue. You will have small successes as I said, and that may be all you need or want. Just remember you can get more by manifesting your abundances and successes because they will last longer.

I can see that you are very capable of manifesting a lot within your life. You have that ability to think of something you really want and make it come to you. But somewhere you have lost the belief that you can. You only need to get that back and you will see your greatest desires happening. Think back on when you would get the things you wanted, and how you would see yourself with it and you would get it. You can recapture that!


2 thoughts on “Seeing the results of your Demonic Pact

  1. Leonardo Angelastri says:

    Great article.
    Only from bwc is it possible to converge the demonic pact with Lily’s services.
    Ted perhaps thinks it’s a good sign that his blog request has been chosen.

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