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sex magick tips and facts

We all know that sex is the most primal drive for all animals including humans. As a gateway to life’s greatest ecstasies, it can be used as a medium of communication between two people or with your inner self. The role of sex in spirituality is one of the most debatable topics. Those who have had positive sexual experiences testify about its healing effects on the spiritual, psychological, and physical levels.

What is sex magick? It is the practice of using sexual energies to raise the potency of a spell. It is based on the unification of masculine and feminine energies. This practice could involve the actual body to body contact or done symbolically. It doesn’t just entail the opening of one’s legs but the opening of spiritual portals. It allows your soul to explode with bliss. It helps you to discover your true self thereby setting you free from fear, pain and limitations. It is one of the most powerful forms of magick.

Sex magic through tantra can be dated back to middle of the first millennium. Aleister Crowley is considered the most notorious sex magick practitioner in recent history. As a member of Ordo Templi Orientis Secret Society, he wrote several books on erotic magic.

Choosing a Partner for Sex Magick:

Sexual magick can be performed by one, two, or more individuals (irrespective of gender). If you have a partner, that’s fine but if you don’t it is still not a problem. It is possible to harness the power of your sexuality while masturbating alone. If you are doing it with someone else, ensure that the person is trustworthy. Discuss your goals together, so you can operate on the same frequency.

Group Sex Magick

This is mostly practiced by advanced sex magicians who know how to raise and control their energies. The rules binding this kind of ritual are set by the members before commencing. Note that the aim is not to sexually freak out with as many partners as possible but to combine their energies towards achieving a specific goal.


Set a goal:

It all starts with an intention. Your desires fuel the whole process. What do you wish to achieve? Write them down in simple affirmative words. During the ritual, repeat the affirmation over and over again.

Prepare your working space:

Clean the space where you will be performing the ritual. Then decorate it with candles, flowers, incense, crystals, or anything that matches your intention. You can also use symbols and pictures but ensure to place them where you would see them during the ritual.

Banish and protect:

You must banish every unwanted spirit from your ritual space. Burn incense and visualize a strong circle of protection.

Choose your colors:

Decorate the room where you will be performing this ritual with colors that symbolize your intention. This would help to elevate the manifestation of your desires. For example, use green for money intention, white for healing, pink/red for love and passion, etc.

Take a bath:

You need to perform a spiritual bath before performing this ritual. While bathing, as the water pours down from your head, visualize as it washes away all your mental, physical, and emotional dirt.

Charge your sex toys:

You can incorporate lunar vibrations into your sex magic when you charge your sex toys under the moon. If you are using crystals, charge them too.

Visualize your intentions:

In simple terms, visualization is the act of using your imagination to bring into your life that which you seek. Create a picture of your intention. For example, if your goal is to get a visa, visualize yourself holding your visa. When you start masturbating, visualize yourself taking that flight to your desired destination.

Perform the ritual:

If you are performing solo sex, while masturbating focus on your breath and connect it to your intention. When you experience orgasm, visualize your intention as a beam of light shooting into the Universe. Enjoy the ecstatic feeling for a while.

During sex, your chakras open up and after orgasm, they are completely open with energy swirling around you. You need some time to get energized again. After sex, the sexual fluids are often charged with the magical intent of the individual. This charged fluid can be used to charge an amulet or talisman. Just smear some of it on them. You can also mix the sexual fluid with wine and drink it. It becomes the sacred elixir of life. If your intention was to attract money, smear the fluid on the money notes and coins used during the ritual.

End the ritual with banishment. 

When you are done, say thank you to the spirits you worked with (if any). Due to the energy released during this ritual, you might have attracted astral beings to that space. End the ritual by banishing any spirit including those you worked with.


If you are performing duo sex magick then there are different positions that you can try out depending on your intention.

Missionary position:

The famous missionary position enhances contact, intimacy, healing, and a free flow of energy. It is a very good position for the man to reach orgasm on time. In this position, the partners’ chakras are placed opposite to each other. In sex magick, this position should be used if the goal is to create a positive change in the life of the man.

Man on top and woman below:

In this position, she does not move and after penetration, she holds her legs together. The woman receives all the sexual energy of the man and channels them to the Universe. This position should be used to fulfill the woman’s intention.

Woman-on-top (cowgirl or camel-position): 

This position should be used for something the woman wishes to realize.


In this position, her face is looking at her partner’s feet. This position should be used when performing magick for a friend of the woman.


If the man intends to send energy to someone, this position is good for that.


This position is recommended if the couple have a mutual goal.

Lotus sex position:

This is perfect for promoting intimacy, connection, warmth, and of course, orgasm. In a heterosexual partnership, this position is when the man sits down with his legs crossed and the woman straddles him, wrapping her legs around his waist. It is a highly meditational position and should be used for spiritual development goals.

Anal sex:

Good for highly energized sex magick but precautions must be taken to prevent the spread of bacteria from the anus.


This is a practice that involves either summoning a spirit for sexual purpose or the creation of a servitor for the same goal. Erotic evocation should only be attempted by someone who is already familiar with the basic feelings and direction of magickally oriented sexual energy.

How is it done? According to a source, for three days, the individual is expected to increase his/her sexual desire to high intensity but orgasm must be delayed. On the day of the evocation, with heightened sexual tension, the individual can evoke the spirit and on manifestation, he shall inhabit and fill the summoner with sexual ecstasy.

If done properly, the results of sex magick can be seen immediately. The energy unleashed is quite powerful and shouldn’t be underestimated. The more focused you are during the process, the higher your chances of success.


  • Introduction to Sex Magic by Unknown
  • https: // www.
  • https:  //en.
  • https:  // w ww.
  • https:// pixabay. com/photos /girls-lesbian-gay-sex-sensual-3053051/



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