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Sexual Amulet to Attract Women

It might be very easy to make friends with ladies but getting them to have sex with you might not be that easy. Sometimes, you might find a beautiful lady who likes you as much as you like her. She might accept all the caressing but when you feel like getting down to the main act, she might just disappoint you by saying: “Sorry, I don’t want to have sex with you because I feel it’s too soon.”

Such response can leave you frustrated especially when you are already prepared for the act. The ancient African sorcerers discovered sexual magic. These men could have almost any woman they wanted, and today there are still some sorcerers who have consecrated their cauldrons or garments exclusively for the purpose of seducing women. Let us read the experience of one of our followers, Mex.

“I met a Cuban sorcerer and Haitian voodoo practitioner. He was about 70 years old and was poor and ugly. This man always walked with beautiful young girls. Some were in their teens and others in their early twenties. As a young and handsome man, I knew I couldn’t get many girls around me but I was amazed that it was very easy for this man to have them. Then, I started wondering how he could get these girls so easily.  Obviously, I had to meet this gentleman, and the beautiful thing is that we became very close friends and he told me his secret.

There is an old amulet very known among the Paleros for its virility and sexual magnetism. Most Paleros know the standard procedure to assemble this amulet but only a few know the correct way to enhance it. This amulet enhances the sexual vigor of its owner. In fact, it can give an impotent old man, the erections of a 13-year-old teenager.

This friend of mine narrated that he used these amulets to attract different women to himself and despite being old and weak, he was still able to give these women the sexual satisfaction that some younger men couldn’t give.

Based on the teachings I received, I decided to make one for myself and the first day I used it on a girl, I had an erection for hours. I was a little scared because it was as if I had taken an excessive dose of Viagra and I spent several hours with the flag raised (very patriotic) but luckily the effect passed. The most important power of the amulet is not the powerful erections (perhaps for some they are) but for the effects, it causes on women.”

How does it work?

If a woman touches or plays with the wearer of this amulet for a few seconds, a sexual desire is immediately created in her and if not controlled she can easily give into having sex.

The love sessions or intercourse propitiated by this amulet, are extremely intense for both men and women, orgasms are few but the pleasure felt is refreshing. The sensation that this amulet provokes is very strong.

This amulet is not very large in size so it can be used as a necklace, keychain, etc. Any lady who gets attracted to the neck piece amulet and touches it tends to fall for its seductions. Sometimes, after having sex with the help of this amulet, the woman’s genuine desire is awakened so you might not need the amulet for subsequent sexual encounters.

This amulet can be prepared by experienced sorcerers. It usually takes at least one month to prepare and it is also being consecrated to an entity of the mount forest called Nsasi 7 rays; a powerful demon whom the Santeros and Paleros consider a deity. At the end of its preparation, it must go through some ceremonies and be fed with animal blood before being delivered to the owner.

BWC has other amulets that can be used to attract a sex or love mate. Below are suggestions for you.

Tame Your Lover amulet


Tame Your Lover amulet


Love amulet



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