Are You Under Spiritual Attack? Use the SEARCH bar for solutions Dismiss



Seere is the Seventieth Spirit of the Lesser Key of Solomon. He is a Powerful and Mighty Prince who works under King Amaymon. This demon is in charge of 26 legions of demons.


Names: Seere, Sear, or Seir.

Rank: Prince

Zodiac Position: 15-19 degrees into Pisces

Dates: March 6th-10th

Other Dates: Dec 17-21; Feb 19-28;

Direction: East

Tarot Card: 9 of Cups

Element: Water

Planet: Moon

Gematria: 501

Candle Color: Green, Blue

Metal: Silver, Tin

Plant: Willow, Rosemary, Cedar, Elder Flower

Incense: Cedar

Summoning time: Night demon


Demonic Enn: Jeden et Renich Seere tu tasa



Seere appears as a beautiful man riding on a winged horse. He has a strongly built body, a strong face and is of medium height. The wings of the horse are white with tan markings. Seere is also very soft spoken and agile in flight.



  • This demon has the ability to discover and restore stolen goods.
  • He also discovers and reveals hidden treasures to the summoner.
  • He is very fast and can make many things to occur all at once.
  • Seere can travel around the whole earth just within a twinkling of an eye.
  • Due to his speed in movement, he acts as a carrier of artifacts and delivers messages to any part of the earth.
  • He helps the summoner to get quick results to their spells and other magical acts.
  • Seere has the ability to control time when requested by the summoner.
  • This demon can work on the second heart chakra, earth star chakra, and soul star chakra.
  • Seere is a good-natured demon who is very helpful to the summoner. He is always willing to do everything that the summoner desireth.
  • This demon has the ability to bless the witch with a longevity of life.
  • He empowers the witch and initiates her towards the higher spheres of Light and Sun.
  • He assists the sorcerer in necromancy and death magic.
  • This demon strengthens the psyche and concentration of the witch and also fortifies the weak points of her personality.


Other demons with the ability to discover hidden and lost items:


Summoning of Seere

Seere is a demon that is very easy to work with. You don’t really need to have much experience before summoning him. To carry out this ritual, you can prepare your altar at a safe and undisturbed location then focus your mind and emotions on the ritual. You can use this meditation method to connect yourself with this Higher Power.

Seere is a demon of the night so you should carry out this ritual at the appropriate time, season and using his favorite items as mentioned above.

You should call upon him using his demonic enn: “Jeden et Renich Seere tu tasa “.

Another chant that works in this ritual is: “Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Seere”.

You can burn a cedar incense and with a scrying mirror, you would be able to perceive the demon’s energy.

Praise To Seere

Additional to the praise candle, some clients offer public praise, and we will start sharing these notes when and if appropriate.

Date: July 19, 2019
From: R….. R…
Location: Gold Coast Australia
Note of demon praise : “Seere thank you for coming into my life And changing my past”





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