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Setting Your Goals With Magic Works


Ella from Israel

[box] I am so grateful to help anyone I can with the knowledge I have learned on this path to date. I am sharing Ella’s story to inspire others to TRY magic for themselves. Begin small and be AMAZED at your results – Savannah #BWS[/box]

Good evening dear Savannah,

I had to share with you what happened to me during the last days…..

So – after watching all your absolutely amazing videos, that are so filled with knowledge and wisdom, I have decided to follow the spiritual advice of writing down what I am thankful for, and what I wish for myself.

I can honestly say that I am more than grateful for what I have in my life, but I am building my professional path and there was a very interesting suggestion coming from my bos who wanted to promote me in my field.

I work at a hospital as a manager of 200 workers and supervisors.

Any way – I wrote it down, I lighted candles and meditated for 2 hours, did exactly as you teach on your videos.

2 days later I got a phone call from the management of the other hospital that excepted me for a bigger job with bigger responsibilities and status.

I was shocked! Because it was only a suggestion.

I did really well during the interview.

Of course that I believe in my self and know that it has a lot to do with my skills, but then again – I am sure in my heart that there was a bigger power that made things happen quicker.

Thank you for reading when ever you can.

And thank you for existing – you are so so special !

Yours sincerely

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